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  1. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    Actually the tire smell is quickly disappearing . It was pretty strong the first day but is much weaker now after several sessions and empty bowl burnoffs in fact this evening I loaded it with a stronger flavoured strain than I had been using and it was quite enjoyable...decent cloud and...
  2. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    We've had a nice fall with lots of pleasant weather and one light snowfall. I just got my Burl Ascent last Tuesday and am still playing around with it learning it's nuances. Everything works ,fit and cosmetic finish is fine and I'm enjoying my new little toy except for one thing...the taste and...
  3. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer - The Ordering, Shipping, & Other Nonsense thread

    How's the weather in Baker Lake WildChild ?
  4. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I packed my first bowl last night and set it at 195C with no glass spacers. Poor vapor production because the puck was floating so I dropped in an oil can with no lid and that helped get some modest clouds however I did get nicely medicated and the ABV was evenly cooked and dark brown. Problem...
  5. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Yes I think I did order the extra stems by accident for my bonus gift which is fine with me because I didn't need the gong connection for a bubbler as I use a portable vape when hiking and camping etc and don't need all those accessories as I have a tabletop vape with bubbler for home.
  6. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    My wife just came back from the post office with my Wood Burl Ascent and she didn't pay one cent in duty or tax. To CMD and the other Canucks who ordered from DaVinci that is good news. I don't know if that was a mistake or not but the mail lady just handed it to her over the counter after...
  7. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Thanks Paka Doesn't sound too bad if you're correct. I just finished paying $117 duty and tax on a tent that cost $800 American . Not complaining as I could have waited but I just wanted my new (Ascent) toy now.
  8. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I'll let everyone know what I had to pay in customs duty to Canada as my Ascent will probably be at the local post office today or tomorrow. Have any other Canucks brought one in ? Should I brace myself ?
  9. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Resins can be pretty hard and solid so I would examine them carefully. Lead in glass is something I was not aware of other than a mention of it earlier on this tread.
  10. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Is it possible that some of these beads and cheap jewel making supplies are not real glass but made from a resin or polycarbonate that would offgas when heated ? Just wondering.
  11. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    CMD There were 4 shipping options with different price points and I took the cheapest one which was about $30 American. The total bill on my Visa statement is $300.46 CDN and I will still have to pay tax and duty to the Govmint when I pick it up at the post office. I too wanted to wait for...
  12. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Yes my tracking number says it was delivered July 21 2012. Good to hear it's just a recycled number.
  13. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I was going to wait for Toronto Vape to stock them but seems most of you folks are enjoying your version 2 Ascents so I ordered from Organix last night. I will have to pay shipping and duty but have been working a lot of overtime lately so it's my little reward for being a good boy. I think the...
  14. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I think DaVinci has a handle on their problems now so I'm going to pick one up as soon as they are in stock at Toronto Vape. This forum has been valuable for info allowing many of us to sit on the fence until the bugs have been worked out.
  15. Nunavut Tripper

    TSA May Allow Patients to Fly with MMJ

    Thanks for the voice of sound reason green2brown
  16. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I've been following the progress of the Ascent since last winter. The science of marketing a new product is new to me and I've learned a few things about engineering and understanding these little devices. Thank you FC 'ers. I'll wait patiently and probably buy one once Davinci gets all the...
  17. Nunavut Tripper

    what makes the high feel different than smoking?

    Not only has the combuster destroyed much of the cannabinoid content due to excess heat he has gotten more than he bargained for in benzine ,hydrocarbons,poor flavour and smelly smoke.
  18. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    I don't understand how there could so many software problems on these vapes. The five year old PC that I'm typing on is a thousand times more complex than these little things yet is pretty reliable.
  19. Nunavut Tripper

    Ascent Vaporizer by DaVinci

    Yes Vaporito I would have to agree. I've had two DaVinci vapes but gave them away to family members because I wanted to buy the Ascent when it came out but am holding back now because of the QC issues. The two Davinci's I gave up are still running strong with no problems. Maybe I should have...
  20. Nunavut Tripper

    what makes the high feel different than smoking?

    I kind of doubt that I feel "high" the next day other than the positive feeling I get from a sound sleep. It's more like the high energy feeling you get from a healthy lifestyle and I believe responsible cannabis use combined with good food,exercise,avoiding alcohol,cigarettes and drugs plus a...
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