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  1. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Just read on their facebook that hermes medical are shut down by authorities.... Sad days if it's coming to be true...
  2. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hello everyone, I'm very happy to come back and see the thread full with A new mv Plenty of new users 2 years and I'm still using my teflon units everyday, got an update last year but i have to try the new basket, glass adapter as well Minivap rules !
  3. Fogoff

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Guys! Interesting stuff and reads , i've saw theses kind of coils used by ecig sub ohmers users, but never thought about being useful for dab. How much amount of dab do you drop on the coil? Is there a sweet spot about how much the resistance have to be ? is everyone agree on this or...
  4. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Iam travelling a lot. That's the reason why I wanted a portable devices. Be able to move quicker with it, on me , passing through the security check of an airport for example. In this term the mv full filled all this. It's portable and yet powerful. According to you its not as stealth as a...
  5. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Got my mv back today. They sent me a decarboxilation chamber. Does someone know how to use it ? Edit: I found out myself for the decarb rings.
  6. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    What's up roger? Could you give me the email from delicatessen via pm ? I broke a bubbler and need to see if he can repair it.
  7. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I hope for you roger ;) I give you details of the price of spares accessories I ordered because I lost them. Button is 2 euros. Top cap is 22 euros.
  8. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Hi everyone ! Been away for a while, busy with work and life ... I want to share with you my story. Last week I came back home, and my mv was unable to boot. I dismounted it but I couldn't find something. I contacted mv in Espagne and return the unit ASAP. They received it contact me to...
  9. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    That's vey nice tepictoton!! Bravo Video video video !!
  10. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Ed's TNT stem for the mv?
  11. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    It's 4 month I'm using the MV. I'am still very happy with it. Learning everyday a new trick. With time I discovered I like it in dry mode with pink temp. It's the best vape I ever own. Now I want more with the update and new thing coming.
  12. Fogoff

    The Cloud EVO Anticipation Thread

    I did not pre order one Evo. But i'am looking forward to hear what you think about the so long awaited evo. Peace !
  13. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    You can use the hose from the ssv. It's working for me. They are 18mm if I remember well...
  14. Fogoff

    Suggestions on website to order e-liquid?

    I recommend copper creek too. Their house blend is awesome
  15. Fogoff

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    Photo rider, i'm dreaming about your medication room :mmmm:
  16. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    I have read on spanish forum They are working currently with Delicatessen to make an all glass mouthpiece Besides i want to tanks tectopicton, cutting a part of the flexicone increase airflow Good method ;)
  17. Fogoff

    MiniVAP Vaporizer

    Nice experience tepictoton! I'll give it a try
  18. Fogoff

    Recent Acquisitions - Post Your New Pieces Here

    I agree tepictoton we want a video!!
  19. Fogoff

    What Are YOUR Best/Worst Vape Purchases?

    Best: minivap Worst: plenty
  20. Fogoff

    Advanced E-cig users and oil/wax, how-to "one-hitter-quitter"

    Yes I load small dabs just to cover the mesh/ cable surface But i'am sure I can improve the process thanks to your research What's the ideal resistance for you to dab?
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