Arizer Solo


Cool but not my taste! If Arizer ever went back to ALL SILVER, and that includes the front plate then i'd go silver forsure. I like the stealthy look of all black.

Not scientific, but I also think this newer Solo serial holds its heat better or something. I have massive lungs, and the ability to nearly rip an entire solo gong in one snap (video in planning stages) and i've noticed that I can't really drop the temp much. Sure the heater kicks in and starts blinking, but I can't drop the temp by some many lights as before. Firmware tweaks I suppose?

I also am noticing that the teflon built-in oring is slightly elevated/lifted when I unscrew the cap. It's even all around so seems like it's intended to be like that and cannot be noticed with the cap on. I LOVE the way this Solo fits all my stems. My gong is nice and loose the way I like so I can plop the solo on my gong inverted and remove when I want to. I find I can get some GREAT primarily convection hits this way and is reflected in the ABV. Leave it on longer for a more conductive heat soak and smoke-like white dense clouds. My stems fit snug but not tight, and is perfect for the ability to "rock it". Airflow just isn't an issue for me with this Solo. The M1A that I recently sold was like a frozen milkshake in comparison!

Looking forward to my 2nd black Solo....when I find something I like, I REALLY like it alot! :rockon:


Wow quiet day in SoloLand!!! Today was efficiency testing and boy oh boy once again MIND BLOWN!!! .1g alllllll the way down to .01g! Looks like my new routine will be .01-.05g loads since I just love whitewalling my water tool on temp 7. If I load .05-.1 I would drop the temp unless I wanted a DAB like experience! Yes, i've seen densely thick yellowish vapour that didn't combust but looked like a concentrate hit! It's all about experimenting with different heat soaks, but I also sometimes remove the Solo from my gong in between each hit, that's also when I use temp 7...for pure convection goodness.

Such a versatile vape this Solo! And its efficiency is lowering my consumption!


Cool but not my taste! If Arizer ever went back to ALL SILVER, and that includes the front plate then i'd go silver forsure. I like the stealthy look of all black.

Not scientific, but I also think this newer Solo serial holds its heat better or something. I have massive lungs, and the ability to nearly rip an entire solo gong in one snap (video in planning stages) and i've noticed that I can't really drop the temp much. Sure the heater kicks in and starts blinking, but I can't drop the temp by some many lights as before. Firmware tweaks I suppose?

I also am noticing that the teflon built-in oring is slightly elevated/lifted when I unscrew the cap. It's even all around so seems like it's intended to be like that and cannot be noticed with the cap on. I LOVE the way this Solo fits all my stems. My gong is nice and loose the way I like so I can plop the solo on my gong inverted and remove when I want to. I find I can get some GREAT primarily convection hits this way and is reflected in the ABV. Leave it on longer for a more conductive heat soak and smoke-like white dense clouds. My stems fit snug but not tight, and is perfect for the ability to "rock it". Airflow just isn't an issue for me with this Solo. The M1A that I recently sold was like a frozen milkshake in comparison!

Looking forward to my 2nd black Solo....when I find something I like, I REALLY like it alot! :rockon:
Nice session and more sessions to go!

My very old black SOLO works like it was brand new?

I have to keep 2oz of GSC?

My SOLO loves it and so do I!
420 520 620 720 it's all good!
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Well-Known Member
For the last three, nearly four weeks, this solo has become my only vape, my go to vape, my daily driver, my portable discreet, and my home desktop unit, and it is having no problem filling any of those roles!!
Bear in mind that I bought this secondhand from a stranger, dropped it once or twice, and I have complete confidence that it will continue to perform for many years to come!
I can see why @biohacker would want two (and they're so well priced now too), but I think this is so robust that one will do me for life! Perhaps an Air would suit me as a portable, as I already don't really mind the size of the Solo for a portable.
While all you need to do is put your used stem in a carry tube, and that takes care of the whole unwanted smell thing with other vapes.
If any folk are new to this vaping, and if you think you can do better by saving 50 bucks buying some tier 3 or 4 vape, or some chinese knock off, You're WRONG!!!
Save yourself the hassle of having to learn the hard way like me, and just wait till you have enough for a Solo or Air, buy one second hand or treat yourself with new.
It will pay for itself quickly if your ditching tobacco, or eventually in the herb that it saves!

