Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Vapor Sloth
Too bad it burns according to the inventor . . .
@james we'll be releasing it at the first us cannabis cup here in Denver on 4/20! It's designed for clean butane-free smoking, but you can use it to vape with a little technique


Well-Known Member
You guys always say to rip the shit out of it but let's say you choose to pull as you would with almost any other vaporizer, would it still milk up or is it required to get those type of results? Max temp is not combustion like the SSV right?

I def think the Cloud works best and impresses the most when you rip the heck out of it. When you kick it into high gear is when it really outshines the other vapes. it works at a normal draw, just... normally.

Ive never had to worry about combustion like the SSV and Ive never had any in any of my Clouds. I think its pretty darn rare. Although I havent tried my new Plus model on max yet and i probably wont. 3:00 is more than hot enough, i highly doubt it would burn on max On the older models there wasnt much difference between 3 and max anyway.

So is it Pulse Glass or Pure Glass that won??


Rocky Mountain High!
RIP ol' ticker Cloud (SN0381) 10 months old, its little brain is fried . . . :cry:
It least it lasted that long, mine only lasted six weeks! I can almost guarantee that it's "little brain" is OK, more likely one of the wires feeding the heating element has become detached.

Anyone have any idea what the turn around time is for repair? I know some have had to wait as long as 2 months!


On a Permanent Vakation
I came up with a solution for those times when you want to pack like 1/4 of a bowl, and not have the rest be empty space...I don't have time to type much now, and my phone with pics/videos is dea, so heres a quick video from the laptop to show you, and I'll post more details later!

Change to HD

RIP ol' ticker Cloud (SN0381) 10 months old, its little brain is fried . . . :cry:

:cry: It's always a bummer to read about a Cloud dying! I hope it has a speedy "recovery" or replacement! I thought I was going to have to post something similar today. I turned on my Cloud this morning, and it just flashed a combination of red and green. No ticking, no heat. I turned it off and back on a couple of times, thinking "Oh no, it finally died :uhoh:!" But, as I was freaking out, I realized that it was freezing in our bedroom, and that the Cloud felt frozen as well! I walked out to the thermostat and saw that it was around 62 degrees inside...not all that bad, but I evidently cold enough to keep the Cloud from heating.

I was pretty sure that this was the issue, as I have had the Cloud not want to turn on on a few cold mornings this winter. So, I sat it on the kitchen table and let the morning sun do her work, and within ten minutes, the Cloud gave me some good ticks when I plugged it in! Others have posted this being an issue as well, and I believe it may even be a safety feature, to prevent the Cloud from heating when the glass is too cold; this would prevent thermal shock, etc. and reduce the overall stress to the glass. Either way, if your Cloud isn't operating, and is just flashing, try warming it up! Worth a shot before sending in a support ticket.


Vapor Sloth
am sure you put her through it's paces. gonna send him in for an upgrade to plus?
Yes, absolutely . . . :)
It least it lasted that long, mine only lasted six weeks! I can almost guarantee that it's "little brain" is OK, more likely one of the wires feeding the heating element has become detached.
Sorry but you are wrong. The Cloud partially heats for a few seconds then prematurely cuts to auto-shutoff mode, so it can't be what you describe. Right before failure I caught the Cloud blinking auto-shutoff pattern LEDs, but still heating. The behavior became increasingly "wonky" and it died 24 hours after that.


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
OK, so would it follow that if I decide NOT to upgrade, they will repair my unit with "original" parts and I would just be back to square one? I'd like to think they would replace any defective parts with parts having a greater degree of reliability than the original parts as it certainly doesn't help their bottom line to be repairing units under warranty that come back repeatedly because of inferior parts. I guess it would depend on what the point of failure is, i.e. PC board, heating coil, etc.

