The new stock stem that Arizer upgraded to over the past few months
What's up Teddy?! I assume you're the same Irishman from Green Passion? Good to see a friendly face. You will love this forum. Tons of very useful info! Happy vaping with your Solo. I love this vape.
Arizer would rather have the customer replace his battery than return under warranty. Saves them expense and time. There are not warranty seals on their units.
Welcome! The Solo is the vape that got me to COMPLETELY FUCK COMBUSTION! For flower, it is the vape that I would recommend most! Great flavor, great battery life, portable, the list goes on and on, just like this thread! I hope you enjoy your first vape, in my opinion the Arizer Solo IS top of the line, and has excellent service(it's where I purchased).Enjoying all the discussion here! This will be my first foray into the vape world. I don't want to go top of the line right away so it's between this Arizer Solo and the Flowermate 5.0S. I've read both forums and I'm leaning towards the arizer for a little more dough. Any replies are appreciated. Sorry if this isn't the proper place for questions.
Welcome! The Solo is the vape that got me to COMPLETELY FUCK COMBUSTION! For flower, it is the vape that I would recommend most! Great flavor, great battery life, portable, the list goes on and on, just like this thread! I hope you enjoy your first vape, in my opinion the Arizer Solo IS top of the line, and has excellent service(it's where I purchased).
DISCLAIMER: Absolutely no affiliation with Arizer or PUI(other than a happy customer!)
My PVHES GonG isn't really used, I keep it in storage because I break my other stems tooare people still using the PVHE stem or original? and since the O-ring isnt too great with the original stem anymore, any alternative solutions to keeping it still? thanks
. PuffitupSo my battery is all but shot. Anyone have a recommendation on where to buy a replacement?
Welcome to the Solo club, @bidrock. You're going to love it. No need to read all of this huge thread to learn all you need to know about your new tool. Just go back about 20 pages and read thoroughly and you'll have most of the answers on how to use it, accessorize it, maximize battery life, get the biggest clouds, etc., etc. The same topics tend to repeat about that often.
And if you don't see the answer you're looking for, just ask. This is a phenomenal group of Solo veterans and really nice people on this thread. They've made some of us more recent additions feel right at home.
I don't know that I would recommend reading all 1230 pages... the first 100 or so are basically irrelevant regarding the unit (but not how to use it), now we had another small update to it this year or late last... 20-30 pages should cover the essentials. Don't forget, your serial number doesn't mean anything![]()
Rant insues. I had a solo for a while, I could just never get into it like I can with other vapes. Mine always tasted a little funky, not electronic at all, but just weird. The portability wasn't really a problem since I usually kept it in my backpack, but if I didn't have my backpack I didn't want to bring it. The battery life was actually pretty great, but the problem was it was a little to good... This is going to sound weird but I never could remember to charge it because it lasts so long and I always ended up wanting to vape and it being out of charge, though this was remedied with a power adaptor, not to mention that this is a very knitpicky possible case specific issue. The solo is a fine unit that produces huge clouds for a device with a battery, especially for its price.The thing came out years ago and when it was new it was one of the best things out there, and thats why there are fanboys but I would never recommend one, save your money get something better. If you need a portable go with the firefly, if you need something REALLY small go with the pax, but truly think about how much you will actually use it outside when you buy it because a desktop is the way to go.