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  1. Nunavut Tripper


    I just got a message from S & B in Cali. The pump is no longer available but if I send my old unit in they will replace it with a new one for $249.00. I think this is a good deal as I'm 7 years post warranty and I will probably go for it but seems a shame as these pumps are available from big...
  2. Nunavut Tripper


    Actually I'm impressed with performance and reliability of this vape also. It has seen a lot of use and I'd be happy to pay $100 for a repair but the shipping from Canada to Cali and back will be a killer. I've taken it completely apart and it's clean and pristine in there...even the pump looks...
  3. Nunavut Tripper


    Thanks Hoptimum. I'll wait for his reply. Sure hope I don't have to scrap it over a pump. I removed the pump and took off three inspection covers . Everything is clean and pristine inside but some part must be worn however I wouldn't be surprised as it has seen ten years of daily usage.
  4. Nunavut Tripper


    That was Storz and Bickle service centre in California ?
  5. Nunavut Tripper


    Does anybody have experience with Volcano repairs ? I have a Volcano Classic built in 2005 and my air pump is worn out ,it barely moves air anymore and it takes forever to fill a bag. I E-mailed Storz and Bickle about price and availability haven't heard back yet. Looks like a pretty...
  6. Nunavut Tripper

    How did you first learn FC existed? What brought you here?

    I stumbled on FC about 6 or 7 years ago while researching vaporization. I haven't smoked for almost ten years , exclusively vaping or edibles. I have learned a lot from this site. There are quite a few sharp people contributing their time and knowledge. Thanks to them.
  7. Nunavut Tripper


    I used to get a strong munchie effect in the days when I smoked but I now that I vape it acts as an appetite suppressant at least for an hour or two then the cannabinoid hunger may occur but not as strong as the old days of smoking. My wife however gets strong munchie effects almost immediately...
  8. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    My burl Ascent has just passed one year of service. It's not my daily driver but has been used a fair bit with no malfunctions to date. Other than it's a little finicky to load with the glass flowers etc I'm really enjoying my unit.
  9. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I've had mine since September and no problems to date . It's not my daily driver and is used mostly for hiking ,camping or when I'm off the grid. I rather like the little thing. It does the job quite well,attractive,comfortable in my hand and heats up fast.
  10. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    I did get a reply from the CEO of Openvape in response to my complaint and we did have some polite correspondence and I explained my views to him. He doesn't seem like a bad guy,he thought he was doing the right thing at the time but possible didn't understand drug war politics clearly. Anyway I...
  11. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    Aside from the human rights issues and general lack of accuracy in drug tests you are risking your career and reputation on (in the case of urine tests) a testing card made in China that costs less than a dollar. In the case of Annie Doukhan she fudged and helped convict hundreds on drug...
  12. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    The problem is the drug testing companies need marijuana testing – whether it’s for marijuana or so-called ‘dangerous drugs.’ ‘Urine testing finds nothing, ‘Cocaine and heroin are eliminated within a day, alcohol within eight hours. It’s ineffective, inefficient and degrading, and is no...
  13. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    I'm surprized that on such a pro cannabis forum that so many would roll over for the man and let him delve into every private aspect of your life. You may change your mind if you were let go or penalized because of a false positive result. The urine tests are worst for accuracy. Don't be eating...
  14. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    "Take for example, a truck driver who vapes on nights/weekends. He may not be [significantly] inebriated while driving, but that's very difficult to determine from a drug test. If he's at fault in a traffic incident he'll likely be drug tested. He'll test positive for THC and the insurance...
  15. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    Yes they're looking for hard drugs not cannabis but that's not the point. Myself and most cannabis lovers are fed up with big brothers intrusion into our lives. Many cannabis lovers have been victimized by drug testing zealots. There's no way I'd support the piss tasting industry in any way...
  16. Nunavut Tripper

    Boycott Openvape

    For everyones info Openvape is now planning to drug test their employees. I can't believe they would be so foolish and hypocritical to try a stunt like this ...
  17. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I've always used my Ascent on Celsius and have not experienced any glitches so you might be on to something Ratchett .
  18. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I have four of those cases and mine are waterproof. I carry one in the cockpit of my kayak.
  19. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    " I think FC must be broken as no one is posting." The number of posts about faulty units seems to be declining.
  20. Nunavut Tripper

    Police Chief Cites Hoax Story in Testimony Against Legalizing Marijuana

    Chief Pristoop also has a law degree so he should be smart enough to get his facts straight before spewing bullshit like that at a Senate committee hearing. He's getting flamed pretty good for it...what a laugh .
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