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  1. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    It's not just screwdrivers but car keys,reading glasses and cell phones hide from me all the time and reappear in strange places. I think I smell a conspiracy . mod note: Please be careful to place content outside of quote tags. Fixed.
  2. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Ya I'm still trying to figure out that slot. Wait!!! Don't tell me I think I got it now.
  3. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    There is no schedule for a session or " sesh " . It's as long as it takes to sit down,get out my toking gear,pack a bowl in my vape,heat it up and pass it back and forth to my wife..three hits for her and about eight for me.Cool the vape and put it away. Then I wander around scratching my head...
  4. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks DaVinci That link works. I'm sure the CF Ascent is mine.
  5. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I get this when I click on the DaVinci website contest link. " The page you were looking for appears to have been moved, deleted or does not exist."
  6. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    This was discussed back in about July, as one of the non-critical but "design important" revisions that was made. They were playing with the height of the buttons to offset them, but so as to not stick. (Old ones, you could get the rubber to jam the switch in to a contact state.) This shouldn't...
  7. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Ya kind of disconcerting but glad I noticed it before returning for warranty. I wonder if DaVinci has gotten any returns for this reason.
  8. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Not in a position to post a pic but it was pretty obvious if you looked carefully. I don't really want to abuse the button a second time might screw something up for good.
  9. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Had a problem with my Ascent this afternoon. I fired it up on the road and turned on the personal vape cycle . It froze with that screen displayed...the one with the three temps and times. I could not change the screen or shut it off to reboot. The bowl quit heating and slowly cooled off so...
  10. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Interesting...mine is silent. After the four 12 minute sessions what does your battery meter show? Empty or half full ? Mine would show 20 or 25 % of discharge to top up.
  11. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    You might try a lubricant on the silicone sleeve till it wears in...maybe vegetable oil. Same with the pick. Mine is tight but not unacceptable.
  12. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    Mine took less than a week to arrive in Ontario Canada.
  13. Nunavut Tripper

    The aesthetics of lighting up...

    I started vaping years ago with a Vapor Genie which is a well built entry level unit but I was concerned about inhaling fumes from the lighter butane plus it was almost impossible to use outdoors as the breeze would flicker the flame all over the place. So the VG is long gone and much better...
  14. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I'm using one glass flower and two round glass screens on top of the load to hold it down. This system works well but kinda mickey mouse with the screens that don't fit the opening. I too am waiting for DaVinci or someone else to produce an oval glass spacer/screen that fits. I don't hear too...
  15. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks for the info Belgian Vapor . I like to keep all my gear clean and well maintained with ISO so we're all forewarned to be careful. I wouldn't consider this to be a warranty issue as ISO probably will react to a lot of different substances, I wonder if Davinci is able to do minor repairs or...
  16. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    On page 11 of the Ascent user manual it's referred to as "black medical grade silicone ". Somewhat reassuring but it might be nice if Davinci could chime in a give us some more info. I'm not an expert in this area but when mine was producing this smell it was instinctively not something I...
  17. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Mine did create quite a smell and taste that dominated the herb for a couple days but after some use that has dissipated to the point that my herb tastes fine now. There was never any visible offgassing even when I held it up to a dark background. I'm wondering if people with this issue (...
  18. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I got mine last Tuesday and the smell was disturbing the first couple of days but it's pretty much gone now. It's just uncured silicone seals which will quit off gassing with some use. Just be patient.
  19. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Wishing you luck Razor....good luck hopefully. I just got mine last Tuesday and it works well except I got one with uncured silicone so the smell and taste was really off. However after some use and 6 or 8 "burnoffs" with an empty bowl it has mostly gone away. I'm sniffing it now . It's hot and...
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