Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
I finally got around to sending in my Plenty yesterday afternoon at the UPS store. I even got $300 insurance on the thing! I'm going to make it a point to read this entire thread by the end of the weekend and would really like to know more about using small loads and efficiency with this vape before receiving it back. If anyone has any pointers or techniques to make our herb last longer in this device I'd really like to know. I should probably be getting it back mid week. I've also been checking out the Mighty and the Enano. I'm even hearing from other forums that the Volcano isn't very herb efficient so taking a look at that thread is a must for me as well.

Whether or not I keep the plenty depends on if they either fix the heating unit or give me a brand new kit. Has anyone here got a brand new replacement vape with Storz and Bickel? It doesn't matter if it's the Mighty, Crafty, Plenty or the two Volcanoes.. I really would like to know. I would be so happy with them if I received a brand spanking new Plenty.. but perhaps this is just wishful thinking? Let me know what to expect guys! Have any of you received a new unit instead of a simple repair?

Also how long does ABV stay good for? I'm getting close to having enough for my first batch of brownies! Can't wait!!!:cool:
Socks And Sandals,


Well-Known Member
@Socks And Sandals do your testing, but don't make the mistake I made and finished all I had at the time.

The Crafty isn't too efficient either, although I think I used an early 2015 unit. Maybe they tweaked it to perform better. Maybe they didn't.

All I can tell you is that the Arizer Solo kicks all S&B's products in the ballswhen it comes to efficiency, effectiveness AND taste.
Sure, some may disagree, but if you plan on reading this entire thread then you're gonna notice more people think the same as I.


I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too
Couldn't disagree with you more @whateverman

I have preferred all my S&B products over my Solo. (Which I think is a great Vape, and I have recommended it for a first vape many times here.)

I rate the Crafty/Mighty as supreme as portable vapes.

@Socks And Sandals
I recieved a brand new unit FOC when I had a fault with my first gen Crafty.

I expect S&B will look after you. Some dudes are reporting issues dealing with US customer services.

Fingers crossed for you.
The Plenty is a killer vape. But I did struggle with the amount of herb it used, but thats why it hits so strong right.

You can use it with the pad but over time it effects the taste a bit.

Good luck pal.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't disagree with you more @whateverman

That's perfectly fine! Different strokes for different folks. Yesterday I was told by a friend that "no matter what" combustion is providing a superior effect than vaporizing (which is common argument by smokers). So far he had tried the Plenty, Solo and Crafty. I wonder if my upcoming E-Nano will change his mind.

@Socks And Sandals One test I hadn't had the chance to make is how the Plenty performs with a fine screen (finer than the ones that came with it). Some has suggested that finer screens and finer grind works better with the Crafty. I have no idea how the Plenty will perform with a finer screen in relation to a more coarse screen. Maybe it will be worse and probably the experience will be pretty much the same, but it's slightly possible that it'll change it for the better.

Sadly I have no such fine screens in my possession, so I'm unable to perform such test.
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I used to do drugs. I still do, but I used to, too
Yesterday I was told by a friend that "no matter what" combustion is providing a superior effect than vaporizing (which is common argument by smokers).

I'm not sure what are you trying to say here, are you equating my opinion to that of your smoker friend?
Hell, don't even bother answering here and derailing the thread further. Feel free to PM me though.

Your opinion is that the Solo outperforms all S&B products.

I have owned all S&B products and a Solo, and I think you are wrong.
(I don't dislike the Solo btw and think its a great easy to use vape with good add ons like the easy flow mouth piece or water bubbler)

Fyi, fine screens do not make much difference and just catch more fine particles and thus require changing more often, the same goes for the Crafty. imho.

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
Because ABV is really a "dried herb" , it keeps for a really really long time.
Many many months and probably years :)

Thanks for the heads up on that! I'll be checking out the ABV and the Cooking forums very shortly.

@Socks And Sandals do your testing, but don't make the mistake I made and finished all I had at the time.

The Crafty isn't too efficient either, although I think I used an early 2015 unit. Maybe they tweaked it to perform better. Maybe they didn't.

All I can tell you is that the Arizer Solo kicks all S&B's products in the ballswhen it comes to efficiency, effectiveness AND taste.
Sure, some may disagree, but if you plan on reading this entire thread then you're gonna notice more people think the same as I.

