Well-Known Member
The power is also managed during charge as well, it draws 13 watts for most of the charge then reduces as it approaches full charge and finishes with a trickle charge of 1watt for the finale part of the charge.
What you are saying isn't a power or charging management, it's a simple way of charging batteries. There are different ways to charge different types of batteries, S&B uses a so called "constant voltage charging" for the mighty:

(Blue=Battery tension ; Red=Charging current)
Perhaps it's just me, not getting the difference between a true power management, a feedback controller or a simple one-way-controller (due to the language barrier? In the german language, a management implements way more things than a simple feedback control, but S&B should know that, too)
If just a feedback controller is enough for you (and S&B of course) to call it power managed, then it's power managed, for sure, it sounds way better... Just thinking of the laminar Heat flow Hermes is abusing for marketing purposes...
But anyways, I love my mighty. Power managed or feedback controlled. I don't care. I think nobody else here does since my previous post is not getting a single "like"

I killed my batts and stopped the heat up times. I will post this here anyways, perhaps someone will find this useful even if it was quite a useless thing, stopping Heat up times. Still no proof for a feedback control or a power management.
Perhaps I should really save my time and do more usefully things on Saturday's than this

@t-dub, one thing is obvious to see: The power drop is linear like I already said. If there is a power management, it is really not depending on batterie bars or changing it's behavior after 4 bars left or anything like this (apart the slight temp overshoot needed to let the unit vibrate). The first 3 Heat-up-times are clearly rising with every bowl and the battery indicator was always full or at least 5 bars on the first 3 bowls... and I don't think the missing vibration after 2 battery bars is part of the power management. Could the missing vibration after 2 missing bars make you assume the performance dropped with 4 bars left? Just thinking loud...

Edit 2:
@all , thx for the many likes. It's hard texting for me in English being high. My ancient teachers wouldn't believe my grown language skills, and all this vocabulary only due to vaporizing

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