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  1. SirElton

    Drying out your bud........

    I usually grind up a nug or two for my MZ and leave it in the grinder to air out. I think the difference is too miniscule to really concern yourself. It all depends on if the Cadbury has been grown + cured properly, the vape you are using, and your technique. I find that dried Cadbury vapes...
  2. SirElton

    Do you still combust?

    I only combust when I'm all out of green. If I don't have any Cadbury and no ability to get some in the very near future, I smoke my ABV. As everyone on here knows, its not a typical high and doesn't hold a candle to vaping the real thing, but when desperation sets in, it can be a life saver...
  3. SirElton


    It makes sense to not have an LED on the new units as they are so visually stimulating already... which is why I brought up the question of the classic design. My idea for giving Moaning Myrtle some friends revolves around the LED so I'm glad you are still offering the traditional SSS Zap. I'd...
  4. SirElton


    Wonderful review, mom. Very insightful. I'm surprised at how much smaller they are than the traditional Zaps. I'm also curious, along with SleepyHead, how Rick plans to distribute these new styles. Honestly, I'm not too thrilled with the designs I see. Some are pretty cool (moms being my...
  5. SirElton


    I believe this is the beginning of a new era for AromaZap. A renaissance of sorts is occurring. I believe the new name should reflect this change from the old brass and charred wood days to the new SSS and ceramic shield days. For those reasons, AromaZap should become... ArmorZap.
  6. SirElton


    Happy Birthday Vitolo! I shall load a stem in your celebration, but it'll have to wait until tomorrow I'm afraid. Loved the video :)
  7. SirElton


    Rick, basically I think having different options on the LED would be a good idea, consumer-wise. I haven't the slightest clue if it is a viable option, but that would be a nice little extra. Yall offering an LED option was a big factor in my choosing of AromaZap over other log vapes. If you...
  8. SirElton


    Thanks, AgentofChaos. It was only fitting as I'm a big Harry fan, myself. I hope to expand upon the idea if Rick is kind enough to work with me, something he has proven time and again more than willing to do. It won't be for a long while yet though. Once the RockZaps are "officially" released...
  9. SirElton


    I'm intrigued to see how well the good herbs I recently got perform in Moaning Myrtle. I've been using pretty low grade stuff since I got her and they've done the job splendidly. Of course, having no frame of reference, I can't say how much better premium herbs perform by comparison, but its...
  10. SirElton


    I agree with momofthegoons. There is a bit of a learning curve, but the problem may just be its beta status. I was able to get some real nice and consistent draws by a week's time had passed. The best advice I can offer is to keep those stems loose. Not so loose the herbs fall out, but loose...
  11. SirElton


    Glad to hear the advancements are not stopping at the Rock. I'm curious to hear how SS stem tips compare to the brass ones. Has anyone used SS stems before?
  12. SirElton


    Thanks for the responses, guys. I figured the cracks were nothing to worry about. If they irk me, I'll do the sanding and polishing but I'm just going to let it slide for now. I am happy with Moaning Myrtle and I won't make you and I go through the trouble of replacing it just for some cosmetic...
  13. SirElton


    I can't qualify them as "cracks" either because they are very small and I'm assuming very shallow as well, but they are not something I just didn't notice before. The front of my Zap was smooth and now my fingernails can catch on the crevices. As I said, I'm sure its nothing to be concerned...
  14. SirElton


    Hey yall. I don't know if I should be concerned, but I just noticed my Zap's wood grains are splitting apart. Its hard to explain so hopefully some of you know what I'm talking about. The splits are just in the front where the wood changes from light to dark (hard to see without pics, sorry) and...
  15. SirElton


    My ABV is now a golden/dark brown, no green in it any longer (yay!). I'm sure I can pick up some 91% soon, but the 50 is what I already had. It seems to be working alright. I've had the stems soaking for a good 20 minutes now. Biojuggernaut, Bernie Taupin usually does that ;) I have given that...
  16. SirElton


    Thanks for the tips, Rick & Vitolo. I have a glass with some 50% iso (only stuff I have in the house at present. A trip to the store may be in need) completely submerging the stems. They aren't in dire condition and I could still use them, but some ABV has creeped through the screen and resides...
  17. SirElton


    What are the best ways to clean the stems? I was thinking of using a q-tip and some 50% iso, but I'm not sure how that will work with the screen. What do yall do?
  18. SirElton


    I'm glad to see Zapville experimenting with some different shapes than the basic soda can. Though I'm not too keen on the designs posted above (hard to polish, indeed), I'm hoping the concrete liner will allow for more of the like. :)
  19. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Some very nice creations you have. The Knight and 'Purple Pint' tickle my fancy. Its sweet to see another log vape creator pop up. There are some nice things happening in the log vape world. :)
  20. SirElton


    Good to know, "ien".
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