Discontinued ThermoVape Evolution


Well-Known Member
I got the 6V kit, are there batteries I can buy somewhere that would be longer-lasting?

No. The ones that come with it are actually state of the art. Don't change a thing, that includes not buying the 'better' version (higher rating, different color) of the same maker.

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Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
I'm looking at getting an extra UFO and wondering what the differences are between the Delrin and the high temperature PTFE month pieces? And what colour is the PTFE?



I'm looking at getting an extra UFO and wondering what the differences are between the Delrin and the high temperature PTFE month pieces? And what colour is the PTFE?


In the same thought process as Pipes here. Did we ever decide if the UFO would cause heat damage to the mouthpieces? I thought that I had seen that sometime earlier during the Non-Insulated Heater core experiments... want to try it but worried about damage to the mouthpiece


Well-Known Member
I think the ptfe (teflon) one is the cream colored mouthpiece, that's the one you want if you are going to use the evolution without the ptfe cover, you will get slight meltage with the delrin ones.

Otherwise any mouthpiece is fine.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Yes, would like to at least have the option to try on the EVO.
Did not see a picture of a cream coloured one?
It's quickly becoming a favourites, as it's perfect for the quick 4-5 hits.
I bet a piece of medical tubing would work great for the heat.


Vaporist Extrordinair
I have found the real problem with the Evolution, it is too damn small! Packed it in a small belt pouch to play frolf this weekend, not knowing the pouch had a small hole in it. We played in a heavy woods with a LOT of undergrowth, and somewhere out there there is a white Evo, packed with deliciousness that will never be used again. I AM SOFA KING BUMMED! Sorry if your screen has my tears on it.


in flavor country
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I think the fault was with the pouch having a hole in it... can't blame the Evo for that. Bummer though. :\


Vaporist Extrordinair
Sorry to hear about your loss, but I think the fault was with the pouch having a hole in it... can't blame the Evo for that. Bummer though. :\
I was just being facetious, no foul on Thermovape, it was my own fault, I should have done a little checking before storing my $60 vape. Looks like I will be ordering a new one, and then tying a 10lb rock to it so I don't lose it again.

Stupid lack of sarcasm font.


Great Scott!
I have found the real problem with the Evolution, it is too damn small! Packed it in a small belt pouch to play frolf this weekend, not knowing the pouch had a small hole in it. We played in a heavy woods with a LOT of undergrowth, and somewhere out there there is a white Evo, packed with deliciousness that will never be used again. I AM SOFA KING BUMMED! Sorry if your screen has my tears on it.

I'd be out there looking my ass off...

Never leave a man down!

Sorry to hear that though. I would like to "formally" suggest the idea of a TV "jumbo" for people who don't give a shit about size in this case, and would also like a large QUALITY cordless vaporizer. Something solo or vaporblunt sized even. I know this is the evo thread, but TV responds in here and I'm just curious if it would even be considered. Now that we have our portable pocket ecigs, what about the large capacity? The batteries are the only thing holding the TV out of some peoples collection. They use the best batteries available now...for the size. Fatten that thing up and make a similar design and I bet you'd have a real winner to go along with the others. Personally I don't own the solo or vapor blunt or any of the other larger cordless vapes because they don't impress me with the design. The TV focuses on doing it safe and right and THEN considering everything else. I can't find that in a larger cordless vape anywhere on the market right now IMO. At least nothing I'd be interested in buying.


I would like to "formally" suggest the idea of a TV "jumbo" for people who don't give a shit about size in this case, and would also like a large QUALITY cordless vaporizer. Something solo or vaporblunt sized even. I know this is the evo thread, but TV responds in here and I'm just curious if it would even be considered. Now that we have our portable pocket ecigs, what about the large capacity? The batteries are the only thing holding the TV out of some peoples collection. They use the best batteries available now...for the size. Fatten that thing up and make a similar design and I bet you'd have a real winner to go along with the others.

x2^ Sign me up for a ThermoVape cordless powerhouse!


I bet a piece of medical tubing would work great for the heat.

ive tried a few different types of high temp silicone and viton tubing as sleeves for my Evo. here are a couple pics. neither are very good, but you get the idea.


after trying different compounds and thicknesses i have found that they dont do much. they get hot right along with the Evo. so really they are no help. to me at least. the only positive other than esthetics was that the end of the tubing worked well to seal the Evo to a Dstem.

so im back to rocking the bare Evo with an oring.


the oring obviously makes a great seal on a Dstem, but also helps your fingers from making their way to the outside of the Evo. plus i think the look of the bare Evo looks great on the TV unit by itself. nicer looking than the Evo's teflon sleeve IMO.