I heard it was much much more efficient than the Plenty.. or are you just comparing it to the Enano on herb efficiency? The only vapes I'm currently looking at right now is the Enano, The volcano, the mighty and the Vape Exhale or whatever it's called. I've seen videos on that VapeExhale with the water attachments and I was amazed at the amount of vapor on that thing. I wonder how efficient that thing is? If it wasn't for the price I might consider that.

Couldn't disagree with you more @whateverman

@Socks And Sandals
I recieved a brand new unit FOC when I had a fault with my first gen Crafty.

I expect S&B will look after you. Some dudes are reporting issues dealing with US customer services.

Fingers crossed for you.
The Plenty is a killer vape. But I did struggle with the amount of herb it used, but thats why it hits so strong right.

You can use it with the pad but over time it effects the taste a bit.

Good luck pal.

Thanks you man! I had to look up what FOC was and realized it was Free of Charge!

They received my Plenty on Friday the 25th. I haven't heard back from them yet and just got done leaving a message at their Oakland office. Personally I'm not worried because I know they have a reputation to protect. I know there are some great vapes out there that rivial S&B products but it seems to me whenever I research anything about their vapes they are always regarded as the cream of the crop in most circles and forums I've been too.

Thanks for keeping your fingers crossed. I'll keep you updated on what happens. I'm hoping to have this back before friday. In the meantime, I'm going to struggle with going without any herb until then, not only because I don't want to combust, I feel as if I should take a break for 4 days and let my tolerance subside some.

@Socks And Sandals One test I hadn't had the chance to make is how the Plenty performs with a fine screen (finer than the ones that came with it). Some has suggested that finer screens and finer grind works better with the Crafty. I have no idea how the Plenty will perform with a finer screen in relation to a more coarse screen. Maybe it will be worse and probably the experience will be pretty much the same, but it's slightly possible that it'll change it for the better.

Sadly I have no such fine screens in my possession, so I'm unable to perform such test.

When I bought my Plenty I only bought an extra set of liquid pads and an extra set of normal screens. I have yet to use any of their "fine" screens so I wouldn't know. S&B has both the Fine and Normal sized screens. I was actually going to post a question about difference between the fine and normal screens but never got around to it. If no one replies to this or if I can't find the answer reading through this thread or google, I'll post it directly because I actually forgot about asking about this.

Edit: @h3rbalist

Sorry I over looked your comment here before replying, "Fyi, fine screens do not make much difference and just catch more fine particles and thus require changing more often, the same goes for the Crafty. imho."

This is sort of what I was thinking as well but are you sure there isn't any possibility of finer screens enabling longer sessions? Is there really no chance in your opinion that the finer screens could provide this? I know I'm going out on a limb here and am probably reaching.. but at this point I'm willing to try every option there is in order to make my herb go farther.
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It's all in the reflexes.
I love my Plenty. It hits crazy hard and is perfect for transitioning IMO. It is not a vape you use to conserve herb. I own a crafty and have extensive experience wit a volcano. SB products are great. I think their strength is their ease of use and big rips. But for conservation, the plenty ain't it. The volcano definetly ain't it. Crafty is kinda it. But in truth IMO if u want conservation and convection a nice log vape is the way to go. Stop agonizing over it and just do it!!! I'm a good example of a bad example.

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
I love my Plenty. It hits crazy hard and is perfect for transitioning IMO. It is not a vape you use to conserve herb. I own a crafty and have extensive experience wit a volcano. SB products are great. I think their strength is their ease of use and big rips. But for conservation, the plenty ain't it. The volcano definetly ain't it. Crafty is kinda it. But in truth IMO if u want conservation and convection a nice log vape is the way to go. Stop agonizing over it and just do it!!! I'm a good example of a bad example.

The volcano definitely ain't it? How bad is conservation with that? If the Crafty is kinda it, that would mean the Mighty is Kinda it also right? I think in the short term at least the E Nano might be my best bet. I'll try to make a post over in the E Nano thread soon.
Socks And Sandals,


It's all in the reflexes.
The volcano is a plenty with a fan and a bag. To get decent vapor in the bag ya gotta put a decent amount in the chamber or else the vapor gets diluted with regular air before the balloon fills. Crafty and mighty are the same other than physical size and battery life. The bowl size is the same. All that being said, my SB vapes get a lot less use than my nano based on conservation and the ability to easily use a water piece.

