Arizer Solo


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
xman you got me so excited:clap: . I was going to make hot chocolate but I don't really drink that normally. I can easily use butter so now I am excited. I think I will make a stem tonight. Can you PM me the exact steps since sometimes I am dense. TIA
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JoDa Glassworks
Glass Blower
So airflow is not too restrictive with that DG bubbler+solo?
My can on my sidecar fritted bubbler is 3 times the size of this dg piece and with my pvhegong it's no more restrictive than the solo dry barely! And it milks it pretty damn thick too I must say.

Edit: just picked up a like new ssv on c-list for 60 bucks. Can't wait to see how well that sucker milks this piece!


Well-Known Member
My can on my sidecar fritted bubbler is 3 times the size of this dg piece and with my pvhegong it's no more restrictive than the solo dry barely! And it milks it pretty damn thick too I must say.

Edit: just picked up a like new ssv on c-list for 60 bucks. Can't wait to see how well that sucker milks this piece!
I love the way yours looks the color is badass. Last question since it diffuses so well do you feel you still get enough flavor?


My friends call me "Menz"
xman you got me so excited:clap: . I was going to make hot chocolate but I don't really drink that normally. I can easily use butter so now I am excited. I think I will make a stem tonight. Can you PM me the exact steps since sometimes I am dense. TIA

then you can PM it to me cause i must be even denser cause i messed it up when i tried


Well-Known Member
The other day we were discussing the carb holes in PV and other aftermarket stems. The gist was while there were no non carb versions available at present, the carb versions were available but nobody wanted to be messing with the holes and heat. Not to mention the spare hand needed.

I just got my 18mm GonG version with carb hole from PV. The hole is pretty small, really, a bit under 1/8 inch, not really all that round (plugs could work) but it's pretty flat so I put 4 or 5 wraps of teflon plumbing tape on it, pulling the final turn tight. Thus far it's working great, even though I didn't over wrap it with wire or cotton string like I'd planned. It's not showing any tendency to unwrap and it's in a well protected spot so I think I'll try it this way for a bit.

Anyway, those of you shying away from the carb hole versions should stop fearing them; it would seem it's a whole lot easier to defeat the hole than put one in.



Well-Known Member
My solo did something really strange guys :S I was using it on the pa and after my sesh I unplugged the wire and rather than doing what it normally does it just started blinking (blue light and 1 2 3) on and off, I immediately pressed up and down and it start working normally, since them I haven't be able to replicate this flashing 4 lights. Does anyone know what this might of been? I read this thread fairly regularly and haven't seen any mention of this problem. My solo appears to be OK but I see bad things in the future :(

I hope I won't soon have to fly solo without my solo.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I think it is the order you do the plugs cause I was able to replicate it when it happened to me the other day.

Menz I didn't do it tonight but I think I understand now and will try it before the end of the weekend. I will let you know what I learn.
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Red Indy

My solo did something really strange guys :S I was using it on the pa and after my sesh I unplugged the wire and rather than doing what it normally does it just started blinking (blue light and 1 2 3) on and off, I immediately pressed up and down and it start working normally, since them I haven't be able to replicate this flashing 4 lights. Does anyone know what this might of been? I read this thread fairly regularly and haven't seen any mention of this problem. My solo appears to be OK but I see bad things in the future :(

I hope I won't soon have to fly solo without my solo.

This seems to be a different problem than the one with the plugs because the problems started when unplugging the unit.

I have had several times that the battery takes over after unplugging from the PA.
Sometimes just for seconds but also several times I had to press both buttons to stop it again.
This mostly starts with a beep right after unplugging.
Normally it should stop straight away after unplugging from the PA.

BTW this might mean that the problem with the dancing lights still isn't solved yet because now it turns up on a different instance that has nothing to do with the order of plugs.
Red Indy,


Toolbag v1.1 (candidate)
Staff member
I believe old models used brass, the new ones have SS. I have one that's SS.

This one doesn't have SS:


This is off-topic here but I don't want misinformation floating around. Those rails are not brass, they're copper-clad stainless steel.
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Well-Known Member
I believe old models used brass, the new ones have SS. I have one that's SS.

This one doesn't have SS:

Stock, so not pointless ;)

I believe you'd be wrong. Brass makes a lousy spring, right? The negative ring would never work.

What you have i think is plated steel. Try a magnet on it, unless it's a brass magnet it's gonna stick.....



Well-Known Member
I unplugged the wire and rather than doing what it normally does it just started blinking (blue light and 1 2 3) on and off, I immediately pressed up and down and it start working normally, since them I haven't be able to replicate this flashing 4 lights. Does anyone know what this might of been? I read this thread fairly regularly and haven't seen any mention of this problem.

Well I've got a guess. This (bottom lights flashing together) has been discussed many times and has been traced in the past to charger problems. A few days back I discussed it in some detail and reported what I thought was causing it. I can't blame you for not following it, it was in geekspeak, but it was there.

