Discontinued VapeXhale Cloud


Banned for life

Will there be anymore SGW ht's in the future? If so, just showerdome, or other creations too?


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
Damn! the cloud is fast...I'm blazed in a second...

However I can't get it to green? it was red at noon for 20 mins so I went ahead and vaped ... it was great...but no green light...if I drop it below 9 position it just stops... there's ticking which is normal right?

Also, do u push the ELB all the way down? Its super hard to remove so I didn't want to go all the way...

damn, I'm stoned...this is pure epic.
Push that 'lil monkey all the way in! Then use your thumbnail or a creditcard to lift it out. Pretty soon they will pop in and out smoovely (LL Cool Jay's words, not mine) Keep on testing it, taking pics and vids and posting all of that stuff up here for all of us to see. Take advantage of your super stioney mon!


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
Thanks Jam and JCat...I completely forgot about the different algorythms... sounds about right. I get pretty decent vapour clouds at 9...and even 7 believe it or not.... and my unit gets fricken hot after an hour or so. I'll have to do some more testing down the road.

Jam, forsure hook up your HT to the solo via gong. What's wrong with that? Solo is a great vape, and sometimes you don't have 10mins or so, so after a minute on the solo warmup, you're good to go!

Using various solos on 3-4 my abv was always pretty dark brown, but maybe I zapped them longer :)

I tried my M104 through the HT this morning and it was great. Vaped the bowl to completion in 4-5 hits. By the time I was done my Solo bowl, 1 minute later, the Cloud turned green and was ready to go. (In other words, I can grind, and vape a bowl, and cleanup, in the 10 min. it takes for my Cloud to heat up). So ... if you only need .15 or so and are in a hurry, the Solo is a great option with the HT.


Vapor Enthusiast
Ok I'm halfway to my goal of getting the VapeXhale Cloud. I just have a question. I know someone responded earlier that the difference between the HydraTree and HydraCirc packages is just the glass. I understand that.

But I just watched Slightly Medicated's video on Youtube. I actually didn't see any difference between the two glass pieces. I guess I am just uninitiated. Can anyone tell me what the actual differences are between the two pieces?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
One has a "tree" type filter where the other is a "circ" type filter (look inside the bottom part of the glass and you'll get an idea the diffent way the glass works ...)


Head of Pot
Push that 'lil monkey all the way in! Then use your thumbnail or a creditcard to lift it out. Pretty soon they will pop in and out smoovely (LL Cool Jay's words, not mine) Keep on testing it, taking pics and vids and posting all of that stuff up here for all of us to see. Take advantage of your super stioney mon!

The new elbs dont work like that. I've had mine for almost a month and I still cannot get them in much more than halfway. They are crazy tight! Still unable to use my cloud with my other glass until I get some old style elbs.


Vapor Enthusiast
One has a "tree" type filter where the other is a "circ" type filter (look inside the bottom part of the glass and you'll get an idea the diffent way the glass works ...)

Yeah I think I see it. One looks like it has tubes going up, and one looks like it has some sort of circular piece in it. I guess that's why they call it the Tree and the Circ.

I assume they work slightly the same, and it's personal preference? Or is there reasons why one would be better than the other?

And there are two packages that are sold out. Maybe I'll wait for them to get in stock. If it's just about the glass. Unless people unanimously think that the Evolver's are better? I don't mind spending an extra $50.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
The new elbs dont work like that. I've had mine for almost a month and I still cannot get them in much more than halfway. They are crazy tight! Still unable to use my cloud with my other glass until I get some old style elbs.
-Roo? <said in a scooby do voice> I hadn't heard that... Do you have some old ones and some new ones? Just curious y"know and if it wasn't for those meddling kids, we'd have never gotten caught! :shrug:


Apostle, Church of Vaporization
Yeah I think I see it. One looks like it has tubes going up, and one looks like it has some sort of circular piece in it. I guess that's why they call it the Tree and the Circ.

I assume they work slightly the same, and it's personal preference? Or is there reasons why one would be better than the other?

The main difference is probably in the action (there were other diffs in the past like the joint and ice pinches, but no more). IIRC the circ is not quite as smooth as the tree but it has less drag. And I think some would say the tree might not be as durable. Those avail now are same weight glass and very close in size. I have the VXL circ, not the Evolver. Works great.


Well-Known Member
-Roo? <said in a scooby do voice> I hadn't heard that... Do you have some old ones and some new ones? Just curious y"know and if it wasn't for those meddling kids, we'd have never gotten caught! :shrug:

VXL already commented on this, specs were changed resulting in a larger ELB causing it to fit a lot more snug. IIRC they said they were keeping track of who got the large ones to replace in the future, or something like that. They also said NOT to force the ELB flush and that it was ok to use it not fully seated.

