Hello all I got my EQ and

it is immaculate! 1st off, I haven't found any additional features and I'm pretty sure mines is 100% legit (1 degree temp increments and such). Also I hear no buzzing or weird sounds coming from the power pack or anywhere else.
At first I was kinda skeptical because before I really sat down and had a session with my EQ after work. I made sure I packed my Pax perfectly to get the best effects, and it was putting on a performance of a

lifetime. So after fiddling with the correct temperature that I like... I based it off the Pax temp I like and added a few degrees to start... and let it warm up for about 10 min. First I setup a bag at 200C on fan speed 1. I stopped the fan after approx 1 min due to the large and very cloudy bag of lucious vapor... i was thoroughly impressed by the speed and vapor thickness (because of complaints of bag fill up time or compared to the volcano) and especially how great the bite valve worked. I assumed the real test for me would be the elbow packing vs Pax. I packed in the 19mm SSV water pipe adapter thats connects to the DDave adapter, and I was not let down. I noticed that i felt the effect much faster and harder than the Pax. And I was able to vape a smaller amount for the same amount of time. Next, I filled the

DDave adapter about 1/3 full (or equivalent to 3 Pax bowls... i dont pack mine all the full... or approx 1 1/2 full Pax bowls) starting at 200C and let it marinate for a few.....

Ding!Ding!Ding! We have a winner! I was blown away by the huge cloud and vapor density. 1st hit was more tastefully and more dense than the elbow pack (IMO). I was able to vape that bowl for about 30 min straight through I think... increasing the temp and stirring occasionally.
The only thing that I expected/ kinda missed was the little heat that that cones with some portables such as the Pax (because the mouthpiece is so close to the hearing elements). But IMO the EQ has much better vapor quality. Idk if I'm bias because I just purchased it or what but I believe that the EQ can pass a lot of vaporizers in density as well. One of my friends own the volcano and I don't believe it's better than EQ. I brought a camelbak bite clamp fits righr over the adaptor for no leakage, so no competition there. I also have another olthat owns Da Buddha and of course that's not better, but it produces great/ outstanding vapor.
High Af

how I like 2b
These are the items I brough as additons

, I don't use bongs or bubblers as attachments so I just chose
SSV 19mm Water Pipe adapter
To connect with
DDAVE Adapter