Wow seeing some absolutely beautiful pieces
@Quint. I have been using my og piece sparingly lately. I first had a single jet lighter ehh. Then double jet lighter and that was a big improvement but I still had to heat past the click to get where I wanted to be. Then got my triple and I FINALLY seen the light. Wow. Good big hits. Tasty and damn good.
I need to get with George and order a few pieces then when I get everything together I want to post a picture of it on here. Hopefully. I'm still very confused with all the different names and combos. Shit is unreal how fast Gearge churned these awesome vaporizers out.
I was talking to my good friend
@phattpiggie about a comparison between the Vapman and the Vapcap and if the VC has a gigantic advantage it's with the click. Your really flying totally blind with the VM. They are pretty equal in a lot of areas but a few where the VC truely shine in my eyes are:
-ease of load(huge plus to VC)
-ease of use with the click(same)
-cost effectiveness
-taste(this is subjective at best so take as you will)
-last but not least unreal micro dosing.
Now the VM is no slouch in many of these categories. I can get huge hits in both vaporizers and I have enjoyed using both.
I feel this is the exact one hitter experience I've been searching for in vaping. I've wanted a torch powered bat type vaporizer. The biggest difference and improvement in my eyes is the taste is like a gazillions times better then a traditional 1 hitter. That's cool as fuck IMO.