been using the AIR as a one hitter today. Must say while it does work the heat up and cool down make things a bit slow, still a successful experiment
Really liking the stock stems, the tipped one does cool the vapor very well.
I've done just about the opposite. I started by stepping up gradually from blue to red, but then I started keeping it on blue for as long as possible, because I really enjoy the taste of low-temperature vapor.
Lately, though, I pretty much stick with red exclusively, because even high temperatures have left me feeling like I'm chasing a dragon or something; spending a lot of time getting high, but rarely being high (or medicated).
How are you loading the stem for a single hit ? Is there a screen involved ?
Yeah, I've considered it a lot, but it's just not an option. If I try to go even one day without it, there will inevitably come a point in that day when my legs/feet/toes start moving/jumping around on their own (spasticity from multiple sclerosis). It happens regardless, but it's nowhere near as bad with cannabis. It's miserable, and consuming cannabis is the only way I know how to make it remotely bearable. Cannabis provides significant pain relief, too, of course. And other stuff.
EDIT: I actually only use about 0.4 g a day. I don't consider that a lot, but getting high is beginning to seem like work to me, physically. Or something. Probably a direct result of MS, which has taken so much strength and energy from me.
Yes looks like the AA can do it all. It shines as a session vape though.Screen not required. But try. You'll like. If nothing else, keeps the stem cleaner. Personally, I think it also improves hit quality.
While highly efficient, the AA likes being a session vape. Can you flip it on, wait a minute, take a hit then stash it? Sure. Can you flip it on, wait a minute, then take two or three hits (or so) then stash it? Yes. Yes you can.
I've concluded that I wish the Air would just automatically start out on the last temperature you used whenever you turn it on; without that standby period I always seem to forget about for at least a couple minutes after I turn it on. I pretty much always want mine to return to the last temperature I used; especially since I have begun using the red setting mostly. It often doesn't do that when I follow the directions to make it do that.
The stand by is not avoidable - but if you want to switch to your last used temp, just hold the down button for a sec when in stand by. It'll jump to your last used temp and start heating directly
Great to hear from you @WoodVillain . Didn't know you'd gone further off the grid. Glad to hear you're enjoying things. How's your AA holding up? All your stems still in shape?
I do that. I'm just sick of doing that, and I don't think I should have to do that. It would be easier for everyone if it just did it itself, by default.
When I turn on my TV, it starts out on the same channel I left it on. I find that convenient. I think most other people do, too.
I get your point. Personally I like to start a fresh session on blue and sometimes step up to green(/yellow/red with WT) so I don't really mind zapping the temps on the AA up or down. Some like it this way, some like it that way.
I would prefer that the beeps come from somewhere that isn't muffled by my hand. I only hear the beeps about half the time.
I like to start low temp wise and work my way up to my desired heat level. I also like using a longer mouthpiece if stealth isn't required. I like the Solo bent stem or the Vortex stem from PlanetVape.
I totally agree on both points!
The the solo stem is the best accessory I have bought so far, makes the vapour feel lovely and cool. I did however buy the straight one. What's the difference in the experience between the straight and bent?
Yeah, I too like the long straight solo stem best (for now)
Do have a bent one - to me there's just a curve to it that could give you a different style of holding your AA.
Recently I've been holding the AA kinda pipe/jazz flute style. It's impossible to get small crumbs into the heater like that and with long stem its quite comfortable.