Welcome Big daddy Vapor.
It sure is a pleasure to see that cheeky avatar on the Hi thread.
I said earlier in the thread the Hi and the MFLB are are like brother and Sister and it is so true.its all I use now on a daily basis.
the Hi is a relatively simple but effective Vape.It will medicate you lightly or knock you off youre feet.there is very little learning curve as such.plug and play.If you ve handled the launch box,the Hi will be a breeze.
I think the unit itself is $140 inc pwr supply.any 12v power supply with a 5.5/2.1 plug will work very well.Alan might do a unit without a pwr supply to keep costs down.I picked up several pwr supplies on ebay for $4 a piece and my unit runs hot on them.there scattered around the house in my shed and lounge.
For stems You should consider get a custom wood stem(perfection) and consider a stainless steel bowl end in case you are like me and drop things.Alan does a glass bowl which you can push on to the wood stem if you prefer to draw through glass.
Iloveboobs is the nipple master(thats a different bowl you can use with the stainless bowl that sits on the heat port and roasts youre herb.Its very nice)
Vaping hole is one of the newer owners and he will share his experiences and his humour

if you ask him nicely.maybe dont
the other stem that you will need is a 14mm gong stem ,one piece full bore and custom made by Alan.It is a beauty and slides into youre female gong.has a built in SS screen
the wait is long but not too long .the design is flawless and safe.trust me on that one.
I look on the Hi as a friend now.i can turn to her every time and in 5 minutes im good to go.
Alan is a great operator and I contact him regular.He never fails to oblige with answers .
My advice is get on the list now and you could pull out later if things d ont work out.the waiting time will allow you to work out the dollar thing so you ll be good to go.I hope you decide to stay here.Would be great to see you involved.
One example of Alans great customer service
If you decide contact Alan to ask to be put on the list
If you want pictures they are here along with some kick ass videos.Or i can forward some pics via email of my setup