Based on the test I later reported, I think this is a part of a series of 'light shows' having to do with the exact voltage being fed the Solo. If it's 9 Volts we expect it to run using a lot of current (about 2.5 Amps in fact). If it's 12 we expect to charge using less (.65 Amps it turns out). Unless Solo could sense and switch modes we would blow up chargers trying to make them PAs. My supply was 9.2 Volts (minorly over the 9 specified). It locked out with the 'bottom lights flash' because it was seen as too low to charge, but too high for PA. Dropping my supply down to the 8.5 Volts the PA actually says on it's nameplate fixed that. So I put it on a variable voltage supply and verified the action. That's the test I later reported.

So, what I think happened is as you unplugged you got a brief intermittent break in the connection where the PA output voltage jumped up just enough to trip the protect circuit (actually a software function I bet) and start the lights flashing. Turning the unit off fixed it for the obvious reason. This is, I'm sure, why the advice calls for powering up the PA after and shutting it down before plugging and unplugging. When it comes up and goes down with the load it doesn't tend to "overshoot" (the technical term for such a surge).

Do it 'backwards' and I can see it happening from time to time, but I bet it's hard to make happen on demand? I don't think there's any danger to the unit, and I bet it times out?



New Member
ehakim, I was instructed to do two things to try and reset my unit.:

1. Arizer told me to plug it in, depress both buttons for 4 seconds, let it stay plugged in for ten seconds and then unplug it. It didn't work for me, but might for others.

2. Retailer told me to let the battery drain completely to reset the unit. Also not possible for me.
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Well-Known Member
how much of a difference is the PVEHGONG vs the regular one they sell,

the only have 18mm carbed of the regular, idk if i should wait for a PVEHGONG to become in stock or does it matter much?

i havent received my arizer solo yet nor have i vaped before and i would like to have it on my water beaker eventually...


Well-Known Member
The consensus seems to be to wait for the non carbed pvhes. Not that there is anything wrong with the carbed version just that most consider the carb unnecessary.


how much of a difference is the PVEHGONG vs the regular one they sell,

the only have 18mm carbed of the regular, idk if i should wait for a PVEHGONG to become in stock or does it matter much?

i havent received my arizer solo yet nor have i vaped before and i would like to have it on my water beaker eventually...
Some swear by the PVEHGONG Stems over the stock ones.
I have only used the stock ones for nearly 2 years with no issues?
You can always plug the hole to the carb if you don't want this function?
I like the straight stems over the bent ones because I can store them in TRAVEL TUBES.
I broke all 4 of my BENT STEMS.
Maybe it's just me?
I will order a PVEHGONG once their back in stock.
Need to see what all the fuss is about?
I like the cap ends for the stems as well.
I pre-load my stems so their ready when I am!


This is off-topic here but I don't want misinformation floating around. Those rails are not brass, they're copper-clad stainless steel.

I believe you'd be wrong. Brass makes a lousy spring, right? The negative ring would never work.

What you have i think is plated steel. Try a magnet on it, unless it's a brass magnet it's gonna stick.....


Ahem, sorry chaps :doh:

So far with my screen being in my Solo I haven't gotten any charred material, I was having an issue with material touching the hot SS bowl.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I forgot my screen was in there and thought it dumped out. I put my finger in and it was still there. I thought it wasn't cause I had a session last night and it was ok almost normal. I think the screen is fattening a little which made it better. My stem does lift up easier with the screen in which isn't good. I am going to keep it in for a while to see if I like it.


I forgot my screen was in there and thought it dumped out. I put my finger in and it was still there. I thought it wasn't cause I had a session last night and it was ok almost normal. I think the screen is fattening a little which made it better. My stem does lift up easier with the screen in which isn't good. I am going to keep it in for a while to see if I like it.

My stem can fall out too if I'm not careful, I have to tell people that so they don't grab it by the stem. I've found when I'm using the Solo, the fit gets looser. I just keep a finger on it because I am using ABV currently and don't want copious amounts of herb on my heating chamber screen, so I flip the unit upside down as to keep the stem right side up.


Always in a state of confusion and silliness♀
I fix my retaining ring all the time so it doesn't happen as bad. I also have used clickers fix with the washer but I can't pull the stem back out so have to trim it ever so slightly just haven't gotten around to it. The washer does work the best though. I use it but have to take the cover off to put it on and off. If anyone knows how to trim rubber well please let me know. I was thinking a dremel maybe?


I fix my retaining ring all the time so it doesn't happen as bad. I also have used clickers fix with the washer but I can't pull the stem back out so have to trim it ever so slightly just haven't gotten around to it. The washer does work the best though. I use it but have to take the cover off to put it on and off. If anyone knows how to trim rubber well please let me know. I was thinking a dremel maybe?

A dremel sounds plausible, better than my knife idea :lol:
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