Good to know. Also a consideration for camping stoves. I have come up with lightweight wind shields for ISO camping stoves. Medical grade ISO is multipurpose for outdoors anyway.
Maybe preheating it with an aroma cap to get the metal to temp?

Also there are ways/methods/actual wind screens to play with air restriction for camp stoves that have about the same diameter as the UD. I really don't want to lug extra heavy gear but anything lightweight to help it conserve power and withstand some wind would be a plus.
Another consideration is where the UD draws its air. From the top to the core then through the stem right? A taller walled model might be somewhat more wind resistant?
Or a fake wall. something tube shaped enough that might slide over the base and unit as protection. Then slip up slightly a few inches as a wind guard. could even have a ring of holes around the top. Or sumthin'.
Also Is the lack of air restriction of the UD or so I'm guessing. Watched
@Aimless Ryan 's UD vids and got that impression anyway.
Bad under powered loop - Ramps over time to get to full heat, then cools off quickly due to lack of restriction (and perhaps cools the elements in windy conditions), so it warms up air inside the length of the vapor pat more slowly. Been in that loop with other less powerful vapes.
IS preheating the SS tip for the UD a thing with anybody? tx