Lucky people. Over here security finds you and kicks you out. They also pat you down on your way in. Only place id try it is the few venues where you arent pat down and only with a vape using the stealthiest approach
Lucky people. Over here security finds you and kicks you out. They also pat you down on your way in. Only place id try it is the few venues where you arent pat down and only with a vape using the stealthiest approach
To be fair I have only attended concerts in Florida, NYC, and one seems to care in those places at least.
To be fair I have only attended concerts in Florida, NYC, and one seems to care in those places at least.
I haven't been to a concert in many years (except in clubs and small theaters) where everyone was NOT patted down...
Lucky people. Over here security finds you and kicks you out. They also pat you down on your way in. Only place id try it is the few venues where you arent pat down and only with a vape using the stealthiest approach
That sounds like my world too. I went to a concert last week and got quite the obnoxious pat down. At festivals especially in recent years the pat downs have been getting worse. Don't get me wrong, last summer I had to make due with crotching the Ascent (the little bag that comes with it is helpful in that regard), but I'm hoping with the Hopper plain sight will the way to go.
Anyway, the on-topic part of this post is how inconspicuous this GH will be in practice. Will people give it a second look because of the temp dial or the slightly fatter build? Time will tell once we all get ours.
Or will it be because it will look like you are sucking on a high-end pen?
They should have made it look like a churro.![]()
They should have made it look like a churro.![]()
Perhaps we will see 3rd party Churro sleeves for the Grasshopper?
I'll take this I guess.
By watching this review:
I would still prefer the GH...
He just had a lot of things to cover in a 10 minutes video, that's why he was going so fast.Am I the only one who couldn't watch that video for more than one minute without feeling like I had accidentally dabbed meth? Dude was WIRED for someone who just vaped prior to recording.
It was like the Philip DeFranco guy on youtube.
concerts are way off topic folks ... let us all get back to speculation and hypotheticals, m'kay?
Am I the only one who couldn't watch that video for more than one minute without feeling like I had accidentally dabbed meth? Dude was WIRED for someone who just vaped prior to recording.
It was like the Philip DeFranco guy on youtube.
He just had a lot of things to cover in a 10 minutes video, that's why he was going so fast.
Very informative if you ask me.
did someone say "thread derail"? lol