I'm still wondering considering I purchased my cloud after 2/16 if I have a one or two year warranty.
Clarification based on my understanding:
- ALL units repaired and shipped from VXL are equivalent to new Cloud+ units functionally
- If you send in an older Cloud for repair or upgrade under warranty, it will be upgraded to Cloud+ for free
- If you currently have a 1 year warranty it is $150 to upgrade to the 2 year warranty (or 2 extra years? not positive on this one ... I believe it's an upgrade to 2 years though, not an extra 2 years)
- If you currently have no warranty and send it in to get repaired, it will be $150 and will come out a Cloud+, but will still not have a warranty (beyond a warranty on the repair itself)


Higher, Higher, Baby...
Well I missed the mailman, and he had my cloud! :mad:
I think I will just pick it up from the post office tomorrow, I think it should be there since they left the notice here today. Sucks, but hopefully the cloudbuddy catches up and comes tomorrow as well. I'm trying to keep calm. :freak:


Vapor Sloth
Either way, if your Cloud isn't operating, and is just flashing, try warming it up! Worth a shot before sending in a support ticket.
Thanks for the suggestion PH but I have this neat thingy in my house called a "forced air natural gas furnace with thermostat" that keeps my house at a comfy 72*F . . . ;) HVAC FTW :tup:


On a Permanent Vakation
Why? Do you find it works better without the space?

Edit* to actually answer your question, yes I feel it does work better without it :) and below is why I think that, and more...

Well, my initial motivation to do this, was to have something that was a little more consistent to load right out of the grinder. I use my ELB to scoop some meds from the grinder into the bowl. I usually end up tapping some out, or going back for a little more, or both. I wanted something that would be easier to fill/judge. IMO/E, I find it easier to pack how much I want, quicker, with this than with the regular bowl.

Now, having used this now for over two days, I've discovered a possible second benefit. It seems that because the bowl is a little wider, and far less deep, as long as you pack enough to cover the bottom, the screen keeps it sandwiched in place enough that it seems to vape more evenly. The ELB vapes fairly even in the first place, don't get me wrong. But, it seems like this method keeps the load together, in a flatter, more spread out manner, vaping it more evenly, while leaving more color in the ABV.

In the ELB, all of the meds start at the bottom, but when you remove the ELB after hitting it, all of the meds are stuck to the underside of the the cap, or stuck in the portion of the bowl that is directly below the cap. When I tap out my bowls, I notice that the part the is stuck to the bottom of the bowl is still a little lighter colored than the stuff that is near the bottom of the clump...in other words, even though you're getting all of the actives that you want out, you're getting the herb at the bottom of the load darker than it needs to be...extracting more of the chlorophyll, etc.

What seems to be happening in the MiniELB, is I'm getting the same dense hits, but they stop milking just a little sooner, and I don't seem to be getting as much of that "done" taste (burnt popcorn, what have you). I can hit it again after stirring, and get a hit of just bleh taste, and minimal vapor/minimal effect, etc. but it seems like this method gets the actives out with less of the non actives, in the first hit. I think it's because the load is more evenly spread out for the heat to travel through, so less of the load gets more heat than the rest...

A couple other things that I would think about with this bowl are;
-load size. If you like half full or more ELBs, this may not work. I will test more, and see how much it can hold, etc.
-temperature. It seems like the temp has to be bumped just a smidge, but this could be because I'm not seeing the same color I'm used to in the ABV. Regardless, I'm still getting good vapor/effect as low as 10/11,(haven't tried and lower yet) and as high as 3 (haven't tired higher)

I'll post another video/pics /info as to how I made the bowl, etc. soon!

**EDIT, Another thing I've noticed is that the bowl portion of the miniELB (the actual elbow screen) doesn't clog as quickly. I've used it, and nothing else, to vape through since 1am on saturday (4/20) through now, and I cleaned it today for the first time. I could have let it go, but I am a flavor hound :lol: But, maybe it's just because it's shallow and easier to clean, but it definitely doesn't collect that dust/gunk buildup quite as quickly. The cap seems to get quite dirty though, as usual...more so I would suppose with kief, etc.

Thanks for the suggestion PH but I have this neat thingy in my house called a "forced air natural gas heater with thermostat" that keeps my house at a comfy 72*F . . . ;)HVAC FTW :tup:
Oh, that was more of a cautionary tip/advice for anyone who's cloud won't turn on after having been off for a while, etc...I had kind of figured that you knew what was up with yours, and your more recent post confirmed that ;)


On a Permanent Vakation
So IIRC, in the past we have discussed the possibility of a smaller ELB, but it never really went anywhere. For the most part, I had forgotten about that discussion, and have grown to love the ELB. However, I still find that I rarely fill the bowl, let alone go beyond 1/4 or so full, unless I'm demonstrating it's ability to vape a full bowl in one hit, etc. The other morning (saturday morning, around 1 am) I was cleaning my old Extreme Q Elbow screen, which I use with my Supreme vape, and I started to wonder about using it with the Cloud somehow.

