Well, I think my main point is that, for as many different approaches, there are as many solutions. So not so much an issue of "right or wrong" as "right, right, right, kinda-off, right, wrong, right, wrong, wtf were you thinking?!?"
Some factors do have global impact, but other finesses apply to a smaller user sets.
(HINT: was also soliciting your subsequent testing and input.

FOR EXAMPLE: You are the third person that has mentioned minimizing the extraction of the draw-stem. Others are unaffected by this. My solution is to go with the heavy glass, and do the 14mm adapter as a draw-stem. I like the heft and the feel, and it reduces to zero the offset of that stem.
EDIT for no Back-to-back:
Putting the oil jar on a small load to keep it packed is certainly good enough to never need flowers, whether you have holes drilled in the jar or not, BUT-
I put two flowers on the bottom, a pinch, two on top, and try to edge in the others,
Nailed it.
Two points:
1) Don't know if bottom layer of glass needed. I've been trying it both ways for the last few days with inconclusive results. I'm trying to isolate what obviously must be slight changes in my behavior, to eliminate anything other than placement of bottom layer.
2) Cotton does work well, but I always felt that too much cotton discoloration was occurring, indicating absorption/condensation, that was personally undesirable. I guess the same argument can be made for either the stems or the glass flowers, but at least the latter two are easier to do a tincture extraction from.