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  1. badbee

    P80 SBS mod DIY

    Look for posts by @FearAndLawyering , he's been building custom side by sides for a year or two.
  2. badbee

    Chipset + heating element in vaporizer for box mod vaporizer

    I wish you good luck in the development. I have several home built vapes but no, that isn't something I would pay for, others might. I don't mind stainless steel in the airpath and the Splinter Z mesh heater works great. The Alumina in the Pinky design doesn't strike me as a health risk, not...
  3. badbee

    Trying to understand "battery power"

    If this is your first use of the IQ2 it may not be the right vape for you, especially if you have a high tolerance. It's known as a "sipper" vape, not a big cloud producer. Don't pay attention to reviews and videos that show giant clouds, that's just marketing. There could be a problem with...
  4. badbee

    Chipset + heating element in vaporizer for box mod vaporizer

    It's not clear exactly what problem you are trying to solve. Many desk top vapes use cylindrical ceramic heating elements. Are you suggesting a ceramic coated coil so the air isn't exposed to the metal of the coil?
  5. badbee

    S&B Dosing Capsules

    The concerns with Aluminum are a link between it and Alzheimer's disease. That information was widely spread but later studies found some of those initial results to be questionable. At this point it's unclear to what extent elemental Aluminum in cookware and other scenarios like vaping should...
  6. badbee

    Physics of an Induction Heater (for DynaVap)

    Overall your understanding seems correct. Many users feel an optimal heating time to click from room temp is 12 to 15 seconds. If it clicks faster not enough time was allowed for the heat to move around (as you said), too much slower and heat travels into the stem making the hit hotter but not...
  7. badbee

    TinyMight / TM 2

    You make a valid point about the safety of conductive grease anywhere near the air path but Vaseline is not a solution, it will make the electrical conductivity issues worse.
  8. badbee

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    @Kudzu407 and @Cheebsy , thanks for the info. Looks like I'll be waiting for a while.
  9. badbee

    Anvil Ordering & Shipping

    For those of you who recently got your email for purchase, when did you sign up? I joined the wait list in late Feb or very early March, haven't heard anything.
  10. badbee

    Bad experience with a company

    That's probably for the best. Sometimes when I disagree with someone I ask myself "does this person (or anyone reading) want to hear this message? Will it contribute to a positive change for them?" If the answer to both is no it is time to move on and forget about it.
  11. badbee

    Bad experience with a company

    People gripe here all the time, no problem. The main rule is that you can only do it once, the mods won't approve of an issue being brought up multiple times to try and "harm" a company. Start a thread under the Vaporization Discussion section, if it's a popular company be gracious when others...
  12. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    This gets asked a lot but I haven't seen a home built version due to the complexity. For 5V USB you need a boost circuit to increase the voltage to battery charging levels. Here is a little board that will work for 1C LiIon charging (just as an example, it's not micro and 1C won't work for an...
  13. badbee

    What is your daily driver out of your arsenal?

    I alternate between the Ghost MV1 (yes, still running strong), VapCap and Splinter Z. The plugins haven't been getting much use lately, I haven't had the patience for preheating.
  14. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    Yeah, we are so close to 4/20 you will be better off waiting. I got mine with a Black Friday deal for I think $120, it might go close to that again (plus a premium for the world economy going to hell). I might not like my Wand quite as much if I had paid full retail.
  15. badbee

    DIY Induction Heater Builds and References

    @PutOneInTheAir , I'm another big fan of the Wand. I've built several IH's and love talking to people about building them but the Wand is what gets used day to day. I bought it impulsively and worried it was a mistake, it wasn't, it's great. Like many others I don't bother with an insert, I...
  16. badbee

    Does a burn-safe desktop heavy exist?

    Put a heat shield on a HighLighter and that is pretty safe. If an SSV is too dangerous maybe heavies aren't for you :) (just teasing)
  17. badbee

    Anvil by Vestratto

    Hey @Vestratto, from a future potential customer I just want to say that you don't owe me anything. Not a weekly newsletter, not pricing, not materials safety info, nothing. Why not? Because I'm not a customer yet, we have no business relationship. I've given zero money and in return I am...
  18. badbee

    Xmax Stash Box GIVEAWAY!!

    It looks handy...
  19. badbee

    25 Dollar Push Cart? Is this safe?

    I've also never heard of a "push cart". I won't pay more than $35 for a 1g cart in WA, even the good ones, and occasionally see them for $25. Prices vary state to state.
  20. badbee

    do all vape taste shite??

    Do you literally smoke an average of 2 joints an hour, 16+ hours a day? That will have destroyed your taste buds (they can recover) so your experience of taste is likely to be very different from people who don't smoke. It will take a determined effort, that you won't always enjoy, to break...
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