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  1. SirElton


    My RZ has been a dream in this area. I've not one clogged stem at all and it always blows out easily and nothing sticks. If it does, I know I've got a hit or two left! :lol: I'm sure its a combination of the SS, the greater diameter, and the RZ's performance.
  2. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    My Underdog came yesterday but I wasn't home until today. As soon as I got home I opened the box and plugged her in. After an hour, I decided to be brave and place my finger directly on the heatport... cold steel. It looks like I got a bum power supply as well :( Luckily, I have a spare 12v and...
  3. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Neat vid, Cluffy. But is that a cigarette pack I see? :o Say it isn't so! ;)
  4. SirElton


    Vito, that is INSANE. Mabel is certainly a keeper.
  5. SirElton

    Purple Days -- Still worth it if I have Volcano classic?

    There's nothing better than a log vape in my opinion. Perhaps I just have the lifestyle that suits a log vape best, but I'd recommend them for anyone and everyone. No knobs to turn, no hoses nor bags to mess with, just quality vapor in one small awesome package. Besides, they are cheaper than...
  6. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    No Underdog unit or updates for me either. I won't be home until Friday anyway so its no biggie. I'm interested to find out which UD from the pic is mine. :brow: I'll be sure to take pics and give a review this weekend some time. I've got a MyrtleZap and RockZap to compare it to so things should...
  7. SirElton


    My pleasure, guys. Thanks for the kind words. :)
  8. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    How much do the glass pieces cost?
  9. SirElton


    Okay yall. After having my RockZap (yet to be named) for about 4 hours, here's some pics and a quick review. Absolutely gorgeous. The blue and green dye is amazing. There are different shades throughout and the wood grain is still quite visible. I don't know if its the wood itself or the way...
  10. SirElton


    RockZap is here! I'm about to try her out and I'll get back to yall with pics and a review later.
  11. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Simple, elegant, efficient. I approve. :cool:
  12. SirElton


    For ABV, I just use a ziplock bag. I can close around the stem and blow it all out. I have some muslin bags on the way so I'm sure that will be an improvement. One thing I'd recommend you try is a plastic soft drink cup from a fast food place. Make sure its clean and you get the plastic cap...
  13. SirElton


    She's GORGEOUS, SF Giant! My girl should be home tomorrow. The suspense is always the worst on the eve.
  14. SirElton


    No need for another grinder, just keep it upside down and spin the bejeezus out of it. My recommendation: - leave a nug out in the open to dry over night - grind it up (seriously spin it like crazy. I've found it very difficult to over-grind with a hand-powered grinder) - suck up the herb in...
  15. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Right on, Dave. I think the variable would be too much of a hassle so I'm glad you are offering the standard 12v now.
  16. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I'm looking forward to my underdog and trying out the silicone tubing. The nylon stems of my MZ are good, not great. Underdog, do you still ship vapes with variable power supplies? The ones from stroh's unboxing video looked like straight plug n play.
  17. SirElton


    I agree. That's why I snagged her up as soon as Rick made her available. :cool: I'm sure it'll look out of this world in person. I'll be sure to take pictures once I get her.
  18. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Great looking beehive. The new owners will be pleased. :) You said, "another vape out the door this evening". Does that mean some birthday vapes are on their way? :brow:
  19. SirElton


    No kidding. I need to stop coming to the thread... every time I do it just makes me want to buy, buy, buy! :ko: I guess I'm just waiting for the opportune moment. Once that beauty comes along that I simply must possess, I won't think twice. Lord knows if I do, she'll be snapped up by somebody...
  20. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    VERY excited for my new vape. Abysmal's custom piece makes the birthday vape look unfairly simple, but I just know they'll look beautiful once we open the box. :)
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