Hi, the Cloud EVO is my very first vape (couldn't pass up the Massdrop deal), and I had a few questions about cleaning and maintenance before it actually arrives.
I've seen lots of talk of brushes, high pressure water blasts, ultrasonic cleaners... What is a fairly simple but complete kit I should use to clean the ELBs and hydratubes? Are all these ultra high tech cleaners that much more helpful?
Basically treat me like an idiot, and link me to some things that would be ideal for cleaning. The only thing I have at the moment is some isopropyl alcohol.
That looks really cool. Is there any place online I could get some similar glass without making a custom order? If not, what were the exact specs you gave to the glassblower? Also, where did you get the whip?
Welcome to FC,
There are many methods of cleaning described in this thread and probably more in the original Cloud thread. I venture to guess that most of us go pretty simple. Here's one method: A small brush like what is used to apply mascara or these
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00004ZB4K work fine to clean the ELB after a session. Depending on how heavily used your ELB's are, you will eventually get build-up in the ELB pores. Then you can soak the ELB's in 91% ISO a few hours or overnight. Wash the ISO out using a drop of dishwasher soap or similar, thoroughly rinse, let dry.
The HT's are more complicated and obviously call for a lot of care since they're glass. Again, many methods described here. Personally I don't let resin build up in mine, so I don't use one of the heavier cleaning agents like PBW anymore. I have a simple container (
http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B00442SK0W) which I keep filled with Simple Green (the 5 gallon is cheap). I can fit 2 HT's in this container, I've used similar just as good. An overnight soak cleans thoroughly. I rinse in a small sink cushioned at bottom (like the rubber mat used for washing dishes, or a large wash cloth will do) to protect the glass, and rinse it thoroughly several times. (There is a little set-up you can make with tubing, faucet adapter, and plug that
@t-dub invented that works great; don't have a link at the moment but
@t-dub will probably post it when he sees this.

As far as attaching a whip, I've done that and it's cool for leisurely sipping, but of course HT atop EVO is the natural way. I wouldn't be in any rush to add a whip. That said, can either find one that comes with another vape (just browse an online store), or you can make one of your own with a mouthpiece, short length of silicon tubing, and a whip hose GonG adapter (those are usually male, so you might need the whip adapter plus a 18mm female/female adapter). Here is a whip hose adapter sold by ALT
http://aqualabtechnologies.com/glas...-lab-tech-18-mm-glass-vapor-hose-adapter.html , you can get the others items here, too (btw they have a sale on till the 20th, but it's pretty easy to find this stuff at various online vape/glass shops.)