While I do like the idea of this design it's not the first out there and it won't be last.
Happy you like it man!
Not the first wallet gadget, definitely. Not the last wallet gadget, probably.
But from the research we have conducted, we uncovered no credit card vaporizers / E-cigarettes in existence.
It's the first credit card vaporizer!
Imag Junior and flameless lighters.
The imag junior is a china made vape that is a result of the disconnect between the people that vape (actually know about vapes) and the people that are mass producing them. They claim to be a dry-herb vape, when it's the furthest thing from that. This thing combusts for days!
Despite the way the Imag looks, its not the dimensions of a credit card. Also is equivalent to about 11+ credit cards in thickness.
From what I remember, it seemed like the flameless lighters came around and became more prominent around the same time e-cigs did, if not slightly later, so Im assuming someone somewhere put two and two together and realized that the vapes have battery powered coils and figured, why not make a flameless lighter. Regardless, none of the flameless lighters are as small as Zepto. Nor are there any credit card shaped flameless lighters (based on some quick research).
(the thought of giving out a credit card flameless lighter as a promotional freebie has dawned on us before) (but it would have to be created first)
So if you're attempting to use a flameless lighter as an example of existing before Zepto, on a basic level it all comes down to a button, a battery and a heater/coil. So if talking in terms of that then you could say that any vape is not the first or the last.
Also patent pending is good but you can only patent the shape of this device, everything else has been out before you guys even applied for a patent so it's public domain now.
Yep! That is what is patent pending. The form factor of a vaporizer/e-cig being the size of a credit card. I filed the patent around a year ago, so we are awaiting approval any time now!
@thekarmawhore stated and looking at your videos confirms it, you have a proof of concept at max a Alpha prototype. When you get into beta testing your going to figure out air paths first and secondly how you will replace the coils when they burn out and given that you are thinking of doing 15 seconds of power it's gonna be one hell of a ride, because now you have viscous oil that's vertical and no where near the heater and slowly draining into small spaces.
So those videos were made a while ago along with those prototypes. We have made much progress since! Not sure if you completely read our prior posts, but just to clarify, we have already extensively designed/engineered Zepto; that includes the airways and a system for replacing the heating elements (we incorporated spring pins that both make electrical contact with the atomizer [heating element bowl] and also hold it in place).
As for the oil draining into small places, that is a good point! And it was taken into consideration a long time ago.
Certain measures have been taken to make sure it does not seep anywhere.
One is the surface area of the Glass and ceramic heating elements are large vs current coil atomizers. So to paint a picture, if you put a descent booger sized dab on and it melts, as a result it spreads thinly across the heating element and vaporizes simultaneously.
If there is any essential oil left over, inside the atomizer, it will return to its original viscous state.
(As for the coil heating element we may even include the rope wick usually found in atomizers, which will retain the oil )
Also the Sliding mechanism keeps everything contained within the Atomizer bowl (heating element bowl).
So taking all this into consideration there shouldn't be a problem with seepage.
Again we are gonna have to test ZeptO when we get the fully functional prototype to see if it's 100% and whether we need to tweak certain things for the better.
(In addition I have a micro g-pen and so far no matter how i hold the vape - horizontally, diagonally, vertically, even upside down I've never experienced wax seeping out of the bowl, seems to really get in there and stay in there after just melting it once. (Probably due to the high viscosity of it)
Not trying to discourage you, but the design isn't worth while because it has been done before.
We have seen wallet flashlights, wallet batteries, wallet knives, wallet mult-tools, and even wallet shaving razors, etc.
But never a Credit card vaporizer/ E-cig !
Even if something has been done before, doesn't mean it should just be left the way it is.
For Example: The light-bulb has come a long way since Edison first invented it. If people decided it wasn't worth pursuing because someone did it before, we probably wouldn't have all the different and more efficient lighting solutions we have today.
Thats also like saying the Grasshopper shouldn't have been pursued because there have been other pen shaped vapes.
The way i see it, There's always room for improvement!
So no your engineering isn't done yet, in fact I will say it has not started yet.
If you're basing this statement off of the videos then i would say thats not a great source, the sole purpose of them was to make a proof of concept and plus i like tinkering so i wanted to build them. If you were really interested in finding out how far we actually are into engineering you could've just asked

whether about the airways or the replaceable heating elements.
Again not only is the engineering started, but we are well in. We are sourcing some final parts. We cant wait to get the fully functional prototype up to really prove how far the design has really come!
But that's how every revolutionary vaporizer is born and that is proving everyone wrong and doing what others couldn't.
Very true and thats what we hope to do!