Well, I got this thing. The only thing I keep thinking I can say about it is Holy Shit. Long ass wall of text incoming:
I was thinking about it so much from the second I ordered it I couldn't stop hitting up the VXC website and vaporring trying to track it. I paid for the express shipping and it was worth it-I ordered the morning of the 23rd (2 days ago) and it showed up today so I couldn't be happier.
This thing absolutely dominates any vaporizers I've ever tried-I can say that with confidence after my first bowl. I've been a long time vape-er and until a few days ago owned a volcano for a while. The volcano is awesome in a lot of ways, but it is not the VHC. The volcano requires a good chunk of material to get a decent return-granted I could get about 5-8 bags depending on temp settings from this-but the VXC requires about 1/4 the amount I'd load in a volcano bowl.
First impression on construction was "shit this is heavy", it's got some serious weight behind it. It's a good thing because you know it's solid, but it's definitely not something to just drop into any glass joint on your nice tubes...It definitely feels like something I will be using very gently and carefully; I will also probably hold it in the joint when other people are hitting it. I don't want to call it delicate, as I can see clearly the amount of metal and hard plastic that went into the construction, but I could see someone who's not very careful hitting the glass joint on anything the wrong way and it shattering or it shattering your tube's glass joint. The Hydratube definitely makes a lot of sense in that regard.
As far as function, this thing is epic. As of right now I had a total of 3 rips, the 2 first ones which were pretty weak and then a third that was righteous (I'll explain momentarily).
I turned it on and it took a while to heat up, but I didn't time it, and I was way fucking excited for it so that added to the waiting feeling. It does have a buzz to it, it's not loud but you can definitely hear it if you don't have music or anything else on, it seems that once it heats up it dies down a little bit, and back on when it is heating up again.
I first tried it at the "9 o'clock" position and waited until the light turned greed, then went at it. I've been reading this thread so I ripped it pretty good rather then slowly, and was using the hydracirc tube. I got one of the best tasting vapor rips that I've potentially ever had. I can't describe the difference in the VXC and the Volcano, even with fresh bag and cleaned parts on the volcano it doesn't compare. After my wimpy rip at "9" I figured I'd try the VXC's suggested noon 'sweet spot', so I let it heat up until the light was green again. I ripped the hydracirc and got another sort of wimpy vapor rip, but I haven't had a chance to use it much (3 total rips...) and I'm probably doing it wrong, so don't let that dissuade you from the hydracirc or hydratubes in general. I put it on my SG Natty King downgrid and gave it a rip and it started milking up ridiculously (in a good vapor-y way) like burning a bowl would. I'm one to get a little too medicated too easily so I stopped after a few seconds of watching what I was about to rip, but still got a monster vapor rip. It was fucking awesome. [sidenote, using pretty dried material and ground it once then flipped the grinder upside down to not let it fall onto screen and ground it again for a little bit, so it's pretty ground and dry]
All in all, this thing is fucking awesome. The wait of 2 days was well worth it. If you're on the fence about it because of price or whatever; I was too for a little bit. I used to watch SM55's videos way back when before BM was around and before a lot of people outside Cali had access to pillars and all the crazy glass he did. I saw the VXC idea come about when he posted up somewhere about it way back when, and then was super excited when I saw the thread here and then finally the site actually coming to fruition. I held off mainly because of the price and the fact that I couldn't just get the unit on it's own-I like to try a lot of different glass so I want to mainly use it on tubes I already own. I'm happy the hydratube came with it though, as it will be a great travel piece to take when I take the clouds with me

. I finally just jumped on it and I am extremely satisfied with my purchase.