
Sexual Maven
I'm going to have to try the reset procedure on my unit as well.

Last night it started blinking funnily and shutting down way before 10 min, despite not getting that hot.

No weird lights today, but seems to be shutting off prematurely.
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Well-Known Member
No weird lights today, but seems to be shutting off prematurely.

Time can do that sometimes....... I suggest a no stem session for record against the clock? That (time) should be done by processor clock counts, pretty accurate and very consistent (poor guarantee on the exact precision of each Air processor clock). If it's not right, battery/contacts would be my first place to look although the contacts are Gold plated and the battery should handle the small amount of power needed for such a test. That last bit (battery) could be eliminated with a run with the charger plugged in?

Then again, if it's making satisfactory vapor.........



Enter the Dragon
No news is good news for me with the Air but breaking my GonG has forced me to only use it dry or with the Ed's stem in water. It just reaffirms my complete lack of remorse for purchasing my Air every single time I use it & I spent $150 on a new vape only 8 weeks before I purchased the Air.

I am in the process of purchasing a new vape & am getting a UD & probably a new glass piece or two as no other cunt will buy me vape stuff for my birthday so I will buy it myself :lol:. I could not think of a portable to buy that would justify replacing my Air at home. I could get a Haze or a Mighty or even a Sidekick but the Air really does deliver satisfaction in a easy to use package.


Sexual Maven
Well, I'm glad I ordered a 2nd AA for a backup as this one seems like it's not long for working order. I reset it and the blinking stopped, but started again.

It will blink like crazy (the bottom blue button) and then shut off in a about a minute. Resetting it seems to work well enough for a sesh or two... but it's not looking good.

Just gonna try to run it into the ground and hope it goes out 100% and see if Arizer will help refurb it or whatever.

Guess we'll see


Well-Known Member
I have a PhD in Not Buying From An Authorized Dealer. I won't ever do it again.

I just got my AA back from M&M. They actually sent me a brand new one, even though I purchased the unit that fritzed out on me from eBay. I wish they would have told me what was wrong with the old one, though. I was curious about how it died. Mercifully, the thing broke with an Arizer battery in it, and the only other battery I had ever used was an Arizer, too. I do have two more inexpensive batteries, but I haven't tried them yet. Not sure I will after reading all of this thread.

Oh, mean to ask: Is there any advantage to using a screen with the AA?

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Enter the Dragon
@beiberhole69 was your one "warmed up" in the oven not long back? I can't remember & good luck searching the Air thread for "oven" :)

Oh, mean to ask: Is there any advantage to using a screen with the AA?

Yes & no. Depends on how you grind your weed. I have been using a coarser grind with no screen lately but if the weed is a finer grind or denser a screen can assist. Where I have found a screen most beneficial is reducing the bowl size so it only lasts a single 10 minute session.

Try it yourself as a few screens costs bugger all & if you are in EU you should be able to get some "Black Leaf" screens & they are brilliant after shaping for the Air stem.
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Ancient and opiniated inhaler
If you don't grind or don't mind pieces in your mouth the screen adds nothing.
Screens have multiple uses but need to be kept clean or they clog.
Small loads - eg on a domed screen - give shorter session times but major medication confirmed by many of the usual suspects here.
Same goes for the Solo.
May be better extraction because the screen holds the material up off the glass plate and has more area for hot air to penetrate the smaller volume of material - if that makes sense?


Full Steam Ahead
Arizer products are super reliable, and not just for a vaporizer, but I'd put it's reliability and performance up against many much more expensive electronic devices. I've only had portable units (Air, Solo), but from my experience over the last year, I have nothing but good to say about Arizer. I'm sure they've researched and developed these stellar products, and sure they "tried just about everything."

Reminds me of my profession. Right now, I'm a fitness trainer, and a competitive kettlebell coach and athlete. When I met my coach about ten years ago, a true Russian world champion, his exercise methodology was so original, so thought out, so effective, but often I would question Valery Fedorenko, or offer a new idea. He would reply, in very few words, "We already tried that." I'm sure Arizer has looked into every possible detail. How else could they produce such well made products?

I'll be 58 this year. I don't really vape anyplace but home. I still like the super portability of the Air, can lay it down any which way, stems stays put, and it's just about as powerful as the Solo. I do have the a Solo, and use it often, but I find I'm so used to the ease of use of the Air, the Solo is a bit cumbersome. It does produce some great vapor though.

As my mom used to say, to each his own.

PS: The upside down dome screen shrinks bowl size and creates a thinner herb layer that I find to vape more efficiently with no stirring. I get as many pulls, and better quality vapor, with half as much product.