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
The volcano is a plenty with a fan and a bag. To get decent vapor in the bag ya gotta put a decent amount in the chamber or else the vapor gets diluted with regular air before the balloon fills. Crafty and mighty are the same other than physical size and battery life. The bowl size is the same. All that being said, my SB vapes get a lot less use than my nano based on conservation and the ability to easily use a water piece.

Thanks for the insight on those vapes. I know the Plenty bowl is a little bit bigger but it's not that much different from the Volcano as far as design or so I've heard.

For everyone else who is following this thread:

I just received a phone call from S&B and they ARE NOT SENDING ME A NEW UNIT. Instead they are returning the same unit to me. The man I spoke with was just too polite to give a hard time to about this. I told him my concerns and he said everything falls between the spec range of temperatures. He also mentioned the temp dial was resting below 100F when they received it.. could this have been from shipping?

Either way, he said there was no problem with my vaporizer and they have sent me back the same unit. I'm a little disappointed to say the least as I was really hoping for a brand new unit.:bang: If the cooling coil still gets hot all the way up to mouthpiece I'm not so sure how I'm going to feel about S&B anymore but I don't want to get ahead of myself just yet.

To make matters worse the repair tech sent me an invoice which shows my old shipping and billing address (from before I moved back in June) and when I go to to track my Plenty coming back to me, sure enough IT SHOWS THE WRONG ADDRESS. I mean I don't get it!!! I updated my contact and billing info on the S&B website back in June with my current residence address! I immediately called them back and got a recording and left another message as well as another email letting them know that my new invoice as well as FedEx are saying they are shipping this to the wrong city?!? How could this have happened? Did they just use my previous invoice address without seeing if I updated my information on their website? I swear if this gets delayed past friday due to this, I'm seriously going to be pissed. :ugh:

Again.. I have to wait till tomorrow to hear back from them..
Socks And Sandals,

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
All material vapes differently, some better than others, have you tried numerous strains?
Hey Flying,

Yeah I usually rotate out indicas and sativas from my local MJ dispensary every two weeks but I'm more of an indica guy so I always have some on hand. I had this really exotic looking Orange Crush sativa just this last visit and it wasn't as moist as the Godzilla OG and Pineapple express indicas i've experienced recently. Some of these strains were so sticky they would clog up my old S&B plastic grinder in just 3 days but I've never had that problem with my SCS obviously.

Is there any specific strain you would lean towards?
Socks And Sandals,


Well-Known Member
Another idea for vaping small loads in the Plenty:

No modifications required.
Huh? No mods? No washer gizmos? Yes, it's me. Decided to mod the user instead of the device.

Set temp dial to 7. Sprinkle less than 0.1g dry, fine ground herb on screen. No liquid pad. Keep it vertical. Slow down your draw.

That's it.

Through trials with micro loads, I found an inverse relationship between draw speed and vapor production. I aim for draw speed that would fill your lungs over 30 seconds. Really slow.

Here's a small load of 0.04g This was a hand held trial, just holding it vertical.

Try this slow draw sequence: five second slow primer draw at 380F.
Then the big payoff draw during max temp, try drawing for over 20 seconds.
I was pleasantly surprised. Hope you are too.
Follow with another long slow draw as temp is cooling.
Click dead man switch and wait until near max temp and take final long slow draw. Whispy.

Limbo time! How low can you go?

How about 0.01g

Warning, geek discussion below mixed with my possible explanation for success above. My lame opinion. Hope a competent brain out there can give a better explanation.

From Wiki:
The continuity equation shows that the reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed. Subsequently Bernoulli's principle then shows that there must be a decrease in the pressure in the reduced diameter region. This phenomenon is known as the Venturi effect.

Diagram on left from google image search on venturi.
I was struck by similarity to the Plenty chamber on right.

I believe the slow-draw velocity of the air molecules within the coil becomes even slower within the herb chamber due to venturi. This is optimal, as we want the heated air flowing past the single layer of herb particles at a slow velocity for an extended period of time. There is no hot glass or puck to help keep the heat up -- we need the hot air, slow and long.

Socks: just occurred to me that your hot coil all the way to the tip may be related to your draw speed and duration. When I was testing my insane washer/basket mod I was drawing at a fast clip repeatedly. That coil was really hot after. Just a possible explanation.
I do use the fine screen on bottom. Just to keep smallest particles out of heater.


