I re-packed with the hit ABV from last night (that we hit the heck out of), packed it tight, and then since it wasn't even half-full, I threw some other ABV right on top (which also had been torn up bigtime in the Pax previously). It ripped hard and I had significantly larger clouds than previously. And this was herb that got roasted and got me toasted hard on previous days. I didn't even know it still had that much in it, which my Pax couldn't get out.
Thanks for the review/comparison! A lot of people will appreciate the PAX contrasts.
I too, did the ABV + extreme pack last night. Prior to this, I've been doing a medium pack on flower with a slow draw and quite enjoying the effects. But then again, I was looking for effect as primary and then flavor as the "icing" on top of it, and not so concerned with clouds.
I took Ascent ABV from the medium pack sessions, and used the oil can and compressed the fuck out of it. ("SHUT DOWN ALL THE GARBAGE MASHERS ON THE DETENTION LEVEL!!!") I'm sure it was "over-tampt", but, hey! this is for science.

I was surprised at how much I was able to extract. The draw was definitely affected, but it was over packed. I had a good long session with it. Two things to note: A) The flavor wasn't as good as flower, but that is to be expected, and B) I was NOT producing giant clouds (it IS ABV, after all) but nor were they wispy (well... after a while they were, but not at first) and were quite good for material I though to be spent.
I think, for the future, if I am using out in public, I am going for medium to lighter pack. I get all the effect I want, without obvious exhale. However, at home, I'm going into full on "Garbage Masher" mode.
[EDIT: My previous device doesn't really lend itself to "packing" the stem with much variation (I broke the glass once) so packing hasn't been a concern for me previously. I also wasn't saving ABV, but now am.]
There is some offgasing, you should take it to a dark room with a flashlight, at first i couldn't see any in the light but.....
The second I saw the wisps in your video, I grabbed my device. It is absolutely pristine at this point, and has the unused set of stems in it.
I cranked it up to max temp, 430°F, and have been letting it run. @
sam reynolds -- I have been holding it in my hands and don't find it too hot to hold. In fact, I rather like the warmth.

I don't work with my hands (unless you count typing as work) so I don't have calluses or the like. But I guess we each have different sensitivity to temp.
I've let it run through a full 20 minute session.
I tried to replicate @
thesoloman 's conditions (dark room with no windows, flashlight). I don't have my 500 Lumen HexBright right now, but am working with something ~120 lumen and a second less bright (~40? lumen) light.
I can not see anything coming off of mine.
I will keep trying through the day.
thesoloman -- Sorry, this is a stupid question and I presume the answer is "yes", but you did clean yours before testing right? I'm trying to figure out what the difference between yours and mine is. (Other than Burl vs Stealth, but I can't see that would cause anything.) Have you used yours a *lot* or is it still kinda new? I've been "forcing" just about every friend of mine to try my unit, so perhaps mine is more "broken in"??
Other than that, I'd send that unit back for a new one. I don't think that is correct behavior.