OK so ive used the cloud for about 3 sessions since i got it in my hands late monday night heres how it arrived freaking wrapped like it was ready to be dropped off a building(or skyscraper)
the cloud and hydracirc were in perfect condition cosmetically the splash guard is cut a lil bad but hey its functional and good looking thats what matters most im not gonna hold it to toro or sg standards but im just being realistic it does what its meant to do and looks good doing it
Now as far as the cloud itself im a lil bummed it doesnt work with all my glass pieces being as some glass has the gong joint being close to the tube likes lets say on my new hops tube

i picked up for 4/20 but this can be remedied by a male to female 90* or 45* adapter and k-clip for security lol so no biggie here it is paired with my sov mini bent neck
now for some opinions on the stuff people are complaining about yesssss it ticks who cares i mostly sesh late night after work (get home at 330am most nights) with my girl sleeping next to me yes the tick was noticable at first but once i started using it i kind of forgot but was reminded in between bowl packs but def not crazy annoying and i can live with no biggie
as far as heat i haven't experienced the crazy heating up but my unit has gone cold a few times without warning but its been cold and rainy last few nights so understandable
no leaking anywhere on the HT and unit is overall sturdy
this thing is def living up to all the hype dialed in around 930 (12 is too high in my opinion) i get 4-5 clouds out of it then a few airy but tasty ones and the air flow is ridiculous clouds fill the piece immediately and effortlessly and let me tell you guys my tolerance is up there and this thing had me dummmmmmm after the initial sesh my body was def not ready and im a daily VHW vaporist and just so u know i retired my vhw its wrapped and in the closet until i have a vaping emergency with my new DAILY DRIVER THE VAPEXHALEmutherrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfnnnnnnCLOUD!!!!!