It's all in the reflexes.
Another idea for vaping small loads in the Plenty:

No modifications required.
Huh? No mods? No washer gizmos? Yes, it's me. Decided to mod the user instead of the device.

Set temp dial to 7. Sprinkle less than 0.1g dry, fine ground herb on screen. No liquid pad. Keep it vertical. Slow down your draw.

That's it.

Through trials with micro loads, I found an inverse relationship between draw speed and vapor production. I aim for draw speed that would fill your lungs over 30 seconds. Really slow.

Here's a small load of 0.04g This was a hand held trial, just holding it vertical.

Try this slow draw sequence: five second slow primer draw at 380F.
Then the big payoff draw during max temp, try drawing for over 20 seconds.
I was pleasantly surprised. Hope you are too.
Follow with another long slow draw as temp is cooling.
Click dead man switch and wait until near max temp and take final long slow draw. Whispy.

Limbo time! How low can you go?

How about 0.01g

Warning, geek discussion below mixed with my possible explanation for success above. My lame opinion. Hope a competent brain out there can give a better explanation.

From Wiki:
The continuity equation shows that the reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed. Subsequently Bernoulli's principle then shows that there must be a decrease in the pressure in the reduced diameter region. This phenomenon is known as the Venturi effect.

Diagram on left from google image search on venturi.
I was struck by similarity to the Plenty chamber on right.

I believe the slow-draw velocity of the air molecules within the coil becomes even slower within the herb chamber due to venturi. This is optimal, as we want the heated air flowing past the single layer of herb particles at a slow velocity for an extended period of time. There is no hot glass or puck to help keep the heat up -- we need the hot air, slow and long.

Socks: just occurred to me that your hot coil all the way to the tip may be related to your draw speed and duration. When I was testing my insane washer/basket mod I was drawing at a fast clip repeatedly. That coil was really hot after. Just a possible explanation.
I do use the fine screen on bottom. Just to keep smallest particles out of heater.
Awesome post man. I totally dig your tenacity and I think all us plenty owners benefit from it. Three thumbs up!!!

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
What's up guys.. Just a quick update:

I got my Plenty back in the mail and the needle still reads 110. Dale.. the guy at S&B said that when he received my plenty it was resting at 0 and not 110.. hmmmm..:ugh: I tried it out last night with close to a 0.5 in the chamber and the coil is still getting hot and so is the mouthpiece. Now granted the mouthpiece never got so hot that I could burn my lips.. just hot enough to make me want to remove my lips from the draw but that's not the point.. the point is... this IS NOT THE WAY THIS VAPE PERFORMED WHEN I FIRST GOT IT AND I'M PRETTY PISSED OFF.

They told me all 7 temperature dial settings fell within their respective temperature ranges and there was nothing they could do as far as a repair. Since I'm planning on taking a break from cannabis next week for 4 days (monday through thursday) to lower my tollerance I'm going to give my Plenty at least another half dozen sessions before I decide on what I want to do. Sure the thing still works and yes I got pretty buzzed from the thick vapor clouds last night.. but here's the kicker......What I put in there...... a 0.5 would have got me high 3 times if I threw that same amount of herb into my glass spoon (and cover the bowl with my palm after I take a hit to not let any smoke escape) and that's exactly my point and my biggest concern... EFFICIENCY!

I'm still reading this thread.. and I'm almost done but I'm also currently looking into the Enano as I've determined it's the best vape for my tight budget.

Oh.. and I found this letter inside my box upon opening it:


What would you guys do if you were me? Keep using it for the time being? Maybe take the coil apart and refit everything again? You're guess is as good as mine FC...

None specifically because to me it has to do with the state of the herb, just the driest, most finely ground material I could get. Hate your having shit experience.

The problem is it's very hard to find any top shelf herb that isn't moist and sticky.. Unless I'm missing something? Don't get me wrong, I've definitely had some herb dryer than others but It seems to me most of the top shelf is just like that.. sticky, moist and sweet. I remember that vape critic guy saying he sometimes lays out his already grinded herb on a paper plate for a few hours before he vapes so maybe that would help?

Another idea for vaping small loads in the Plenty:

No modifications required.
Huh? No mods? No washer gizmos? Yes, it's me. Decided to mod the user instead of the device.

Set temp dial to 7. Sprinkle less than 0.1g dry, fine ground herb on screen. No liquid pad. Keep it vertical. Slow down your draw.