The first thing I tried was putting a regular ELB cap into the EQ Elbow screen. The EQ elbow screen is larger in diameter than the the ELB is, so the cape sat loosely in the EQ elbow screen. There wasn't really any useful connection between the EQ elbow screen an the ELB either, so I sat the ELB aside. I sat, just wishingI could somehow use the EQ elbow screen to vape. It was the perfect load size (for me) and seemed like it would vape really well, being slightly wider than the ELB, and being far less deep.

Finally, I thought about this one ELB cap that I had run over with my computer chair, about 7 months ago. (*ELB SAFETY TIP* if you ever drop an ELB or cap, and are in a rolling char, don't roll away to look at the floor...you'll probably end up rolling right over the bowl/cap, mutilating if not destroying it.) I took out the mangled ELB cap, and started to reshape it using the end of a sharpie (as per someones suggestion here)

Once I got the cap to look like it should (sort of) I sat it on a desk upside down (like a top hat...rim of the bowl facing down) and used the back end of a Sharpie to indent the cap. (see pictures below) With a little bit of molding by hand, this made the ELB cap fit nice and snugly into the EQ elbow screen, creating a mini ELB.

Here are some pictures...

In the picture above, the top two squares show a regular ELB cap and the bottom two show an Extreme Q Elbow screen. Notice how the diameter of the steel rim of both bowls is the same, but the EQ elbow screen is slightly larger in its capacity, due to design.

In the picture above, the left hand side shows a regular ELB cap on top, and on the bottom, the ELB cap that I inverted with the sharpie. The pictures on the right hand side show the inverted cap as well. To get the cap to look like this, set it upside down like the cap in the top left of the above picture, and take the end (not the end with the cap) of a sharpie, and push down in the center firmly. You can push and mold the edges to fit into the EQ elbow screen better.

There are three reasons for inverting the cap the way that I did.

1, it makes the cap more shallow, so it doesn't push as far into the bowl(EQ elbow screen) leaving room for medicine. you can't really pack meds in the EQ elbow screen, and put the cap in, unless the cap is inverted like shown above.
2, it leaves room, so you can pack a shallow bowl, as shown below, or a full bowl, as the medicine can go up into the underside of the cap.
3, it makes the caps diameter slightly larger, allowing it to fit snugly into the bowl (EQ elbow screen)...it won't stay in the bowl at all otherwise.

In the picture above, you can see the assembled Mini-ELB (EQ elbow screen+mangled/inverted ELBcap) with a regular ELB/caps for comparison.

And in this final picture, above, you can see the MiniELB loaded, and in the Cloud.

Here's a video...watch it in HD

*Edit - Sorry for the back to back posts. they can be merged. I meant to edit the previous one, but accidentally posted this instead.


Does anyone know what is going on with Vapexhale?

For those of you who have ordered from EZVapes.com, I did the same about a month ago and was assured that I was receiving a Cloud Plus Unit and that the 2 year warranty was valid.

My Cloud lasted roughly 2 weeks before dying on me, and I sent it back to Vapexhale nearly 30 days ago. I was informed that my unit would be shipping by April 10th at the latest. Fast-forward a week later to when I contacted support again, and I was told that I was "next in line" and would be receiving my unit as soon as new Cloud Plus units arrived. Fast-forward another week and I have still heard absolutely no reply from VapeXhale and really have no idea what I am even waiting for at this point or when it is going to arrive.

If new orders are being filled before replacement units, that is horrible business. Anyone with any info on the return process or the current status of VapeXhale support would be appreciated.

Best vaporizer I have ever used, but this return process has been a drawn out nightmare.

I wonder if those placing new orders are receiving a defective Cloud Plus unit that they will have to replace ... if the answer is no, then I am wondering how and why new orders are being filled when customers who have paid over $500 for a defective product are being ignored.


Scratchin' Glass!
Accessory Maker
When you all usually run your cloud how many ELB's do you typically use in a session. For example are you packing and then repacking once? That would 2 ELB's.

I'm actually scared at what some answers may be :whoa:
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