
Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Just realised none of my pics above show off the full Nano, so here we go:


@Ratchett I love your piece and how you've managed to capture the figured sheen - how did you do that? Mine also has an iridescent quality - but I can't seem to pick it up on the camera - any tips?

Thanks! Lol, It was purely by coincidence that I was able to capture the figured sheen. I used a photo booth in my bay window and I had a florescent photo studio light casting light from above the box. Unfortunately the color looks more washed out (again, I'm not an expert at photography by any stretch of the imagination) - I think I got lucky with the lighting!


Does anyone use this bubbler with the enano?

I bought it along with the D020 and I by far prefer the D020. Maybe it's how i'm filling water on the other one but I can't seem to hit it without the vape just going past the water and not filtering through it. Any advice?


Well-Known Member
The Nano has landed!!!! :DNowt exotic like some folks but I love her. Waiting on my guy to phone back as my Afgooey and superbud just ain't quite there yet. Initial tests with abv is going nicely though. I'd like to say ta to everyone who gently steered me this product and to Andy for being a true gent and a pleasure to deal with @ACE OF VAPE I thank you so much. And also for the 2 extra stems. Great guy, great wee vape too. Just realised I canna post pics cause I don't have a tumble or Flickr account. Bummer! On hoof just now to get some blue cheese! Wonder if I'll have bad dreams?
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Well-Known Member
The Nano has landed!!!! :DNowt exotic like some folks but I love her. Waiting on my guy to phone back as my Afgooey and superbud just ain't quite there yet. Initial tests with abv is going nicely though. I'd like to say ta to everyone who gently steered me this product and to Andy for being a true gent and a pleasure to deal with @ACE OF VAPE I thank you so much. And also for the 2 extra stems. Great guy, great wee vape too

Yes! Glad to see your day changed for the better after all! :D


@Seren I am no photographer but I think without some kind of pro lightsource we are screwed.

I used a photo booth in my bay window and I had a florescent photo studio light casting light from above the box. Unfortunately the color looks more washed out (again, I'm not an expert at photography by any stretch of the imagination) - I think I got lucky with the lighting!

Any light source will do. The bigger size the better (sun is a small light source as it is so far away). Bay windows with a curtain work great to give soft diffused light. Without contrast the image can be flat. I'd avoid shooting with built-in flash, off camera flash is much better.

Since the nano is a static object there is no need to worry about motion blur, but still need to keep shutter fast enough for hand held shooting as you need to off-set camera shake. Tripod would eliminate this.

The third factor, and the reason you are losing saturation in your colors and have noise throughout the image is your ISO speed is High. Keep this number as low as possible to give you the cleanest, most contrast, and the biggest dynamic range image you can get. The higher the ISO climbs, the less contrast and DR your sensor can pick up.

Outdoor, clear skies on a sunny day with a propper cam might work.

Actually, cloudy skies work best. Direct sunlight is very harsh. Clouds diffuse the light making for softer shadows.

Lighting > equipment

Hope this helps. Keep the pics coming, love seeing all these different Nanos.


thoroughly vaped
Literally just below the perc... The water is basically touching the underside of the blue part, minus a little air bubble that flaots in the middle.

If you haven't tried it yet, fill the water to just above the perc. 1/4" above should be plenty. You'll still have a little bit of air below. Don't have this particular piece, but this works best on one I have with similar perc.


On the D020 it is best to just cover the slits in the bubbler. I fill it with water and test it until it performs the way I want. Try different levels and see what you like. You don't have to use the Nano for this test. :D


On the D020 it is best to just cover the slits in the bubbler. I fill it with water and test it until it performs the way I want. Try different levels and see what you like. You don't have to use the Nano for this test. :D

Oh I much prefer my tests to use the nano lol.

The D020 hits great for me, I have it like you, just above the slits. And this honeycomb one is now hitting fantastically! Thanks guys :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
On the D020 it is best to just cover the slits in the bubbler. I fill it with water and test it until it performs the way I want. Try different levels and see what you like. You don't have to use the Nano for this test. :D

For whatever reason (can't see any big chip in the glass) - my D020 perc only fires on the front of the piece (away from the mouthpiece) when I fill it above the slits. After much testing, I found my per fires better if I fill it almost all the way up to the slits, but leave about 1mm or less exposed of the slits. This reduces my drag, but still fires much more evenly around the whole bubbler (though it still favors that one side)

I'm still not convinced about larger volumes and the nano. It seems I can only whitewall the D020 once, maybe twice before I need to reload. And I have yet to whitewall my D020-w piece with the Nano....
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Well-Known Member
We have to keep in mind here, ladies and gentlemen, all this man here has vaped so far is ABV and look at those results.
Also, always wiggle.

Maybe not THAT hard...
. Nah I'd had some fresh by then. The abv didn't even register when I weighed it so Dunn how much more that'd weigh green as it were. This thing works. Period. Love it. Blue cheese and tiny bowls that get you oh so baked. Never wanna be without. Now for a new portable. New thread beckons! Oh yeah buy it !

dos equis

Well-Known Member
So I was having some issues, getting mostly wispy hits no matter what I tried.
Then I finally found something to push the basket screen up a little bit and adjusted it to a position that seemed better. Suddenly I get thick clouds at 7 and it's dark brown after 3 hits. Wow.

I'm guessing screen position is pretty important? Cause before I adjusted it I was getting wispy hits at around 8-8.5 and never really saw any thick clouds. I would try again but I think I'll wait some cause those 3 hits were good.


Oil Painter
So I was having some issues, getting mostly wispy hits no matter what I tried.
Then I finally found something to push the basket screen up a little bit and adjusted it to a position that seemed better. Suddenly I get thick clouds at 7 and it's dark brown after 3 hits. Wow.

I'm guessing screen position is pretty important? Cause before I adjusted it I was getting wispy hits at around 8-8.5 and never really saw any thick clouds. I would try again but I think I'll wait some cause those 3 hits were good.
Yup! You've solved it! :tup:

Welcome! :clap:


To anyone using Ed's stems... how do you judge where to pack since you can't see into the bowl like with glass?


I didn't find this easily while searching in the thread, and it's not on the website. I apologize if this is somewhere obvious. What are the precise temperature settings on the E-Nano? I.E. I see that on the external dial from promotional photos it's listed from 0-11. What are those different settings? Thanks!
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