Well-Known Member

alpine dude

Well-Known Member
Hi(gh) arizers
i’m really enjoying my new air - it’s a fine machine and worked perfect right out of the box. The vapor aroma was spot on from the beginning. a real conaisseur machine - and the simple design is superb.
only negative thing ist the temperature range. For some strains i would like to have a 175c-setting, when i only want a "cerebral hit“. but his is actually peanuts.
what i really like compared to my ascent - i can take the battery out!
i also found a charger wich i will probably purchase:
it’s a swiss charger/powerbar from
anyone know it? or does anyone have a good charger in mind?
(i wanna read capacity, loaded capacity, %, volts)
Thanks for any input.



Arizer Air Aficionado
Hi(gh) arizers
i’m really enjoying my new air - it’s a fine machine and worked perfect right out of the box. The vapor aroma was spot on from the beginning. a real conaisseur machine - and the simple design is superb.
only negative thing ist the temperature range. For some strains i would like to have a 175c-setting, when i only want a "cerebral hit“. but his is actually peanuts.
what i really like compared to my ascent - i can take the battery out!
i also found a charger wich i will probably purchase:
it’s a swiss charger/powerbar from
anyone know it? or does anyone have a good charger in mind?
(i wanna read capacity, loaded capacity, %, volts)
Thanks for any input.


Look into Anker products, they sell exclusively though Amazon.

They are very reasonably priced but very high quality, have a higher than normal efficiency and charge up to 2amps, higher than the Air will need. But this does mean it will charge the Air at full speed and for when you are charging other prodcts such as a tablet they will charge nice and fast. :)


Sexual Maven
Well, I'm glad I ordered a 2nd AA for a backup as this one seems like it's not long for working order. I reset it and the blinking stopped, but started again.

It will blink like crazy (the bottom blue button) and then shut off in a about a minute. Resetting it seems to work well enough for a sesh or two... but it's not looking good.

Just gonna try to run it into the ground and hope it goes out 100% and see if Arizer will help refurb it or whatever.

Guess we'll see

Just to update my situation. Have had 2 sessions with the AA today and they were completely normal. No blinking, no shutting down early.

Maybe I'm just running this thing harder than I thought?

@beiberhole69 was your one "warmed up" in the oven not long back? I can't remember & good luck searching the Air thread for "oven" :)

Yea, that's me. Definitely worried that has something to do with it. Or maybe the new batteries I got aren't legit?

Got them here:

They're the lavender colored ones though.

It really sort of came out of nowhere Saturday night (and I wasn't puffin that much, just a few stems with my GF) and continued yesterday. No probs yet today though
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*Insert 'custom title' here*
Bought myself a backup vaporizer while my Air goes into warranty.

The back up I got isssss.... *drum roll*... another Arizer Air

It looks like a newer revision than my previous one.
Differences I've noticed:
- yellow LED is now orange
- white LED is now pink
- bottom battery cap has added logos for RoHS, weather, and disposal

I think that's it. The LED differences could just be my unit. I prefer the orange but miss the white. Hopefully I'll never have to resort to smoking again :doh:


Sexual Maven
Bought myself a backup vaporizer while my Air goes into warranty.

The back up I got isssss.... *drum roll*... another Arizer Air

It looks like a newer revision than my previous one.
Differences I've noticed:
- yellow LED is now orange
- white LED is now pink
- bottom battery cap has added logos for RoHS, weather, and disposal

I think that's it. The LED differences could just be my unit. I prefer the orange but miss the white. Hopefully I'll never have to resort to smoking again :doh:

That's all the same as my unit.


Well-Known Member
Hey @beiberhole69
I also had an Arizer Air that started blinking the LED rapidly, shutting down early, and mine also was overheating (the last session I ran almost combusted). I found some reports of people having similar issues on reddit in my search. I think I was the first person to post about this on FC though, because everyone pretty much wrote it off? :shrug:

Since my Air died it's left a real hole in my vape arsenal. I would like to get another one but not until I can really assess the reliability of the Arizer portables
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Sexual Maven
The heating unit is covered by a lifetime warranty... I'd contact the manufacturer.

Right now mine appears to be working okay. I went through the reset procedure a couple times. Maybe you should try that too

1. plug in
2. hold both buttons for 4 seconds
3. leave plugged in for 10 seconds
4. unplug

It's worth a shot
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Well-Known Member
Yeah, I tried the reset before and like you said it will work for a couple of sessions and then not. Since I got the vape secondhand from another member with no original proof of receipt the warranty is void according to Arizer.

EDIT: Also, how new is your Air? Mine was from one of the first batches upon release I think. Curious to know if this is an issue with the newer models
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