I have a combination of the two sizes from getting extra ELBs in an RMA return and purchasing extras. I sorted the ones that were too large to fit properly out of the rotation in hopes to exchange for the correct size one day.


Director of Vapor Research Labs™
I guess I have some vague recollection of this, but I didn't realize the size issue was so pronounced as to cause it to stick out of the glass joint. Thanks for the reminder and the heads up MacRadish! That's what I love about this place, you learn new stuff all of the time! :doh:


Vapor Sloth
ELB training using vapor hose adapters as a die . . . use a little lube (I destroyed 1 ELB in the process but 9 made it) if your glass joint is too snug, but once re-sized, they work fine.

Do NOT train ELBs in your Cloud.



Banned for life

But with the strength you need to pull on it isn't the vapour too warm? Or are you getting vapour even with slight inhalations?


Singer Song Writer Stoner
^^ One more, wood is looking awesome...

I can't wait to try the cloud in whip style...

I also should get a 14mm to 18mm GONG...for my rude boy


Well-Known Member

Will there be anymore SGW ht's in the future? If so, just showerdome, or other creations too?

For the immediate future we will be stocking the Showerdome, as for other creations we have some very special things coming in the next few months, and as for future creations I don't think we will ever stop coming out with new types of glass tools for our vaporizer, or new/different vaporizers, we are just getting started. ;)


Well-Known Member
I've had the Cloud for about a month now and it is still awesome! I'm about 10:30 on the dial. Clouds are thick and tasty. I love my Showerdome, but looking forward to adding the Evolver Treeperc to my collection.
Video and stills to come.
Vapinghole I put the ViVape on Ebay today. The Cloud is all I need. I'm putting the money towards a 65mm Mobius Stereo Matrix. Hopefully the Mivape will come out soon for my portable.
The cloud is the best desktop Vaporizer hands down.
Thank you VapeXhale team for all you hard work. You have another very satisfied customer here.


Well-Known Member

But with the strength you need to pull on it isn't the vapour too warm? Or are you getting vapour even with slight inhalations?

I have what would appear to be the older style Cloud with linear functions on the dial. Noon is just right for me, not too hot at all both with large fast pulls or gentle slow ones. Honestly, the wood gives a certain coolness to it versus a GonG 18/14 adapter.

Ed's TnT

Really like that wood Macradish, glad you are enjoying it. Wood will cool the vapor slightly, made that piece at 5" hoping that would help.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think its possible that there is a difference in vapor/vapor production when the cloud is upside down in a water pipe as oppose to its regular upright position ?

Probably not ? much of a difference, thou from reading there does seem to be a difference when used from piece to piece.


Chief Vapor Officer
I've had the Cloud for about a month now and it is still awesome! I'm about 10:30 on the dial. Clouds are thick and tasty. I love my Showerdome, but looking forward to adding the Evolver Treeperc to my collection.
Video and stills to come.
Vapinghole I put the ViVape on Ebay today. The Cloud is all I need. I'm putting the money towards a 65mm Mobius Stereo Matrix. Hopefully the Mivape will come out soon for my portable.
The cloud is the best desktop Vaporizer hands down.
Thank you VapeXhale team for all you hard work. You have another very satisfied customer here.

Love the new avatar! :love:

Does anyone think its possible that there is a difference in vapor/vapor production when the cloud is upside down in a water pipe as oppose to its regular upright position ?

Probably not ? much of a difference, thou from reading there does seem to be a difference when used from piece to piece.
It makes absolutely no difference in the orientation. :spidey:


Banned for life
Due to changing circumstances I unfortunately need to take a break from vaping. Even though I need to part with my beloved Cloud, I just wanted to add something from my past 6 years of vaping exclusively, primarily though all of the arizer line up. The Cloud is seriously a game changer. Mosh said it well just above that this thing hits just like putting flame to a bowl but instead getting the most clean tasting moisture conditioned dense clouds possible.

IMHO no other vaporizer comes close, and i've lost interest for all other vapes. I just can't handle the hot dry vapours on my airways, and the HT's ability to use a small amount of water, and/or ice is just awesome and in my eyes it is absolutely perfect. Although i'm a little saddened to part with my love, after only an 8 week love (lust) affair (fuck the sex was good) i'm looking forward to the longest tolerance break in more than 1/2 a decade. If I come back to the hobby, and we always do lol I'm super looking forward to VXL's lineup and especially an update to the cloud itself in whatever ways, accessories etc.

Kudos again, and again to you guys VXL...looking forward to purchasing your swag and living through my FC Cloud brothas n' sistas.

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