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  1. SirElton


    I'm all for the war on drugs. Cocaine, heroine, crack, all these are truly awful. My problem is they include marijuana in that list. When they do that, it becomes the war on medication. I know that's what you meant, but I thought I'd chime in with my :2c:. Anyway, I'm off to look at some more...
  2. SirElton


    +1 for me. The bark made me swoon for that design. I'm glad she ended up in the hands of a true craftsmen. :)
  3. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Neon Genesis Evangelion is my SHIT! Love that anime. Anyway, any updates on the birthday vapes, Dave?
  4. SirElton


    So YOU'RE the one! ;) Congrats on the beautiful design. It was my favorite of the debutantes.
  5. SirElton


    Thanks Vito. Do you feel you'll ever use your SSSZap again? I want to get a RZ, but I don't want it to make my current Zap obsolete. There is that refurbishing that Rick is offering, but I believe that's just to turn old brass units into SSS. Maybe there will be an "exchange program" in the...
  6. SirElton


    Does anyone who has a RZ also have a traditional wood insulated SSSZap? I know the RZ is a monster, but I'm curious how it compares to the traditional SSS.
  7. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That makes sense. Though, I'm sure opening up that box will be like a birthday present anyway regardless of if we've seen them or not. :D A new vape is always a good thing!
  8. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Looking forward to coming home to an Underdog at my doorstep. :) Could you post some pics of the Birthday Vapes once they are completed?
  9. SirElton


    :o WOW Nice video, Vito. It really shows off the RockZap. We all read the words about how the RZ can really carry a stem, but now its clear to see what yall mean. Also, I love the hat and shades. :cool:
  10. SirElton


    I'd love to, but due to a purchase of an Underdog, I'm a wee bit stretched for vape funds at the moment. Just wait a short time and I'm sure you'll have a top hat for my head. :cool: I think its splendid we customers can just shoot you an email and you'll set us up right. Always that same great...
  11. SirElton


    Hooray! Hopefully that means I can get a top hat design after all. :cool:
  12. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I can only speak for my own throat and a MyrtleZap, but I have no irritation of the throat either so it must be a log vape thing. Once Dave gets those birthday beauties out, I'll be able to make a proper comparative analysis. The MZ was my first log and first vape so I'm looking forward to...
  13. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I was waiting for the RZ but the birthday deal opportunity caught my eye and I had to take it. I figure there will be plenty of time to get a RZ in the future, but only one chance to get an Underdog for such a low price. Both of you gents have been amazingly kind and helpful to me and I...
  14. SirElton


    Whoever got the Primo Top Hat is one lucky sumbitch. :o Was it anybody here?
  15. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    :) You rock. Should I send you an email?
  16. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    I watched Stroh's unboxing vid and saw there were some extra jars you include for FC members. I was totally unaware when I placed my order. Can I still get in on that? Its no biggie, but I'm always one to make my dollar stretch as far as it can go. :cool:
  17. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    Just made my order for the Birthday Vape. I had no intention of buying a new vape for a while, but the price was simply too good to pass up. I'm so glad I checked back to see more pics of the cute doggywog. Otherwise, I would've missed the special sale entirely and my :) would've become a :(...
  18. SirElton


    Just the stems. No herb touches the unit in any capacity except for the stems.
  19. SirElton

    Underdog Log Vapes

    That bottom pic is one of the cutest things I've ever seen!
  20. SirElton

    What was your first experience with vaping?

    My roommate in freshmen year of college broke out a vape of some sort. I'm not sure what it was but it was a whip style vape. I hadn't been smoking that long and I was blown away by how much better the high was. The taste, the lighter-less function, all of it was brilliant.
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