I fixed it for you.. I just expected the reducer. Will test NOW.

I've been waiting to hear about these!
I fixed it for you.. I just expected the reducer. Will test NOW.
They showed the units I ordered as shipped.So I got my reducer today. They actually sent a complete easy valve bowl assembly with reducer in place. I just expected the reducer. Will test soon.
More "Tales of the Volcano".
I never have taken apart my Valve... the Easy Valve.
The screens always look good to me after a brushing.
The valve has been in use for 3 years.. How is that even possible?
I thought to myself that this was quite a design... no buildup anywhere!
Today I noticed that clear gluey looking resin forming at the mouth end of my new bag...
so I know resin is happening.. I decided to take apart the easy valve and look.
The black plastic shell popped off, and had a small amount of debris caked on one side.
No Iso here, do not want to weaken a shell that withstood heat for so long.
There sat what appeared to be a pristine SS funnel... until I popped off that screen, and had a peak at the inner sanctum of that hidden cavern.
I say cavern, because it looked like one!
It was as hard as a rock in there, and resisted chipping.
I had to leave the piece soaking in Iso (91%)
Yes I vaped the Reclaim. It tasted of 3 years of strains.
I added an extra floating screen and sandwiched the reclaim between two layers of flowers.
Yes, I did get quite the medicine-head from the experience. It has been a good day!
So I got my reducer today. They actually sent a complete easy valve bowl assembly with reducer in place. I just expected the reducer. Will test soon.
The reducer is available alone, like i said in the PLENTY thread^^:
Did you purchase the Easy Valve filling chamber reduced that comes with the easy valve at $65 or did you purchase the filing chamber reduced at $12.90 ? Bc the more expensive 1 comes with the easy valve but the other doesn't say it does .So I got my reducer today. They actually sent a complete easy valve bowl assembly with reducer in place. I just expected the reducer. Will test soon.
Did they come with the easy valve chamber ? Let us know what you think , I am hoping mine arrive tonight but if not any day now. I am going to test them in the Cano & Mighty when they arrive .Just got my reducers in... Looks like an S&B night!
I am certain there would be no air flow moving around the reducers.E.g. tight enough to channel the air to the centre.... or would it flow freely past the reducers on the sides?
Each capsule has a lid that closes and keeps your herb enclosed.I put it all together. great size herb BOWL. But. each time I used it I got light vapor and the flowers did not stay inside the bowl they blew around under the upper screen.
They are not meant to be thrown away if too sticky to open, soak in Iso, then while still wet from Iso, grab it well and twist.Are they meant to be thrown away after use as I am having trouble re-opening them
Yeah I am not to happy with them , they are almost impossible to reopen and that was with only 1 session through it , i'll give it another test tonight. They did however work well in my mighty but for the volcano I will have to take the stock screen set up out when I want to use it unless I purchase another easy valve and this is no good since the volcano is more of my party vape for when I have people over.Each capsule has a lid that closes and keeps your herb enclosed.
It is not in place when you open the dispenser... they left the tops on the bottom... it is up to you to cover the capsule!
They are not meant to be thrown away if too sticky to open, soak in Iso, then while still wet from Iso, grab it well and twist.
I got my package.... BUT....
No testing for me...
Try a 2 pronged solution.they are almost impossible to reopen
They are not meant to be thrown away if too sticky to open, soak in Iso, then while still wet from Iso, grab it well and twist.
I got my package.... BUT....
No testing for me...
They worked on this for a very long time, and I am certain they tried thicker, and weightier metal in the process. Maybe the thinner metal gave the best results.they would make them out of stainless steel
Each capsule has a lid that closes and keeps your herb enclosed.
It is not in place when you open the dispenser... they left the tops on the bottom... it is up to you to cover the capsule!
They are not meant to be thrown away if too sticky to open, soak in Iso, then while still wet from Iso, grab it well and twist.
I got my package.... BUT....
No testing for me...
I was putting herbs directly into the reducer without a capsule.
It doesn't work well this way for me anyway. I would be interested in hearing other experience using the reduction chamber without a capsule. the herbs blow around inside mine.
I do not really agree. I think S&B make these capsules to be used and tossed.
Everything they make is strong and designed to last. these capsules are not strong nor are they designed to last. a couple uses sure. But why? why spend ANY energy preserving a 34 cent item?
Not worth the effort to me.
I loved to read your post.So it has now been all of three days since the Repaired Volcano arrived.
There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that for me Vapor is the only way. I have been vapor only for a long time the Volcano completely confirms it for me.
The Volcano is more efficient than my crafty. Which I thought was pretty darn efficient.
The volcano is different in that When medicating The vapor from a balloon Just works better and lasts longer and does it with less cannabis.
A 1/2 to 2/3 teaspoon of fine grind cannabis gives me three tasty 2 foot bags. The temp knob is set around 1 o'clock. The first bag is the best tasting. The second bag has the best effect. The third re enforces the effect with a lighter taste but can have some "woody" taste or flavor. For me the third bag is mostly unnecessary. If I am going to get to where I need to be on ONE bag most of the time but ill put two away because I can. Sitting there and sucking in three bags of vapor SOLO in one sitting? not necessary with a Volcano. That really is the point. My use is dropping a little with the Volcano. I hope it drops more reflecting the efficiency of the Volcano
I MUCH preferred using the Crafty at between 355 and 365. I have yet to measure the temperature of the air coming out of the volcano. It is not TOO hot I know that. I think the temps on the Volcano must be higher than the Crafty. The effects are stronger. One of these days I will measure temp. I can't imagine that it has not been done before.
Are these quantities and flavor descriptions in line with all of your experiences?
Any hot tips? I am all ears.
I love how efficiently the Volcano does what it does. the great taste! the prime effects.
Here is a silly question. Have you ever received a BUD that was so so pretty and smelled so so so good that you couldn't bring yourself to vaporize it?
I Hate when that happens.