Greetings, I have been using my Greenlight G-9 H-enail for about two months now, and I would like to share my technique, which is a serious departure from traditional dabbing protocols. For me, I quickly grew weary of fumbling with the dabber/carb cap during the process. So, this is the method I use now, and it is very much more "user-froendly" , and yields mega hits/clouds that, as my grandpa used to say, "Son, this will knock yer dick in the dirt". I realize that the females among us will have to cross-translate this sentiment into a form which is applicable to their gender. Forthwith: Instead of "dabbing" concentrates onto the nail, before I even turn my G-9 on, I roll a tad bit of BHO wax (89.2% THC, my friends) about the size of a lentil in my fingers, and smash it down onto the Ti nail so that is goes down fully into the "cup". I placed the water-filled glass piece onto the body, with the carb cap (sans dabbertool) seated onto/into the glass piece and press the power button three times to begin the first heat cycle. When I see vapor begin to emanate from the vent hole, I take my first draw. This is always before the green light comes on. With the first draw, while holding the vapor in for about ten seconds, I press the GO button three more times, after the green light goes out, also while covering the carb cap vent hole with my thumb. I then take another monster draw, producing serious milky clouds, and cover the vent hole to prevent vapor from escaping. After holding the hit for about ten seconds, I press the power button a third and final time, keeping the vent hole plugged until my next mega monster draw. All total, I get about ten tokes, more or less continuously, once I start my session. Usually, after "my dick has been knocked into the dirt", I scrape the inevitable glob of wax that has bubbled up to and become affixed to the underside of the carb cab, which I "recycle" back onto the nail for a finishing "Shit the bed, Ted" single heat cycle. At this point, which is after about a three minute sesh, I have a mental acuity located somewhere between a brick and a potato. Schwennnnnnnnnnggggg ! I know that this method is "off the well-beaten path", but dang, the result I get is stellar. Try it, yoiu might like it !
