@jojo0420 yeah I figured you used the rest for testing and replacement, I was just kidding really

As for the Chinese one, yeah it's up to temp code 500F and FDA approved material.
I have a lot of stuff from china actually, most of it are e-cig mods and clones. What i've noticed shopping in china is that, unless specified otherwise, the descriptions are usually correct.
Customer service in China is atleast 1000 times better then any form of western curstomer service because they really want our validation because that will increase their sales, if something broke they usually ship new stuff right away and give whoever packed it 10 lashes lol. It's just really different from here.
As for health stuff, like I said, I have a lot of chinese clones of 500 bucks atomizers for 30 bucks. It differs from factory to factory how perfect your model will be but if you buy a fully stainless steel tank you can expect it to be fully stainless steel, it CAN however be 304 stainless steel instead of 310 we use here. Is it a health danger? No, it isn't. It's just really slighly inferior material. They Anodize (metal on metal coating done by a magnetron, it's what they use in space) stuff for a few bucks which costs tons over here yet the anodization is seriously perfectly done and it doesn't come off. I've actually seen that happen with western products, never with a chinese product.
All of the silicone I've had come with it is really top notch stuff. I didn't do a chem test but I know there are people that did and I've never seen anyone report anything even remotely toxic.
The only thing Chinese people seem to safe money on is screws. If you buy a full stainless unit you can expect crappy screws in it, I've even had galvanized screws in one of my atty's, you should always take those out. I have no idea why they do that but that's they only thing I've found that they often save money on.
What you do get free with any metal chinese product is machine oil, lots and lots of machine oil lol. Always wash everything you get out of china and soak it in alcohol for a bit. They usually sell stuff preassembled, like, an e-cig with a heating coil in place and such already with silica wick, lol, you seriously don't use that, you pull it out and you clean it first. People have learned that the hard way, you will taste motor oil for the rest of the day if you don't lol.
IMO you can safely buy stuff from china. You see stuff in the news about 1 factory making toxic kid toys but what they don't tell is that china is GIGANTIC and that there are a sh*tload of little factories that all work for themselfs instead of a giant corporation preforming health checks so, yes, you can have a rotten apple but the chance is very very slim.
And we're talking about silicone here now, that seriously costs nothing to make, even less for them. If they spend slightly more on FDA approved chemical processes they sell about 50x more of it yet pay nearly the same for making it so I'm pretty sure it's the exact same stuff we buy here (which comes from china aswell but gets tested, at random, here first and then sold for 5x the price they bought it).