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  1. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    I doubt they will change design. I bet on Bluetooth connectivity for both crafty and mighty, and very few change overall. i hope im wrong and something more exciting is on his way !
  2. Fogoff

    What’s your favorite poker/stirrer/scoop, etc.?

    Wow impressive organisation man !
  3. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    I received my first IH today. Wow this is a game changer for sure !
  4. Fogoff

    Volcano Hybrid

    Well if you own a digital, I think the hybrid is a not a significant upgrade to me. vice versa if you don't have any volcano the digital is still good and better deal to me s&b has beeen super lazy with this release. I don't expect much from them after this move. I've got a volcano digit...
  5. Fogoff

    Volcano Hybrid

    I watched 420 vapezone new review. So this thing is leaking vapor from the bottom ? Wow thats so disappointing from s&b, they are not the same as before, that’s unacceptable for the price they’re asking. I strongly believe s&b golden era is done... im just waiting for outsiders now.
  6. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    Yeah i agree with you, but less a joke than last week flashlights ! Their latest release are so gimmicky ... we just need an IH from them. The rest are superficial add-ons They should focus seriously regarding r&d new “interesting” products & accessories ...
  7. Fogoff

    Brilliant Cut Grinder

    this doesn't look normal to me as well, I had that problem with a cheap grinder, ending up vaping aluminium bits ...
  8. Fogoff

    Dynavap VapCap

    Do you guys noticed any different between ti & ss screen ? Just wondering what's the feedback about theses parts
  9. Fogoff

    What is your longest serving vaporizer?

    Minivap since 2013 then it'd be the Mighty ;)
  10. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hi @PPN Interesting, what kind of stem you're using ? Did try my solo stem from planetvape but there are a bit wide for the glass core
  11. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    With Water and glass core unit I got better results loading the chamber directly rather than using OG Roger D upside down technics & flexicon. overall this device is Versatility at his best
  12. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Latest techniques im using I fill straight in chamber then use the mini basket to reduce the chamber with the flexicone This one is glass
  13. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I received my glass qc update unit a month ago, it’s perfect. Using it every day. The MV is the best convection vape. Simply the best :)
  14. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Well, I did update my old teflon 2013 MV with a glass QC, it's now on his way back home, Pretty excited about it, I can't believe I'm using this vape for so many years now !
  15. Fogoff

    Any good Netflixxing going on?

    murder mountain is pretty good ;)
  16. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    It will be at some point ;)
  17. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    bonjour madame :)
  18. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    Is there any solid feedback about an eventual new s&b vape ?
  19. Fogoff

    PAX 3 by PAX Labs

    I own a lot of convection and hybrid vape- minivap - volcano - mighty - fury 2 The only true conduction vape I had was a Dynavap. I've been gifted with a pax3 last xmas, I really like it! I've read a ton of negative about this vape being overpriced and stuff. IMHO it's a very good conduction...
  20. Fogoff

    The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel

    s&b has always fixed my devices no matter what. worst case scenario I was out of warranty and had to pay 69€ to gt my device repaired
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