Wow what an amazing thread!

how did i overlook it?
On the topic of interconnectedness I believe that we are all from the original source as in the spark that makes us alive is all really from the same place. as a result we actually have a lot in common with each other and need to try to understand each other more.
On the topic of us being like a growth on this planet. I also agree with that. we are a misguided lot and we have insane people running the world for their own gain, not the betterment of the planet. We need to unite an take the power back.
The movie the idiocracy makes a good point. If you haven't seen it check it out. good for a laugh or too also. I think we need to encourage education and learning more. Why pick on a nerd? They can teach us things!
I am loving how we are all expressing our beliefs.
My turn!
I am spiritual, not religious. i have looked at several different religions, trying to find the one for me. but nothing stuck. I always had questions about contradictions. or things that seemed to have no valid reason for being a rule. I must understand to be able to accept.
so that said I have done a lot of soul searching in my short time here so far. here is how i see it.
Rule #1. There is no one else out there that you can trust/rely on 100%
and i mean
100%. By this I mean you must rely on yourself first. no one else will do this for you. If you think someone is 100% then understand that the rule "there is always an exception to the rule" is the rule that lasts the test of time. I believe that there are lots of good people out there and that most are in fact good people. however there are also toxic people too. beware.
Rule #2. life is only about the experience.
Think of your life as a linear time line. you could have branched off in any number of directions, but the decisions you made have taken you on this path you are on. (of course you can change this with your future decisions) when you die your experience in this lifetime is over. you have hit stop on the record button. now if you compare this tape to all the other lives that have ever existed; I bet just as snowflakes, you will never find one that is exactly the same as another. as a result we learned different morals, ethics and values. our perception of this world is slightly different from one another.
here is where my idea gets far out... brace yourselves!
I believe that all living things have an electrical force inside them that is the thing that gives us life. without it. I am just a useless mass of elements displayed in a peculiar arrangement. What im talking about are our souls. the thing inside of me that makes me who i am!
when we die our soul is released from it's physical vessel. and just as water droplets collect and pool to form the oceans there is an ocean of "souls" (energy if you prefer) that are in fact one collective library of knowledge and understanding. we all merge into one and provide our tiny droplet of perspective to the ocean.
because of this I don't think there is any "god" looking out for us. It doesn't care when or how we die. death is the actual "return to source" if you will. life is a short vacation away from the source.
and who knows, maybe we are (the ocean of energy) just a program running simulations for a greater good? being bound to see the world from the dimensions we are constrained within makes outward understanding difficult! lol
so all that said, I say live your life the way you want to experience it. I hope you are happy with the story you logged along the way so far? i'm still in progress myself.
time is also an interesting concept. a bacteria lives 15-45 minutes. another creature 6 months, another 5 years. us 70-90 or so.. but to each creature this time span is their entire life! imagine 15 minutes being the same to you as 70 years!