My 13 year old dog knocked over a jar of ABV, and being a dog, she immediately sniffed, then ate it. 10-15 minutes later, she was drooling, and then couldn't walk. She was high as a kite. It also stressed her out. She came down after a few hours and is completely ok now. Please be careful with cannabis around your pets!
Didn't mean to derail the thread with pet partying, but loved reading all the stories! My dog stays away from smoke completely. He got turned on to vapor when I used to bump up the heat and kick the fan on with the EQ when the load was spent and blow a little in his direction. Since then he's become quite the vapor snob (probably in part because of nano) and will only accept my exhales of first couple hits. Usually he doesn't even pay attention to my vaping, but once a week or so he sits there ready for a few second hand hits. Not even sure if he enjoys the buzz as much as the flavor. He kind of licks and tries to eat the vapor out of the air. He is a pretty goofy jack russell, tho.
WARNING: And this is pretty serious.... KEEP ABV AWAY FROM PETS AND KIDS!!! A dog can eat your stash and usually be OK if not too much (like around a Z depending on dog size). Might make him puke or give him the shits, but their system can usually work it out. ABV is a different story because it has been decarboxalated and the THC has been converted. More than a little ABV could be very bad for anyone, even worse for a critter that weighs 10% of what we do and has a much shorter digestive tract to handle it. I keep my ABV tightly sealed for other reasons, but even if not I would keep it sealed so the dog can't get at it.
That's exactly what I did but had a few herb spills when trying to clear it

You're in NYC, right? I'd say worth it to pick up a cheap 14 - 18 bushing at a LHS. Shouldn't be too hard to find. As you've probably figured out, while the silicone will fill the gap of 14mm adapter and 18mm glass it is kind of sticky for practical use. If I were you, I'd get an 18mm from epicvape soon. Simple vaping always seems better to me than having to fiddle with such things.
.... You have to have very steady hands while string your herb because the little basket screen moves about easily.
... but with nano after my very first hit it turns brownish, am I doing something wrong? I have it set on about 7.5 on the dial. Also when turning the nano off is it necessary I turn it off from the dial first then unplug it? Would directly unplugging the nano while is working cause harm to the unit? What is the lowest temp where I could get vapor?
Glad you got and are enjoying your nano!!! Welcome to the club! Always nice to see another lovely looking nano! Yes, very much more efficient than solo, and easy to get to same levels with much smaller loads.
For loose screen, pop it out and spread the sides a little with a magic marker or something. They seem to scrunch a little after prolonged use and a few cleanings, too. I stretch mine a few at a time with a dowel, but just spreading the open end a bit will take care of slippage. The GonG you have should let you load the screen from the GonG end (not sure with 14mm, but easy with 18s), so you don't have to jockey the spread part into the top. Make sure not to roll the sides of the screen up. That makes a mess of it and takes some work to straighten back out.
Not going to get into it all again here, but check out my post in the
best of thread for suggestions on heat and screen adjustments and some other tips. Know I've said it about a million times (sorry to all who have seen it before), but just because the nano is easy to use right out of the box doesn't mean it is easy to master in a session or two. Yeah.. you can make it work and probably work better than most vapes out there, but takes a little practice and tweaking to even start getting the most out of it. 7.5 may be fine for your material and screen height, but sounds like you may benefit from cutting it back a bit. Again, check out the long tutorial linked above.
I always suggest turning it all the way off before unplugging or plugging it in. Leaving it on is bound to cause some electrical stress on the dial and can sometimes lead to a few small sparks when plugging it in. Just use same care and caution as you should with any electrical device.
Lowest temp where you can get vapor is going to depend on many variables. Lowest temp on mine that I even mess with is about 5.25. It is very light and wispy, but very flavorful and leaves me close to 100% functional so I can still get shit done. Even for that I usually go about 5.5.
Cord has a bit of bulk to it because it is A/C power all the way through. That's 110-120V to the dial, and probably a good bit after. Solo (and others) convert A/C to D/C and step down voltage a good bit in that box on the plug. This is why they can use scrimpy cords. The cord issue is discussed quite a bit from beginning of thread. It will chill some with use, and if kept in same area/position will usually level out to that position after a couple months. From what I've read, a nano stand can take care of this for you, too.
Appreciate what you're saying with suggested accessories, but let's be a bit realistic here. Bent stem is added cost that most wouldn't prefer. For more on why, see my reply about using nano upright a page or two back. If you use it as most do, there is no need for a brush to clean out the internal area. I clean mine about every 3 months, and that's more for dust and whatnot than any material that falls in. And, a damp $0.25 foam paintbrush does the trick. Nothing has fallen into mine since the second week or so I owned it. For things like this and others, I'd rather get my own stuff or use what I have. Part of the beauty of the nano is that you can have all you need to use it (including GonG adapter) in your hands for about $200. Special stuff or items customized to what a few want (and others would never use) would probably lead to a higher cost to get crap that is going to be thrown into a drawer by most.
Any new owners really owe it to themselves to check out this thread some, or the best of thread at least. Again, the nano will work as well or better than many vapes just by plugging it in and loading it up. But, it can be totally fucking amazing with just a few tweaks found here and some common sense most will figure out while using. Some of those tweaks will be based on personal preference and what anyone in particular wants to get out of it (dry or with a bubb, cloud density, type of buzz, etc.), but the path to get there has been laid multiple times right here on FC. Some people like to figure out every little aspect for themselves, and nothing wrong with that. But, I prefer to learn what is already known and work forward from there.
... I was just thinking maybe someone can chime in. Is it more efficient to set up the basket screen with the flat end facing up or the open end facing up, like a basket?
I am asking this because I have read here that with the flat end facing up is better. But I was just thinking if one would put the herb in the opened end(basket side) facing up, the herb has more contact with the stainless steel. So I can imagine this would be more efficient when the basket heats up and provide better vapor production.
When these first came out I used it as a "basket" for a week or two. Tried flipping it and have never gone back. If you have one of those too-short GonGs I think basket style could help if you want to have big loads, and isn't too bad for an easy fix to keep it from falling out even if you don't. But, in regular use think better to go with flat side up. IMO less contact with the stainless steel is better. It really doesn't seem to affect taste, but easier to stir and dump the load - and doesn't gunk up screens as much. Better to use heat level and screen distance to get better heating for efficiency. IMO less screen heat is better, too. IME, use convection over conduction as much as you can for best vapor experience!