Wow quiet day in SoloLand!!! Today was efficiency testing and boy oh boy once again MIND BLOWN!!! .1g alllllll the way down to .01g! Looks like my new routine will be .01-.05g loads since I just love whitewalling my water tool on temp 7. If I load .05-.1 I would drop the temp unless I wanted a DAB like experience! Yes, i've seen densely thick yellowish vapour that didn't combust but looked like a concentrate hit! It's all about experimenting with different heat soaks, but I also sometimes remove the Solo from my gong in between each hit, that's also when I use temp 7...for pure convection goodness.

Such a versatile vape this Solo! And its efficiency is lowering my consumption!

Crikey Mikey!
I didn't weigh anything, and I don't have water tools, but tried a TINY pinch on 7 upsidedown in a convection way like you said.... HO LY cow!!
That is a handy trick, material is sometimes scarce here and while this vape is already quite thrifty using other tricks, this one beats all for efficiency!
Got great results trying it with PVHES shorty turbo.
I was considering buying a Haze V3 only for the bowl size is quite a big .25g, there probably isnt much around that's more efficient than a Solo or an Air IMO after this experiment^^^!


Singer of songs and a vapor connoisseur
If you use your Solo as a daily driver and use it often to medicate, probably having 2 wouldn't be a bad idea or get an Arizer Air. It will give you peace of mind to have a backup.

The battery will degrade over time, with 2 units there's less wear and tear and yes it will last for years. The battery can be replaced, there's a video on how to do it.

@blackstone glad you appreciate the Solo like the rest of us. A nice portable to have .


For the last three, nearly four weeks, this solo has become my only vape, my go to vape, my daily driver, my portable discreet, and my home desktop unit, and it is having no problem filling any of those roles!!
Bear in mind that I bought this secondhand from a stranger, dropped it once or twice, and I have complete confidence that it will continue to perform for many years to come!
I can see why @biohacker would want two (and they're so well priced now too), but I think this is so robust that one will do me for life! Perhaps an Air would suit me as a portable, as I already don't really mind the size of the Solo for a portable.
While all you need to do is put your used stem in a carry tube, and that takes care of the whole unwanted smell thing with other vapes.
If any folk are new to this vaping, and if you think you can do better by saving 50 bucks buying some tier 3 or 4 vape, or some chinese knock off, You're WRONG!!!
Save yourself the hassle of having to learn the hard way like me, and just wait till you have enough for a Solo or Air, buy one second hand or treat yourself with new.
It will pay for itself quickly if your ditching tobacco, or eventually in the herb that it saves!

Crikey Mikey!
I didn't weigh anything, and I don't have water tools, but tried a TINY pinch on 7 upsidedown in a convection way like you said.... HO LY cow!!
That is a handy trick, material is sometimes scarce here and while this vape is already quite thrifty using other tricks, this one beats all for efficiency!
Got great results trying it with PVHES shorty turbo.
I was considering buying a Haze V3 only for the bowl size is quite a big .25g, there probably isnt much around that's more efficient than a Solo or an Air IMO after this experiment^^^!
I use a SOLO all day everyday!
I feel better during the day having a SOLO by my side!


Well-Known Member
If you use your Solo as a daily driver and use it often to medicate, probably having 2 wouldn't be a bad idea or get an Arizer Air. It will give you peace of mind to have a backup.

The battery will degrade over time, with 2 units there's less wear and tear and yes it will last for years. The battery can be replaced, there's a video on how to do it.

@blackstone glad you appreciate the Solo like the rest of us. A nice portable to have .

It does get a little stressful trying to balance charging and consumption, with recommended battery procedures using just one unit!
I have to be real harsh with the battery and say "I know you don't like this, but I have to charge you real hard now so you can keep working later!" :)
Does anybody fit or recommend those high capacity batteries for the Solo? Any cons or do they take much longer to charge?

