"We have an update for our international contributors. Testing has been going well and we are now selecting components that have a longer production life. Some of the previous components we had are not going to be produced in the near future so we need to identify replacement parts to ensure that we can continue building EVOs after the older components are phased out."
I'm confused because I stopped following the thread to just try and be patient until I eventually get mine. Does this mean that the evo design is ALREADY changing, or is that specific quote just for international units?
I remember being sad thinking I wouldn't get this before Halloween, now I'm wondering if I'll be lucky enough to get it in 2013

I've had to fill its place for now with my new volcano and my old underdog just hoping that this thing is worth the wait. I have a gut feeling that selling my ticker was a bad move. I know I was not a fan of the cloud+ at all, so hopefully this is just an improved ticker style more so than the cloud+.
At this point I'm pretty much just aching for any kind of consistency/reliability with this vape. Its definitely been one of my favorites (the ticker) but its just a stressful time to be a vapexhale fan it seems like. Still by all means a huge fan, but just wondering how everything is playing out at this point. I'm hoping that sooner than later they can fulfill all the pre-orders and get around to having ready to sell inventory like a traditional sales business. That and focusing on customer support. I have no doubt that once they get there, their customer support and products will be top notch.
I am aware that most of my complaints are due to me signing up early to get this vape at a heavily reduced price. That is why I have no ill feelings to them AT ALL, but I am pretty disappointed in how the crowd funding nature of things turns out in general. If I was buying the vape at full price and waiting 2 months after the suggested date I'd be much more upset. Then again if I paid full price I'd have had mine long ago anyway like my friends do, who placed their orders way after mine.