Arizer Solo 3


This might be off-topic, but I'm facing an issue. I got used to the Solo 3 very quickly.
Initially, vaping 0.2g hit me hard, so I took a break for a few days.
Upon resuming, I vaped 1g daily for five days in a row. However, on the sixth day, vaping the XL stem (approximately 0.6g) produced little to no effect, the high was very weak. Given my typically low tolerance, this rapid increase within five days seems unusual. Is this possible? I don't recall a similar experience with the Air Max.
I'm aiming to vape about three times a week, consuming roughly 2.5-3 gr in total, rather than vaping daily.


Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I know tolerance is relative, vaping a gram a day is on the higher side of the average user, is my guess. You might want to take a longer T-break, if you are able to. Maybe a month to reset, then start at .25 to .5 grams a day.


Okay, thank you. I'm coming from a month's break. I'm considering taking a two-week break, after which I'll reduce the quantities.

Also, the XL stem is not 0.6g. You can pack in about 0.3g max (from memory) and that is hard to draw.

Was this all with the same weed?
XL stem is 0.6 gr according to Arizer.
Yes, same weed. It was Sweet Gelato Auto, first time I've tried it.
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Maybe not the oldest, but possibly the fartiest!
I found one site that says the XL tube has a capacity of .6g, but let's be real, you have to pack it pretty tight to get that. Also, I would assume the density of the buds would affect this. I think we can agree that the XL is double the capacity of the standard tube, and how much we can fit in the tube is dependent on variables that are different for different people (grind, density, pack level).

From what I can see, there's no capacity by weight shown on the Arizer page for the XL tube, which makes sense. Packed lightly, as recommended in the Solo 3 manual, I'll bet .3 or .4 is more realistic.

From the manual: Put some coarsely ground botanicals in a small container then gently push and slightly twist the glass stem into the container to fill the dish. Do not press too hard or pack too tightly.

POTV's review of the Solo 3 says the standard tube can hold .1 to .2 grams. So it follows the XL capacity would be .2-.4g
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Big and Bouncy
Perhaps your scale is faulty, this happens quite often.
I doubt Arizer is telling bullshit.
No, 0.6g is way off. I agree with @chillAtGVC that the maximum the XL bowl might hold is 0.3g and that is generous. I think it's realistically closer to 0.25g. I don't have a scale but recently I was out of the house with the S3 and a friend of mine gave me a 0.3g pre-roll to empty into my vape as I had run out of ground flower. I could almost fit the whole thing but decided not to pack it so tight so it's likely realistically less than 0.3g.

A regular dynavap tip is slightly less than 0.1g fully packed for reference, and I know that I could never fit six dynavap bowls in one Solo 3 XL bowl.


Hi mate, it holds exactly 2 and a half tightly packed of the small stem, so if the small one holds 0.2g the large one holds 0.5g and there are 2 millimeters left empty.
If the small stem doesn't fit 0.2 grams, then I don't understand why Arizer would be misleading. There is no cost to manufacturing a larger capacity stem.
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Well-Known Member
Purely in the interests of science, I pulled out some weed and packed the XL stem, then dug it out and weighed it. It was 0.2g. This was weed from back in June and one the dry and hence light side. If you have some very fresh, resinous weed, I can see getting in 0.25 and 0.3g. Any more than that and it is going to be hard to impossible to draw. My usage nightly amount is 0.5 - 0.6g. Even in my early days of packing the stem way too tight, and having to suck rather than inhale, I never got through that in less than two stems.


Everyone says the small stem holds 0.2g, so what I did makes sense. In the end, it really does hold 0.5g tightly. Βut I haven't vaped it yet to tell you if you have to suck it rather than inhale it.
Anyway, even if you're right, at least the extraction is very fast and so it doesn't create a big problem if you do two sessions one after the other.


Big and Bouncy
Everyone says the small stem holds 0.2g, so what I did makes sense. In the end, it really does hold 0.5g tightly. Βut I haven't vaped it yet to tell you if you have to suck it rather than inhale it.
Anyway, even if you're right, at least the extraction is very fast and so it doesn't create a big problem if you do two sessions one after the other.
Sometimes manufacturers inflate the numbers because it costs them really nothing to do so and people like seeing bigger numbers in specs like bowl size. Even if it wouldn't cost them much at all to increase the bowl size to 0.6g, that bowl would be physically too tall for the oven and wouldn't cook well.

People may say the small Arizer bowl is 0.2g but based on my own experience and that of others, I estimate the small bowl at around 0.12-0.15g and the XL bowl at 0.25-0.3g max.



