ok here goes. Outside my family dragging me onto facebook ugh...This is my first forum post anywhere ever in the history of my life so be gentle with me. Havent had any desire or interest to post until now. Sooo, pop my cherry..lol.. After scouring vaporizer web sights here and elsewhere and watching I think just about every video on every vaporizer, I have just a few questions I could not seem to find answers to. If I am re-asking questions please forgive me because I really tried not to bother you to re-hash.
. the same ol questions. I am an old stoner .... just had orbital eye surgery...graves disease. Doctor told me I was done smoking, permanently
I really enjoy smoking of just about every kind whether it is a fine cigar to a hookah with friends to my all time favorite a loaded up bong filled with hydro and ice. Having said that...I must say that after spending much time reading your very interesting post and advice , I told my wife that I was disappointed in myself for coming so late to the vape game...You guys seem to really have much vape knowledge and I very much appreciate the way in which you choose to communicate. very cool....So I'm all in....Have only smoked out of a vape a couple of times.... I enjoyed it thoroughly but I just did not truly understand what I was missing ....except the pollution of my body.....I'm sold...Going all out vape. I did take a stroll through a few head shops as well to get the feel and touch and just to see what they had and what kind of info they knew....They knew squat...They knew about the volcano and had a few knock off pieces of junk. Gotta get a pocket vape first. The vapor genie has a few models....do they all smoke the same?... ie. ( https://www.vaporgenie.com/index.php/VaporGenies.html ) the classic, the exotic and the hand carved..I know they are all similiar but just wanted to hear from you guys if there is a preference among you with the different vg's. Also wanted to know if anyone has anything to say about the eterra pipes ( http://www.lightwell.net/moxie/photos.html ) (http://www.lightwell.net/ )...I couldnt seem to find anything from you guys on this particular pipe..It looked like a really quality pipe.....I also like the vapor star....getting the pd next and then the extreme...Really love what I hear about the ssv as well, and will enjoy it with family and friends....but mostly its just me and granny which makes the pd just perfect for 24/7 chill. Interested in the space case grinder but for the price probably gonna go with the cc for starters ( http://www.vaporizerdealer.com/coll...s/2-25-4pcs-cnc-chromium-crusher-herb-grinder ) ..This may sound like a really stupid question but I rarely get any real quality bud anymore and I was just wondering what happens to the seeds and stems when grinding..I dont want to chop all that crap chopped up together and I have always used my hands. Do I clean the herb first...because after I get through with cleaning it is usually ground up pretty good...then what do I need a grinder for?... Never have used a grinder. I'm really great at cleaning with my hands but I do think I might be loosing some good stuff sticking to my hands. And last but not least I was afraid I would be reduced to injesting the herb somehow since I couldnt smoke anymore but this vaporizing may or should allow me to keep right on trucking.. Does anybody know where I could find any medical advice on my condition as pertained to smoking out of a vaporizer since combustion is out of the question....I am certain I'll be back with more questions and I cant tell you how much I have enjoyed being taken to school by all you guys here on fuck combustion....It has been an enjoyable read to find out something new about how to truly partake in this wonderful plant that god has given us in a much more healthy way. I'm dyslexic as hell and this ol mans typing skills absolutely suck so I apologize for your having to read my slop. Thanks so very much for your time and I eagerly await to read your thoughts. oh yea please feel free to offer any and all other advice you find to be imperative information to this vape newby. thanks again guys.