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  1. SirElton


    Sir Elton John, CBE. He is a Knight of the Realm. If that doesn't matter to you (even though it should), he is also 64 years old. I don't know how old you are, but I don't know many people in their sixties that frequent internet boards. So, he should fit your criteria, however holier-than-thou...
  2. SirElton


    I'm going to let this one go. By the way guys, its SirElton.
  3. SirElton


    I understand what you are saying and agree that things like this could escalate, but I see nothing wrong with collegerower's request. I'm sure a few others on this forum would agree that HighSti's quick opinion on the matter would be beneficial. Curiosity is the driving force here. It can kill...
  4. SirElton


    I'm starting to get very excited about the RockZap. My normal SSS MZ needs its cozy under certain circumstances and from what Rick and others have said the concrete really helps stabilize the temp and retain heat.
  5. SirElton


    Already thinking of what wood to use for a RockZap. What do yall think of quilted maple? :brow: I know we're getting ahead of ourselves, but its good to think of the possibilities :)
  6. SirElton


    I can attest to this. lwien was the one who first told me about Zaps. I was looking for my first vape and asked about the iolite. After some conversation he said, "Purple Days or MyrtleZap if efficiency is high on your priority list." So I checked them both out and decided on the Zap. I'm sure...
  7. SirElton


    Alright guys, thanks. I got it now.
  8. SirElton


    So there is a rock inside it, then?
  9. SirElton


    I'm slightly confused. Is there an actual rock inside the concrete cup or is 'rock' just a nickname for the concrete?
  10. SirElton


    The SSS heatport works phenomenally well. I have no intention of buying a traditional brass Zap ever, since I'm so impressed by the SSS in both looks and function. Moaning Myrtle is very new still, but I found heat retention to be a slight issue. I live in an AC house with a fan on usually. If I...
  11. SirElton

    Question about Cannabinoid Vaporization at Diff. Temperatures

    I've got a MZ and have been saving up the AVB. I don't have any intentions of cooking it so I was thinking of just smoking it. However, I have been really turned off of smoking ever since getting my MZ. I'd like to get a DBV soon for a little variety and was wondering if I can vape the AVB again...
  12. SirElton

    Efficiency: a lost art?

    I found vaping to be aces for conservation. I use some pretty low quality herb and 2 stems is enough for me. I hope to get high quality strains and see what the difference is (having never compared the vapor). I only do on the weekends which saves a bundle already, but vaping ground up high...
  13. SirElton


    What a great time to become a member of Zapville! Sure, it'll be a while yet, but we all know it will be worth the wait. I'm already envisioning what a Koa RockZap will be like :)
  14. SirElton


    Thanks mom. I have no intention of getting another Zap for a long while yet since Moaning Myrtle is awesome. I'll be getting a DBV next, but its nice to know Rick is there to accommodate us. :)
  15. SirElton


    Just a quick Zap update~ I've had Moaning Myrtle plugged in for 64 hours with two socks cozying her up as well. I've just taken off the socks and gave her a deep polishing. I was a little put off at first but since its been warming, and thanks to you guys' great advice, I'm in love with this...
  16. SirElton


    I'm getting some real nice vapor now, fellas. I gave my herb a few more spins in my grinder and that has made quite the difference. It stays in better, and most importantly, produces some nice thick vapor. This has made me so much happier :) Special shout to Vito for the puff technique. Works...
  17. SirElton

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    I'm debating getting the gripper. If it doesn't change the temp, I'll consider it. It'll be hard to disrupt that beautiful grain though.
  18. SirElton

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    Wonderful. I almost have to get one now. Is it like a special thing they are doing? I'd like to pick up a few things before I buy another log vape. However, I wouldn't be hesitant if time were of the essence because I'd hate to miss out :)
  19. SirElton


    Thanks for the responses, guys. Rick, I've been going through all sorts of different ways to load and puff a stem and I seem to be getting the hang of it. I'm able to get a pretty good buzz after 2 stems, its just the vapor quality I'm trying to get better. I only see visible vapor on the first...
  20. SirElton

    Discontinued Purple-Days Vaporizer

    That does help, thank you. :) I like my MZ, but getting a different type of wood would be nice to compare. Since I already have a MZ, why not go for the PD this time? I mainly got the MZ because of shipping time, and now I don't need to concern myself with that, so its most likely the best way...
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