A 1st impressions review, followed by some 'Fun'....
Dynavap Order #1757 - Paid 30/04/16, Shipped Internationally 01/06/16, Arrived 08/06/16
When I placed the order...I was very aware that I likely had about 2 months wait before this little thing landed. I spent all of May desperately trying to NOT think about it! (I failed btw

So I was EXTREMELY thrilled to get my Shipping Confirmation about 30days earlier than I had expected!
@VapCap Expect more of my money soon!
I was impressed after my very 1st use! In just 2 heat cycles it got me to the same level that a 10 minute session with my Arizer Air would get me! Plus, it didn't creep in like normal...my eyes felt heavier after just 2 lugs...my Air takes 5mins of use before I get that 'lead lid' feeling!

Very happy indeed!
My only problem with it is...it's not a Ti-Woody! And now OFC...I
want NEED ONE!!

So that's another order I'll have to place. I wish I'd just got it at the same time as my OG
Ah well....Captain Hindsight
BUT... that's not the end of this story!
I never had any intention of using my VapCap as it comes 'out of the box'

I only vape through water...and I regularly vape out of the house, so stealth is key!
I have a brilliant little bubbler mouthpiece for my Air which isn't much bigger than Arizer's standard stems.
My idea was to modify the bubbler/VapCap to fit together somehow. So I posted a Photoshop concept of my idea into this thread to see what people thought.
I BIG shout out here to
@YaFreekin Right for directing me to the shisha mouthpiece which is exactly the same as my bubbler, just without the herb chamber!

...I OFC ordered some when I ordered my Caps.
I said I would be back to post how it worked out...so, Here you go!
It's 180mm long when together.
The VapCap fits as snug as a bug in a rug! I Just push the OG with the standard silicone mouthpiece into the bottom of the bubbler until it won't go in any further.
They hold sturdy while I heat, vape at any angle, empty and reload it. But when its time to remove the OG...some gentle twisting and pulling is all it needs to come apart. I'm actually astounded at how perfectly they mate. Its virtually a modular bubbler...without any modification!
@VapCap George could easily sell them on his site as a 'built for purpose bubbler mouthpiece'! You can buy them
I hold the bubbler in one hand, using my little finger to feather the carb hole. Its light and comfortable and using it reminds me of smoking an 'L-Skin'
(It does look even more like a crack pipe than the OG now though!!!!

I see plenty of room for modifications to make the piece shorter and more efficient.
I have already removed the condenser...as the cooling is not required due to the addition of water.
This resulted in more visible vapour production.
I will cut off the top of a spare silicone mouthpiece to make it into more of an 'o-ring' instead.
I bought additional bubblers to experiment with. I am going to try cutting off the bottom of a bubbler so the VapCap goes almost to the top and then possibly shorten the OG glass tube to an appropriate length so the carb hole is in a good position.
I estimate I can get the total length down to 150mm or maybe less
I would also like to try the Ti-Shorty instead of an OG...I think if the stem was black wood instead of glass it might detract from the crack pipe look a bit
I will OFC post these mods to the thread as they are completed
Sorry for the wall of text, happy vaping all!