I use a SOLO all day everyday!
I feel better during the day having a SOLO by my side!
Such a great unit indeed, not too big, not too small. And great to have something we can rely on time and time again.
The only thing you have to do with this vape is make sure it doesn't get wet (it is ok to feed it after midnight though!)

Dr. Soxhlet

SOLO Vaporized Cannabis is my Best Medicine
I feel better during the day having a SOLO by my side!

I feel better during the night having a SOLO by my side!
Heats up fast. Helps with the pain and puts me back to sleep.
Unlike combusting, no worries about setting fire to the bed with the auto shutoff and lack of flame. This technology makes us healthier and safer!!


I can see why @biohacker would want two (and they're so well priced now too), but I think this is so robust that one will do me for life! Perhaps an Air would suit me as a portable, as I already don't really mind the size of the Solo for a portable.

You know, since release I have owned more Solo's than I care to remember, but eventually I sell them. Definitely in the double digits, they were all used with slight care but not babied. I have never ever had to send one in for warranty or bad battery or anything....i'm quite confident that my newer M1H will deliver like all the rest! You're right, the size is awesome (and with 2nd built in battery won't overheat like the Air!) and the reason for the second solo is strictly due to battery management.

I didn't weigh anything, and I don't have water tools, but tried a TINY pinch on 7 upsidedown in a convection way like you said.... HO LY cow!!
That is a handy trick, material is sometimes scarce here and while this vape is already quite thrifty using other tricks, this one beats all for efficiency!

Glad you like it! It's my new go to because every other vape i've used i've just blown through product! This one satisfies me with its dense milking ability with tiny specs of loads! My tolerance has noticeably decreased since acquiring the Solo, and for the first time in a long time...I am UNDER my usual daily usage of 2g! Plan is to get down to 1.5 (should be easy) and then 1.0g in maybe a month or so.....and i'm able to do it all because of the Solo!

Got great results trying it with PVHES shorty turbo.

You know, with all my efficiency testing yesterday, i'm not even sure I need a "shorty" gong anymore. What is the purpose of the shorty? To load less, and get it closer to the heater, by what 2-3mm? I use .02g just enough to cover the bottom of the screen in my gong, it's a teeny layer of 1mm flower and most of the bowl is empty. Works great! What advantage would the shorty have?

I was considering buying a Haze V3 only for the bowl size is quite a big .25g, there probably isnt much around that's more efficient than a Solo or an Air IMO after this experiment^^^!

You're right! With my Crafty and Mighty i'd rarely load was more often .25 or more. I wonder about how much the Air can keep up (previous owner of two Airs, possible future owner of 1 Air) with only one battery though....I did notice overheating from time to time in my Air, but the battery life was half of the Solo and the batteries became a pain to deal with. Air would be strictly for portability for me, and I don't really have those needs right now. Mighty is great, but not worth $250 more that CU can be a bitch.

If you use your Solo as a daily driver and use it often to medicate, probably having 2 wouldn't be a bad idea or get an Arizer Air. It will give you peace of mind to have a backup.

The battery will degrade over time, with 2 units there's less wear and tear and yes it will last for years. The battery can be replaced, there's a video on how to do it.

Exactly! 2 Solo's so one is always roaring to go!

It does get a little stressful trying to balance charging and consumption, with recommended battery procedures using just one unit!
I have to be real harsh with the battery and say "I know you don't like this, but I have to charge you real hard now so you can keep working later!"

The Solo will.....but the battery won't for long :)


Well-Known Member
re ; screens
@al bundy posted a very good comparison for us with pics .

