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  1. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Farscaper ,we caught you combusting on your avatar.
  2. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Thanks Pakalolo for doing a more thorough review than I did. Give the Organix people the necessary time to get it right the first time . I already have more vapes than I need so I'm in no rush. We enjoyed the T Y Expo this year. We've been to all four of them and this one had a very...
  3. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    That's correct . I was only able to look at it but as suspected it looks really sharp and appears well made. The delay is sad but I say just let them get it right the first time. You can't toke in the main show floor but you can go in the large vapor lounge or outside to the long balcony...
  4. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I'm back from the T Y Expo and what a great show it was with a very professional overtone. I went to the Organix LLC booth and looked at the Ascent. They had all three models and I was originally hoping to buy the alligator option but I think I like the looks of the burl better. It's a print not...
  5. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I'm gonna try to find that out today..a direct quote from the bosses mouth. Maybe I can drag him into the 4200 square foot vapor lounge ...plenty of room to do a thorough test drive.
  6. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I think it will be very soon..a few days hopefully. I'm going to the Treating Yourself Expo tomorrow and will check those Ascents out and report back as a few other posters will also. I'm buying a Davinci for one of my daughters but I'll wait for the Ascente to be released as it has the features...
  7. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I will be attending the Expo on Saturday and will drop by to say hello. Be nice to check out the Ascent in the flesh. Can't buy one at the show I assume ?
  8. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Beginning to sound like the 15th is not going to happen. Be patient , I'm sure the DaVinci people are disappointed too.
  9. Nunavut Tripper


    I leave mine at setting 6 or 190 C .
  10. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Yes it gave you some choices of gift.
  11. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Yes you will get an E-mail if you're pre registered. I am and they sent me a questionaire I think they said they would give an extra gift to the first hundred people but I can't see why they wouldn't preregister an unlimited number. Just good marketing. I'm sure they are as anxious as us to get...
  12. Nunavut Tripper


    I cover the screen on my Volcano with enough herb so I can't see any screen. That load will get me three to four bags. Sometimes I freshen up the fourth with a sprig or two of fresh herb . That is economical enough for me as I usually do one bag a night. My Volcano is about ten years old and...
  13. Nunavut Tripper


    If you're paying retail for your weed you can't afford not to have a good vapourizer in addition to all the other benefits of vaping versus combusting.
  14. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    Likewise. I found my Davinci produced even browning of the herb unlike my Iolite which has a hotspot at the tip of the pointed part of the bowl.
  15. Nunavut Tripper


    The Volcano is overpriced in todays market with lots of other good machines to choose from for less bucks. I got lucky and picked up mine used about eight years ago. I think where it excels is for use in vapour lounges or clinics where ease of use,simplicity and durability is important. A fine...
  16. Nunavut Tripper


    Once you remove that cover I believe everything is a lot easier to get to for cleaning. I've had my cover off for cleaning...had the right screwdriver in my kit somewhere. I too wonder too why the animosity toward Volcanoes. I have three tabletop vapes and the 'cano seems to be my...
  17. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    LOL Actually that was a mispelling on my part. Must be my French DNA mixing with cannabiniods.
  18. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    From a marketing perspective they need a nice box like the Davinci came in. Makes for a professional look when sitting on a store shelf. Another nice point regarding the Ascente that nobody has mentioned is the ability to bring a used one on a commercial airline. Because it has an all glass...
  19. Nunavut Tripper

    Could vaping be the answer?

    I know most of you aren't doctors, but based on personal opinion: 1. Well this help my chronic bronchitis? and if so, how long before I'll start to see results? I switched from smoking to vaping 8 years ago due to the bronchitis issue. Cured the smokers hack immediately. I've never smoked...
  20. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by Da Vinci (pre-sale thread)

    I have read the thread and myself and many others will purchase an Ascente when it's released in a couple of weeks . I'm just impressed that there's such an interest about a soon to be released product.
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