Well if your not shy; I find that with this particular shape of object you can usually get away with a little giggle and wink and saying "Do you really want to know?"
hahaha no not shy at all...the arizer air's small size doesn't do me justice (i need all the mental-placebo action that i can get)...
ya i have yet to commit to the wax realm...only concentrates i do are the ones i make myself (i don't belong to clubs or anything) about once a year from my post vape (and have made butter for edibles instead the last time)...i also worry about my friends who have switched over to concentrates. their tolerance & purchasing habits have skyrocketed because it becomes TOO easy & TOO convenient - they don't even realize how often they reach for it. i also like the freshness of dry stuff...after trying a pen that my friends have kept on them for a few days, i feel disappointed in the flavor & i can just feel all that dense re-re-re-vaped stuff coat my pharynx/larynx/lungs (maybe its in my head but it feels like it automatically condenses as soon as i inhale it despite our layers of mucous to prevent this type of stuff - btw, they tend to use a CO2 extract around these parts). I'm sure its different with fresh cartridges, though...but they don't want to go back to dry stuff...i think they use a "G-pen" but I'm not sure if thats even a company or not...

When I whip out my Solo in public, so to speak, nobody in L.A. even blinks.
i don't know if thats sad or not (j/k)...keep it in your pants, pappy! but yeah, i have walked the dog in LA and smell burning herb from the sidewalk sometimes (coming from inside homes)! only way to get looked at in LA is to be a girl that is an 11/10...well, i even look at the 6.5s...
@akwardsauce I actually am very used to taking my solo out on the town so I expect to be delighted with the air.
I live in colder climate so usually can have a hoodie on, so the solo is easily concealable in a hoodie pocket. I keep the bent stem attached (my favorite of the two so it works well anyway) and that fits in a jacket pocket fine.
I keep a Jyarz of preground and pack by scooping the stem into the jar. I can do it quickly, turn on solo, throw it in my pocket and do last remembered temp while it heats and take it out to hit.
Works fine for me also I can't wait to try a air stem on a solo!
when i got the solo (used, from a local FC-er), i got it with a whole bunch of accessories...i sadly lost the wooden Eds TnT stem, but there are these really short stems out there with a 14mm on one end & just an open tube (no glass base with 4 holes). you kind of try to balance a screen to act as the base and its the absolute best airflow (since only the solo heater, screen, & herb are the obstructions). i highly recommend buying something from an FC-er if you get the chance (and they are trusted enough) because you will get a GREAT deal with probably lots of extras & very precise instructions on the best way to use it. i have about 9 different solo stems and use 2...the rest are backups...basically all for free. but whatever the stem I'm talking about is called, i recommend that to anyone & it should be great on the air too (assuming it doesn't cool it down too much - but that can be fixed by simple breath control)...
but i haven't even tried to use the stock stems (bent or straight)...they look like a huge pain compared to my setup...
@akwardsauce For my going out on the town, the T1 served me well for quite some time, even once I got my Solo. But weak battery life makes it annoying to have to carry so many spares (I also used two film canisters, one for green and one for brown). However more recently my T1 has become a desktop, and now my go to night-out portable is the Indica. No instant heat but it's tiny and can pack a lot.
ya i remember considering that one (its a few yrs old, right?)...i can't remember what, but something put me off of it...i remember talking myself out of a great deal at a certain point. i think i didn't like the proprietary batteries but I'm willing to forgo that concern for the air since it can be used while charging. but yes, the T1 is the perfect form-factor for stealth dry-herb vaping on the go. i also am having a flashback about something about the company discontinuing that model for some reason (was it because of the michael "cera"?)
some travel pack pics since everyone likes looking at pics...
sorry, to not go too off topic, i posted my pics here:
can anyone do a comparison of the AIR vs SOLO?
is the main con the battery life and thats it? if you guys knew what you knew and didn't have either device, which one would you buy and why?