I've been using the NO2 screens since day 1 . The ' brim ' of
the top-hat shape helps the screen stay in place . And also allow you
to adjust your own bowl size .

re ; shorty bowl
I prefer the shorty Gongs , It seems to give better/even extraction
when I hit it at 7 . Usually 3 to 4 hits and it's done .

re ; High Capacity battery
I'd def. recommend it for replacement .
It does take longer to charge up , but it'll last longer for usage too .

here's some old pics , ( it's actually what I'm rocking right now )



Another night, another flawless impressive Solo and gong experience! I'm really busting with this one, but i'm just curious about something i've noticed in the heater bowl. Two things.... first, i've developed a "ring" around the bottom plate where the glass meets up. I've tried to clean with ISO and a q-tip but seems like it just won't go away. It's aesthetic only, and doesn't bother me....I wonder if it's caused by me "spinning" the Solo on the gong? Probably.

The other thing i've noticed is that I can see 3 out of the 4 holes in the heater...but on 1 of them, it's like I can sort of see a bottom plate, and it's not just a hole...if it is it's big deal either, no difference in function, just curious...i'm sure the air gets through it no problem.

Only have had the Solo for not even a consumption has been slashed in HALF! Went from 2g down to 1g practically over night! And i'm a medicinal all day vaporist! All because of the Solo's efficiency and doing .05g loads. I can't go down the route of inefficient vapes every again! I just end up using more, and don't get any more medicated and blow through material.

The Solo is my favourite vaporizer of all time! :rockon:


Well-Known Member
Another night, another flawless impressive Solo and gong experience! I'm really busting with this one, but i'm just curious about something i've noticed in the heater bowl. Two things.... first, i've developed a "ring" around the bottom plate where the glass meets up. I've tried to clean with ISO and a q-tip but seems like it just won't go away. It's aesthetic only, and doesn't bother me....I wonder if it's caused by me "spinning" the Solo on the gong? Probably.

The other thing i've noticed is that I can see 3 out of the 4 holes in the heater...but on 1 of them, it's like I can sort of see a bottom plate, and it's not just a hole...if it is it's big deal either, no difference in function, just curious...i'm sure the air gets through it no problem.

Only have had the Solo for not even a consumption has been slashed in HALF! Went from 2g down to 1g practically over night! And i'm a medicinal all day vaporist! All because of the Solo's efficiency and doing .05g loads. I can't go down the route of inefficient vapes every again! I just end up using more, and don't get any more medicated and blow through material.

The Solo is my favourite vaporizer of all time! :rockon:
You will always get some discoloration. You can use a q tip with alcohol or soak some kitchen paper in alcolhol (not dripping) and leave it in for a few minutes.

If one of the holes is blocked you can use a pin to clean it up.


Thanks bro, I didn't try to leave the q-tip on it for a few minutes, only seconds so i'll try it.

The hole isn't actually block with anything, it came this way - it's just the bottom part of the plate showing through, or perhaps an alignment issue, which I don't understand because 3 of the 4 look like the dark abyss. I'll take a picture later to help illustrate.


Well-Known Member
Thanks bro, I didn't try to leave the q-tip on it for a few minutes, only seconds so i'll try it.

The hole isn't actually block with anything, it came this way - it's just the bottom part of the plate showing through, or perhaps an alignment issue, which I don't understand because 3 of the 4 look like the dark abyss. I'll take a picture later to help illustrate.

iso + q-tip + old screen .

use the screen as a scrubber while making the q-tip
as your stir stick/mop handle . Remember to hold the Solo
inverted , so no iso leaks down into the 4 holes . Allow it to fully
dry out before using .


Thanks bro, I didn't try to leave the q-tip on it for a few minutes, only seconds so i'll try it.

The hole isn't actually block with anything, it came this way - it's just the bottom part of the plate showing through, or perhaps an alignment issue, which I don't understand because 3 of the 4 look like the dark abyss. I'll take a picture later to help illustrate.
Take a picture!
I just use the same SOLO from a time long ago.


I will take a picture, I was too busy filming videos last night! LOL It's odd though, why is there even a ring? It can't be material...i've ONLY used the Solo inverted on my gong with small's like a chemical reaction between the stainless steel plate and the glass rim? Doesn't bother me one bit but i'll try to clean it best I can and then post the pic.

Stay tuned for videos! They are on my phone, now I just need to get them up on imgur or youtube I guess...i'm a video newbie! I think you all will enjoy my efficiency cloud videos!
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