That's it.

Through trials with micro loads, I found an inverse relationship between draw speed and vapor production. I aim for draw speed that would fill your lungs over 30 seconds. Really slow.

Here's a small load of 0.04g This was a hand held trial, just holding it vertical.

Try this slow draw sequence: five second slow primer draw at 380F.
Then the big payoff draw during max temp, try drawing for over 20 seconds.
I was pleasantly surprised. Hope you are too.
Follow with another long slow draw as temp is cooling.
Click dead man switch and wait until near max temp and take final long slow draw. Whispy.

Limbo time! How low can you go?

How about 0.01g

Warning, geek discussion below mixed with my possible explanation for success above. My lame opinion. Hope a competent brain out there can give a better explanation.

From Wiki:
The continuity equation shows that the reduction in diameter will cause an increase in the fluid flow speed. Subsequently Bernoulli's principle then shows that there must be a decrease in the pressure in the reduced diameter region. This phenomenon is known as the Venturi effect.

Diagram on left from google image search on venturi.
I was struck by similarity to the Plenty chamber on right.

I believe the slow-draw velocity of the air molecules within the coil becomes even slower within the herb chamber due to venturi. This is optimal, as we want the heated air flowing past the single layer of herb particles at a slow velocity for an extended period of time. There is no hot glass or puck to help keep the heat up -- we need the hot air, slow and long.

Socks: just occurred to me that your hot coil all the way to the tip may be related to your draw speed and duration. When I was testing my insane washer/basket mod I was drawing at a fast clip repeatedly. That coil was really hot after. Just a possible explanation.
I do use the fine screen on bottom. Just to keep smallest particles out of heater.

First off.. Welcome Back man!!! ;)

I don't know how you get these small loads to work but I'm going to try this not tonight, but tomorrow exactly as you outlined and step by step. I'll admit Charlie.. the only time I never used the liquid pad was one time and only one time when I got home with a 1/4 and decided to fill the sucker up to the rim. Anyhow, I always use the liquid pad.. even with .8's and .9's believe it or not. I also haven't used this thing completely vertically with the paintbrush attached in quite some time. Perhaps I should follow your steps with no liquid pad, super slow draws and being very mindful of keeping this thing upright and not moving it.

Also.. I always take very slow draws usually 8 to 10 seconds so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
Last edited:


It's all in the reflexes.
What's up guys.. Just a quick update:

I got my Plenty back in the mail and the needle still reads 110. Dale.. the guy at S&B said that when he received my plenty it was resting at 0 and not 110.. hmmmm..:ugh: I tried it out last night with close to a 0.5 in the chamber and the coil is still getting hot and so is the mouthpiece. Now granted the mouthpiece never got so hot that I could burn my lips.. just hot enough to make me want to remove my lips from the draw but that's not the point.. the point is... this IS NOT THE WAY THIS VAPE PERFORMED WHEN I FIRST GOT IT AND I'M PRETTY PISSED OFF.

They told me all 7 temperature dial settings fell within their respective temperature ranges and there was nothing they could do as far as a repair. Since I'm planning on taking a break from cannabis next week for 4 days (monday through thursday) to lower my tollerance I'm going to give my Plenty at least another half dozen sessions before I decide on what I want to do. Sure the thing still works and yes I got pretty buzzed from the thick vapor clouds last night.. but here's the kicker......What I put in there...... a 0.5 would have got me high 3 times if I threw that same amount of herb into my glass spoon (and cover the bowl with my palm after I take a hit to not let any smoke escape) and that's exactly my point and my biggest concern... EFFICIENCY!

I'm still reading this thread.. and I'm almost done but I'm also currently looking into the Enano as I've determined it's the best vape for my tight budget.

Oh.. and I found this letter inside my box upon opening it:


What would you guys do if you were me? Keep using it for the time being? Maybe take the coil apart and refit everything again? You're guess is as good as mine FC...

The problem is it's very hard to find any top shelf herb that isn't moist and sticky.. Unless I'm missing something? Don't get me wrong, I've definitely had some herb dryer than others but It seems to me most of the top shelf is just like that.. sticky, moist and sweet. I remember that vape critic guy saying he sometimes lays out his already grinded herb on a paper plate for a few hours before he vapes so maybe that would help?

