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  1. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    I think I heard that the mouthpiece doesnt retract on this version... maybe cos too small... is that right? Still want one. 😍
  2. MHL

    For Sale IQ3 - Almost as new, in UK

    I got this IQ3 on the back of a warranty claim for an IQ2, as they've been discontinued. The trouble is, it's bigger size and weight mean that it's not as handy to pocket and carry round - which was my main use for the IQ2. I already have a few "sit at home and chill" devices, so I decided to...
  3. MHL

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    No offence taken! That's why we're skipping the joint in 6 weeks to go somewhere sunnier and more sensible 🇪🇸 That raising of the pension age... I couldn't think of the example in the prev post... but that's the one exactly. Our jolly hockey sticks overlords are now considering 67 I believe.
  4. MHL

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    To be honest I was surprised to hear you say that. In the UK we almost see France as the bastion of people power. We routinely see our government do terrible shit... .then we complain, and do very little except sit back and say "the french wouldn't let them get away with this".
  5. MHL

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    All this csny reminds me... And
  6. MHL

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    It is in Spain. And the weather is better. The UK says "hold my beer"
  7. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Video reviews are so annoying. They take 20 mins to tell you what could be said in about 20 seconds. Padded by endless shots of them unboxing, sucking, and terp-coughing. I'm flabergasted that anybody wants to see that shit. I would be up for doing some proper quality video content in any...
  8. MHL

    DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3

    I just got an iq3 and agree with pretty much all of that ^^. Also I might be putting it in the classies soon if anyone is interested. 😇 I got it from a warranty claim on an iq2. I gave it a week's use to get a feel for it. Its smoother and more vapourfull than the iq2. The big battery and oven...
  9. MHL

    Interesting News, Articles & Stuff

    We used to sell this at the gas station where I worked. I'm sad to say that it was probably the only paper that regularly sold 0-1 copies. 😭 I think the government tried to smear it in the 70s, which tells you all you need to know.
  10. MHL

    AirVape Legacy Pro

    There must be a universe in which the AVLP (removable batt, qi charging, performance) and FF (simplicity, easy to clean, glowing bowl) have been mashed up into a super-cool and functional device
  11. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

  12. MHL

    DaVinci IQ2 & IQ3

    My IQ2 went quirky... it kept shutting off as it reached temp. I've heard some customer service horror stories, so when I got in touch with davinci, I was surprised at how great they were. Very friendly and helpful. Took me through the obvious fixes (try different batt, isopropyl on the...
  13. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Man that 10 looks lovely. Is all I've got to say.
  14. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Mine only takes a light tamp, otherwise it's like sucking golfballs through a straw. And I do like a bit of resistance. The AVLP for example, I find a little too airy, and I have to block off 3/4 of the air intake with my little finger. I tend to pack it so that it's 2/3 full (from the very...
  15. MHL

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    Oh man, that reminds me..... I have listed to this on christmas day for about 20 years straight... forgot this year 😭 I blame the firewood 9.
  16. MHL

    Welcome to Fuck Combustion...Tell us about yourself here!

    A good book, a cat and some flower - a hat trick of goodness ⚽ ⚽ ⚽
  17. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Yea I think it is slightly. But not much. Just like on this pic:
  18. MHL

    Music from the mid 60's to late 70's (when creative genius reigned..)

    And the instrumental reprise... real shame this wasn't included on the original album IMO
  19. MHL

    Herb Grinders

    Delayed response by about a month but... exactly that. I've always chucked away the kief sieving part of any grinders I've had. But this has always been accompanied by a little pang of FOMO... should I really be doing this, it's an essential part of the grinder (and grinding lore) right? And...
  20. MHL

    Firewood Vaporizer

    Same for me, you have to let it do it's thing before you re-click the button. @goetzamuel it does take a bit of time go get into the swing of things. I normally wait 10s or so after the "hit temperature" buzz and keep my finger on that button until I'm done for the bowl/session. I take...
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