Addicted DIY Enthusiast
Accessory Maker
Sure does look nifty.
Been using a thumb pad myself.
Is there such a thing as a round ended Dstem?
Did not the outer tubing not at least keep the sleeve from been burn hot?
I tried some thick yellowy stuff which did get quite hot but could still touch it. The tip couldn't take it so I went back to standard.


in flavor country
I'm back to standard Evo with a screen at the top of my load, pressing it down just a tad. Keeps the cap clean, and I am getting good hits all the way through. It was fun experimenting, but I am having the same trouble, my O ring on the smoothflow gets really hot, and bonds to the inside of the chamber. I like the screen mod well enough. I have to admit, I've been a little distracted by the new HE TI nail and dome set up I just added to my collection.
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Sure does look nifty.
Been using a thumb pad myself.
Is there such a thing as a round ended Dstem?
Did not the outer tubing not at least keep the sleeve from been burn hot?
I tried some thick yellowy stuff which did get quite hot but could still touch it. The tip couldn't take it so I went back to standard.

yeah the thumb pad has turned out to be a great addition after all. at first i thought that the adhesive would give on the edges and possibly collect dust and stuff, but for whatever reason this has not been a problem. it allows me to run the TV base as long as i can before the outside delrin gets too hot to hold. i thought i would eventually take it off, but now i see it lasting quite a bit longer than expected.

regarding the tubing... i only tried tubing that was available in black. i would imagine that the red/orange extreme high temp stuff may hold the heat off for a tad longer, but would still get too hot to make a difference. the tubing sure can take the heat and do so for a very long time. it just doesnt insulate it long enough to be effective in this application.

and what do you mean about the Dstem?


Is that not what you met about the drip tip in your picture? If not, what size of tip is that? I like the rounded end.

ahhh i see. no i remove the mouth piece in the pic and let the oring seal the Dstem.

when i was using the tubing i would also remove the mouth piece, but the end of the tubing would seal the Dstem.


what did you use for the thumb pad? Clicker?

i used some adhesive backed rubber... neoprene i believe. had it laying around. however im thinking that some adhesive backed foam sheets could be even better.

i cant seem to find the part number of the stuff im using now... :doh:

which makes me wonder... how hot does the outside of the battery sleeve get when on full blast...?


Well-Known Member
So, I just posted some preliminary testing stuff on the Pipes Power Adapter for the T1 I just did. I also used his adapter to couple the 6 Volt, 3.3 Amp supply from Jameco to the Evolution (and also Revolution and DART). It works great!

Owners might want to go read about it and consider getting one???



Word to the wise for e-cig vapers out there, the evo can get very hot and if your mod isn't designed for the kind of heat it puts out, things can melt. Like the center pin bushing on a 510 connector... I would not stick one on a v1 Lava Tube, their top caps and atty connectors are known to be flaky with normal e-liquid vaping use, an evo would destroy it in no time!

I thought my REO Grand would be indestructible but that happened. No fault of the evo though, it's a pretty impressive little unit. Note: It took quite a few sessions before that bushing failed but now that I know it can happen I'll be looking at something that was designed to take the heat it can put out. (and getting my REO repaired :-P)

I'm with you guys on the longer warm-up times, totally. 10 seconds seemed incredibly optimistic after some actual use.

What impressed me was how effective it is once good and hot! It makes average schwag suddenly and dramatically much more effective.

TLDR: Evo hot, normal e-cig connectors can easily melt. I love it anyway. Vaping rocks.
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Well-Known Member
I'm with you guys on the longer warm-up times, totally. 10 seconds seemed incredibly optimistic after some actual use.

What impressed me was how effective it is once good and hot! It makes average schwag suddenly and dramatically much more effective.

I think this is the key to the castle. The core needs to store the heat for the hit ahead of time or you're caught waiting on heat production. It's a bit of a waste at first, but it's only electricity and you'll quickly learn to get the most out of the charge once you understand the heat issues.

When in doubt, let it run a bit more.

Good warning about 'lesser supplies'. I think the TV units make excellent choices.....almost like they were made for each other.....

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