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classic easy valve
it briefly dropped quite a bit around 30 march
you find it on amazon and enter URL at top of page
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dunno if this is what you were looking for
So it has now been all of three days since the Repaired Volcano arrived.
The Volcano is more efficient than my crafty. Which I thought was pretty darn efficient.
The volcano is different in that When medicating The vapor from a balloon Just works better and lasts longer and does it with less cannabis.
I think the temps on the Volcano must be higher than the Crafty. The effects are stronger. One of these days I will measure temp. I can't imagine that it has not been done before.
does anyone who owns the Classic leave it on a lot. I have read the whole thread and I saw it mentioned only a few times I want some confirmationI feel like it's safe to leave on as I notice all the lounges in Amsterdam use the Classic and they have theirs on for hours at a time!
Not wanting to offend, but last time I was in the DAM,( Sept 2015) I was up at Barney's amongst other places, and they were using the Volcano Digital!!
I have a Volcano Digital, and apart from the temperature accuracy, I like the fact that after so many minutes (say half hour) it shuts off i.e. steadily starts to decrease in temperature, which is not a bad thing, but then again sometimes it can be, I guess it just depends on perspective! I think the Arizer EQ has the right idea in terms of the length of time before temperature shut off!!
Not saying, just saying
, without saying
Current Vapes: Volcano Digital, Vapexhale EVO, Arizer EQ, Plenty, Mighty, *Crafty,
Retired Vapes: Bakerlite, Box Vape, and Isotonic vape-pen.
*I'm thinking the Crafty is going to be retired in terms of in-house vaping, I'm just gonna use it on the go!!
Trypsy, would you recommend I sell my Classic and get a Digital? I have an Aromed and I do like the accuracy of the temperature... maybe when I amass some more money after I have gotten the XhaleEvo too, I'll sell my Classic to my one of my closest friends then get a Digital!
Time is the test.My Herb is just TOO GOOD I guess.
Since the Volcano arrived My crafty has not been used except when out of the house. When I do use the Crafty as good as it is I really miss the vapor I have been getting from the Volcano. Always get 2 flavorful bags sometimes 3, but I find the third often to be harsher than I like.
No doubt to me that the effect of a given herb's vapor from the Volcano has a stronger effect than the same herbs vapor from a Crafty. the flavor is better for longer than the crafty. the crafty gets me 3,4,5 good tasty hits. At that point the best flavor is gone. The volcano seems to dilute the great flavor a little but makes it last across a couple bags.
I need to use less, and I need to fill the balloons less. I have a tendency to suck all the vapor out of a balloon as quick as I can. Never leaving any behind. more than a few minutes in the bag and Vapor gets harsh.
Somehow I will find a way. The Volcano really is a PARTY machine. It will fill balloon after balloon.
I Love the volcano but I do not need to use that much Vapor.
The Crafty holds a little, the Volcano can hold MUCH more but works fine on LESS.
The thing is that either way it is still like sitting down and smoking a whole joint to my head solo. I don't need to to that.
I need something much smaller that produces amazing taste and vapor but with less herbs.
What Vaporizer is the one I am looking for?
I don't know.
Volcano is amazing but too much for a solo user IMHO. Hey I am sure there are many out there who think that 2 bags is a perfect wake and bake!!! I just can't function that way. My Herb is just TOO GOOD I guess.
Awesome man! I remember you never thought you would never get it back!So after being away from my Volcano for a few years now we are finally reunited , a classic has come back into my life with half a solid valve missing so I ordered a easy valve setup to try as I been re-reading through the thread and I see most seem to like the easy a bit better, I figured I'd give it a try this time around. Very happy to own my Evo for mating to my glass pieces and now the ultimate bag blower again the Cano. I feel I have the best of both worlds now and should be set for a long time with desktop's until something new and crazy comes out and the vas kicks in.
haha yeah I finally did , very happy although I did not get everything with it , no biggie , I got easy valve coming soon. I have missed it so much.Awesome man! I remember you never thought you would never get it back!
I have been curious about the easy valve. My classic is good and all, but that's the vaporist in me wanting to explore all options.haha yeah I finally did , very happy although I did not get everything with it , no biggie , I got easy valve coming soon. I have missed it so much.
I have been curious about the easy valve. My classic is good and all, but that's the vaporist in me wanting to explore all options.
Nothing to loose , I just happened to own a classic previously for almost 7yrs and never had a problem at all so that was proving grounds to me that it is a tough unit. Now I know the digital is basically the same machine and they both have there strong points and weak points and I am not knocking the digital but for me personally having a lcd screen is just a extra component that can potentially break on me. Vapexhale cloud Evo I use almost every day , I have went through so many vapes to find what suits my needs and I would never give up my Evo , I find the Cano and Evo compliment each other greatly , for me it is the best of both worlds , the ultimate vape to mate to my glass or a whip and the champion of blowing bags. I had a Arizer extreme q for a few years and it suited my needs for a bit as it did both but I find these two vapes do both allot better .@Justpassedu you wrote; (I was always happy with the classic and even if storz & bickel had offered me a free upgrade from a classic to a digital I wouldn't take it. I like the fact that it is simple and there is nothing extra that can fail in he future.)
Unlike you 'and a lot of others' I opted to pay the extra and get the digital and given that S & B have a three year warranty on both - what's to lose? I can't say anything about the classic per se, as I ain't ever owned one or even used one! However, the Volcano Digital is simply Great at what it does!!
Yeah I got the Cloud EVO and the Plenty, etc! But I find that the Volcano Digital is the one I use the most and it works, the thing I love the most, is the precise temperature control! By the way, (as for reliability and durability), I even dropped that fucker the other day and it's still going thru like the day I purchased it!
I could go on and on -but I won't!
Not saying, Just saying
, without saying