The Mighty/Mighty+ by Storz & Bickel


Oh No! Mr macbill!!
Staff member
S&B are constantly refining the Mighty. For example, I bought one of the 1st versions, and it started up in Celsius mode whether you switched it to Fahrenheit mode in the previous session. They fixed that in later issues of the same model.


Well-Known Member
S&B are constantly refining the Mighty. For example, I bought one of the 1st versions, and it started up in Celsius mode whether you switched it to Fahrenheit mode in the previous session. They fixed that in later issues of the same model.
i have received one of the newer mighties, the sn starts with my013+++ new cooling unit aswell as light tint of blue.
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JJ Cool F

Well-Known Member
gosh I want a mighty sooooo bad, gotta wait till payday soon. Maybe a month, we'll see

Save up and buy one. The only regret you'll have is not buying one sooner.

I was so skeptical of the 'vape high' after having combusted for so many years. Truthfully, it took a little getting used to. Now, though, it feels just right.

I combust socially every now and then with friends, but I much prefer using my Mighty, and would never consider combusting at home on my own again. A half-bowl with the liquid pad on top, 10 mins of long, gentle draws and I'm nicely toasted on both sides. Plus I no longer suffer from a tight chest the morning after a few heavy sessions.

It's a no-brainer, imo.


Well-Known Member
S&B are constantly refining the Mighty. For example, I bought one of the 1st versions, and it started up in Celsius mode whether you switched it to Fahrenheit mode in the previous session. They fixed that in later issues of the same model.
Can you switch the latest one so it stays on celcius?
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Well-Known Member
Happy 4/20 Mighty fans! Today I join the brotherhood! Vapeworld's price is too just too good!
Welcome aboard brotha !!you will LOVE the extra batt life. And happy 420 everyone !! I will be celebrating tonight at my house because fuck the ongoing bud is the devil stigma that the south never seems to let go of.
Good thing I can go incognito with the mighty right under their noses :smug::dog:
SweetWATER and white widow kinda night :tup:


Well-Known Member
this might be stupid question but how do I know when the bud has reached the end cuz it turns brown almost instantly? :D And I mean it tastes kinda same always at temps over 200c hit after hit
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Well-Known Member
Yeah sorry I meant that I ofc start at lower temps and then go high up to 205c and then at 200s the weed always tastes the same so i kinda toss it pretty quick after dat.. Sooo till no more vapor? lol. I got mad AVB waiting for me hahaha. Ok thanks :D


Gotcha! That's your call if you wanna toss it in your abv jar. I throw my abv in the compost or down the sink drain, so I try to get the most out of it.

I save 200-210c exclusively for my water tools, and dry vape from 180/185 to 190/195.


You can still extract all the actives under the max temp, it just takes a little bit longer, and you may have a different profile of medicated effects (not to me). ABV is no different than vomit to me after nearly a decade of vaping exclusively. I've tried all the recipes, brownies, shakes, concentrates, etc. and for me personally, since i'm fortunate enough to be able to afford as much as I need a.k.a. want, I have zero use for ABV.


Yep TorontoV and VapeWorldCanada. I think TorontoV has the best deal with the free shipping and Zeus Bolt Grinder (i'm upgrading to the Vortex, had it before it's awesome). Makes sense to spend the few extra bucks now for the wear and tear kit and screen pack since it's reduced when you buy the Mighty. Wonder if I can snag even a better deal if I buy two? :D
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JJ Cool F

Well-Known Member
this might be stupid question but how do I know when the bud has reached the end cuz it turns brown almost instantly? :D And I mean it tastes kinda same always at temps over 200c hit after hit

I start at low(ish) temps, around 175C. A full bowl of top shelf erbs should produce at least a dozen lungfuls before the taste and vapor production diminishes. When there's little visible vapor being produced at 175C, I crank it up to 205C. At the higher temps, you'll get some more clouds, but once the erb tastes 'spent', that's when I dump it, even if it's still producing vapor.

I guess if I was short of quality product, I might be inclined to keep hitting it until there was no more vapor, but I personally dump it when the erbs start tasting rank.


Well-Known Member
Meh, everyonedoesit has the mighty for $350 free shipping!

Also the price drop means nothing for those of us in Canada. Then again, we've had at par pricing for a while now.

Have you ever purchased anything from everyonedoesit? I tried calling them to talk to them about shipping and the phone number provided doesn't work. Makes me a little skeptical of buying a Mighty from these guys....
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Never bought anything from them. Regardless I believe TorontoVaporizer has the best deal now for $399cdn with a free 4 piece grinder. Should have it tomorrow or the day after! SO stoked!


Well-Known Member
I start at low(ish) temps, around 175C. A full bowl of top shelf erbs should produce at least a dozen lungfuls before the taste and vapor production diminishes. When there's little visible vapor being produced at 175C, I crank it up to 205C. At the higher temps, you'll get some more clouds, but once the erb tastes 'spent', that's when I dump it, even if it's still producing vapor.

I guess if I was short of quality product, I might be inclined to keep hitting it until there was no more vapor, but I personally dump it when the erbs start tasting rank.
Hey JJ what do you do with your abv? I usually dump it around 200c then save it and then put it in a slow cooker and melt some coconut oil and let it bind for a hour or two, I then put the mixture in little caplets, job done! Pop a couple, no horrible taste and give it an hour and I'm dribbling on the sofa and literally can't move! Full on cbn sedative there's a good article on it in this month's weed world


Well-Known Member
Don't listen to biohacker 200c is where I live at ;)

Good luck wid dat, lol. I don't have the lungs for that anymore.

I don't think there is a wrong way to load or use this mighty vape. For a quick eye opener, I do a partial load and start at lower temps until the hits fade, then ramp up the temps. Ill start higher if im pressed for time. For a longer lasting, good tasting session I like to grind fine and again start at lower temps and raise the temps as I sip. My point is both ways and other ways all will work well in this little powerhouse.

To keep abv out of the cooling unit I use a spare screen over the bowl. And I wash out the unit every 20 bowls or so. And I've been reusing the alcohol I wash it with for a later extraction from it.

And if anyone has not ordered yet, a wear and tear kit is a good idea. It might save some down time later.

ENJOY 420 You mighty mighty vaporists!

JJ Cool F

Well-Known Member
Hey JJ what do you do with your abv? I usually dump it around 200c then save it and then put it in a slow cooker and melt some coconut oil and let it bind for a hour or two, I then put the mixture in little caplets, job done! Pop a couple, no horrible taste and give it an hour and I'm dribbling on the sofa and literally can't move! Full on cbn sedative there's a good article on it in this month's weed world

Amazing idea! To date, I've been storing all my abv in a jar. The missus was going to try to turn it into cannabutter and make some brownies/cookies. I really dig your idea though. What ratio of abv to coconut oil would you suggest?
JJ Cool F,
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