First off.. Welcome Back man!!! ;)

I don't know how you get these small loads to work but I'm going to try this not tonight, but tomorrow exactly as you outlined and step by step. I'll admit Charlie.. the only time I never used the liquid pad was one time and only one time when I got home with a 1/4 and decided to fill the sucker up to the rim. Anyhow, I always use the liquid pad.. even with .8's and .9's believe it or not. I also haven't used this thing completely vertically with the paintbrush attached in quite some time. Perhaps I should follow your steps with no liquid pad, super slow draws and being very mindful of keeping this thing upright and not moving it.

Also.. I always take very slow draws usually 8 to 10 seconds so I'm not sure if that has anything to do with it.
You've probably already tried thoroughly cleaning the liquid pad but that's the first thing I do if my plentys performance dips. A good cleaning helps all vapes IMO

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
You've probably already tried thoroughly cleaning the liquid pad but that's the first thing I do if my plentys performance dips. A good cleaning helps all vapes IMO

Oh yea.. believe me I did. I soaked the liquid pad in 91% iso for over an an hour. I also cleaned the entire vape (Coil, chamber housing and everything) just recently about a month ago and the problems still persists. I even thought that maybe I didn't put the tubing on right at the base and the mouthpiece but I double checked everything.

In the meantime, I'm going to use this while I double check on this E nano. I don't feel bad selling this vape if I have to because I don't think it's defective. For all I know I might just need to get another cooling coil or entire kit minus the heating unit of course.
Socks And Sandals,

Socks And Sandals

Well-Known Member
@Socks And Sandals I just got a maple nano and it's da madafuckin bomb. All my friends said it was the best vape they had tried. I seriously recommend it.

Trust me bro.. That E Nano is the best match for me. The only other vape I'm curious about at the moment is that super expensive Vape Exhale. But I can't see that being as herb efficient as the E Nano. PM me a pic of your nano if you want. I'd love to see it but it wouldn't be right to derail this thread with another vape lol.

In the meantime, I'm still reading this and the Enano Thread. So far I have got nothing out of this thread to improve herb efficiency but I'm only on page 10 now. Either way, I have to use my Plenty until my Enano arrives. I just want to fully weigh the pros and cons of the Vape Exhale Cloud as well first.

Don't worry.. I'm more than likely to get the E Nano first.. Number one it's cheaper and I really need to get the most out of my herb.. NOW!
Socks And Sandals,
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Well-Known Member
Does anyone here have experience attaching the plenty to the pinnacle water attachment? I'm thinking of purchasing it to get some smooth hits for once


Well-Known Member
@bluedecker : Yes, folks have connected Plenty to water tools.
Back on page 37, evil55 and lazylathe spoke of success.

Evil's pic no longer shows, so I made pics for you:

It's a male to male glass 14mm connector with about half inch of silicone tubing to make snug fit into Plenty's black upper chamber.

I use that gooseneck clamp, but it works just fine handheld.

Personally, I prefer the coil, but know some people like the moisturizing, and some prefer the added draw resistance.


Well-Known Member
@bluedecker : Yes, folks have connected Plenty to water tools.
Back on page 37, evil55 and lazylathe spoke of success.

Evil's pic no longer shows, so I made pics for you:

It's a male to male glass 14mm connector with about half inch of silicone tubing to make snug fit into Plenty's black upper chamber.

I use that gooseneck clamp, but it works just fine handheld.

Personally, I prefer the coil, but know some people like the moisturizing, and some prefer the added draw resistance.

So its not 18mm female to 14 mm male? That's what I've read everywhere


Well-Known Member
@bluedecker : I also read that. Suppose the 18mm female end would go over the top. Not sure.
I just happened to have that 14mm male to male piece - use to mate my F-bomb to Ratchet's lotus stand.

Like I said, I don't prefer this setup. But ... I feel the straight 14mm male to male fits really well.
It better mimics the way the coil inserts into the black chamber. Provides straight and uniform diameter vapor pathway.

This pic shows how it fits a bit clearer:

Now for something completely different, kudos must be given to @Tek for this post last spring:

... I hate the liquid pad ... Just hold the unit straight so the flower stays in an even layer and you won't need to use the liquid pad. I got used to using way too much though because I like how it hit with a full chamber.

This together with the all-important super slow draw gives good and quick results.

But, do not succumb to temptation. The research on this aspect of human behavior is enlightening:

That last sentence about waiting applies quite well to vaping I think.
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