Nice work on those PodDogs Dave!They turned out very nice!
Thanks dude! I've got a half dozen more Pods to turn and then there probably won't be PodDogs again. I'm starting to develop a sensitivity to it (banksia pods) so need to stop exposing myself to it before it gets worse.
The message here is anyone who wants a PodDog better get one soon because I'm not going to be making any more once these are done.
Yes and I'll be quick to ask more when I've absorbed more info. Plenty of videos.
So the current Standard core is a second version? It will be put out of production for future work on a Standard 'V3'. Also does the Air core weight less? Any power consumption different in
cold or outdoor environments? Can I take it on a hike?
Beeswax and Mineral oil. I use mineral oil on chopping blocks and wooden utensils btw. Anything more about Underbutter?
I am thinking rugged and battery and VVPS options. With rugged power options?
Has anybody made modded a mock cradle that powers their UD like an Arizer Solo?Or is that what others want me to come up with?
Watched the lathe video. Thinking about rescuing a Lost dog Standard core, If I can get a UD on a budget.
Yes the Standard core is the evolved version of our original core. I stopped counting revisions but there were probably 4-5 updates in the early years and 2 major ones in the last 2-3 years. I don't tend to announce or point out most revisions since they're internal and not visible. This time I've announced the upcoming revision because of the plan to take it out of production.
The Air Core does weigh a little less which means it heats up a tiny bit faster and runs a tiny bit hotter but these differences are so slight that they're basically unnoticeable outside the test bench environment. Same heating elements between the two cores, same power output.
You can take any Dog on a hike, you just have to get a battery pack to power it. The past 10 pages (or so) of the thread has some discussions on battery options, etc and the website FAQ also has info on them and VVPS as well.
I can't imagine a cradle working for the Dog since it's power port is on the side and takes good alignment and a fair amount of force to plug in. I suspect trying to use it like that would result in lots of broken power plugs (on the vape). It also can't be used when not plugged in since it will drop below vaping temps within seconds of being unplugged.
Congrats on 500 awesome pages @underdog & @underdogette
Here's looking forward to the next 500 & beyond!
Now it's time to celebrate!!!
Thanks dude! Happy to still be here after all these years and growing the UD pack day after day!