My mail arrived early today.....
First impression out of the box? Wow, this thing is small! It weighs about the same as the RockZap1 that I have, but has much sleeker lines. Nice wood too; elm. Visually, it's very nice; small, compact, streamlined. Not much of the heatport showing due to the rounding of the top and ceramic ring covering the majority of it. So okay you're saying....what's it look like?!? Here you go:
And compared to the other Zaps; new beta on left, old school MZ in the middle and RockZap1 on the right:
Here's a shot of the top of the new Zap:
And a shot of the new SS stem:
Now, you are wondering; how does it work? Is it all it's supposed to be?
I plugged it in and tried it out before a half hour had gone by. Had been told by the Zaplady that these don't need any overnight warm up. Try it now... So I did. Hmmmm...warm to the touch. Took a hit and coughed my brains out. The first hit was so huge I wasn't at all ready for it. Who would have though that this Zap could possibly be warm enough for more than a wispy hit? Well, let me tell you this thing makes the RockZap1 a dinosaur. kewpcer was totally right about the dodo reference.

Not that mine doesn't work well, it's just that there's no comparison in looks and size and this thing does work better. The warm up time is quicker and the heat more consistent (not all the beta RockZaps performed as well as mine did). Although the weight is about the same, the size will be much better for glass users.
And now, about the stems. Because the diameter of the stem tip is larger, I believe the draw has improved. I'm even willing to go out on a limb here and say that this might have solved a majority of the learning curve with this vape. There's much more air flow, so as long as you don't overstuff the stem or pack it too tightly, there should be no problem. I use the straw method and lightly smooth and tamp the end with my finger to seat the herb and make sure there's no stragglers hanging over. This thing hits like a freight train. I'm happy to say that I get just as big of hits with this as I do with a whip style vape. Lung busters. Now, I was supposed to count hits....

I hadn't vaped in a couple days because I haven't been well... my tolerance has gone down.... Do you have any idea how hard it is to keep track of these things when you are getting blazed as hell?!?

I know I missed one every here and there. I've noticed I'm getting more hits. Not just one big one and a few small, but 4 good hits before they become wispy (I think it was four...a few times it was 5

). The real trick is to not get too big of a first hit. And to take the stem out of the Zap each hit so it doesn't "cook" in there. I got more, substantial hits that way than when I left it in there (inadvertently

) So, I'll have to get back to you on that exact count.

I don't know...did I leave anything out? Fire the questions off if I did. I'll be testing all day/evening; Zaplady told me I should and I
do want to do a good job!