I'm also in the majority, as I wanted a vaporizer with at least a 0.5g capacity. Your point makes sense, though, and I hope I don't regret my decision.
It's unbelievable how quickly my tolerance increased with such small amounts. I don't recall ever having a similar experience when smoking weed. I could smoke for up to 20 days in a row without any noticeable decline in effect, but that's a topic for another discussion.


Big and Bouncy

I'm also in the majority, as I wanted a vaporizer with at least a 0.5g capacity. Your point makes sense, though, and I hope I don't regret my decision.
It's unbelievable how quickly my tolerance increased with such small amounts. I don't recall ever having a similar experience when smoking weed. I could smoke for up to 20 days in a row without any noticeable decline in effect, but that's a topic for another discussion.
Yeah, how to maintain a low or steady tolerance is tricky and there's a lot of good discussion about it on here. It's easy to have your tolerance skyrocket if you let it. I had a nice convo about it recently here

It's easy to forget that when vaping, "small amounts" aren't really that small as far as THC dosage because vaping is many times more efficient than smoking. Vaping 0.2g efficiently could be equivalent to smoking an 1g joint. I know that for myself, I only vape about 1/4 of the amount of flower I used to smoke.
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Well-Known Member
I'm also in the majority, as I wanted a vaporizer with at least a 0.5g capacity.
I wanted that as well, but I have yet to see a battery operated DHV with that large of a capacity. The larger oven size would seem to require more power (happy to be proven wrong) which would require a larger battery or more frequent changes. I decided in the end that the technology was not there yet and content myself with 2 (er, or more) loads of easy to draw vapes.


Big and Bouncy
I wanted that as well, but I have yet to see a battery operated DHV with that large of a capacity. The larger oven size would seem to require more power (happy to be proven wrong) which would require a larger battery or more frequent changes. I decided in the end that the technology was not there yet and content myself with 2 (er, or more) loads of easy to draw vapes.
Actually I have a DaVinci IQ2 and I honestly think its bowl really is about 0.5g. It's a pretty good tasting vape but it's underpowered for the bowl size, as you pointed out. Since it's purely a conduction vape you have to pack it tight to have it function well and even then, it doesn't seem to extract well enough for me but because the bowl is so large, it's a nice sipper. Chews through flower quickly though.
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I'm not an expert on technical issues like battery life, but a couple of weeks ago when I was looking, I saw several models with more than 0.5g capacity. I was ready to buy the DaVinci IQ3 which has a 0.7g capacity, but the shopkeeper told me that he has a lot of returns for it but none for the s3, so he convinced me.

Actually I have a DaVinci IQ2 and I honestly think its bowl really is about 0.5g. It's a pretty good tasting vape but it's underpowered for the bowl size, as you pointed out. Since it's purely a conduction vape you have to pack it tight to have it function well and even then, it doesn't seem to extract well enough for me but because the bowl is so large, it's a nice sipper. Chews through flower quickly though.
To tell you the truth, the Solo 3 in on demand mode is a bit underpowered. I have to heat it up for at least 30 seconds in session mode and another 15 seconds with the herb before I can get any vapor.


Big and Bouncy
I'm not an expert on technical issues like battery life, but a couple of weeks ago when I was looking, I saw several models with more than 0.5g capacity. I was ready to buy the DaVinci IQ3 which has a 0.7g capacity, but the shopkeeper told me that he has a lot of returns for it but none for the s3, so he convinced me.
I can't speak for the IQ3 but I'm happy with the S3 😊

Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
To tell you the truth, the Solo 3 in on demand mode is a bit underpowered. I have to heat it up for at least 30 seconds in session mode and another 15 seconds with the herb before I can get any vapor.

Honestly that does not sound right for S3, depending on other variables, anyway the issue with large bowls in many vapes is they are not extracted well then, typically you need a larger desktop type vape to achieve more efficient results with larger amounts


@Shit Snacks
You say that there is no need to preheat in on demand mode even with the small stem? Then maybe I have a defective vaporizer or I packed too tight. In the session it works fine though and it extracts very quick.
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Shit Snacks

Milaana. Lana. LANA. LANAAAA! (TM2/TP80/BAK/FW9)
@Shit Snacks
You say that there is no need to preheat in on demand mode even with the small stem? Then maybe I have a defective atomizer or I packed too tight. In the session it works fine though and it extracts very quick.

Yeah it would depend on your time and temp settings too, but it is pretty quick, I actually typically let it heat up, and then draw though since it retains heat so well... (don't think atomizer is the correct term here, so I would just not be specific as to what is the issue)


Well-Known Member
In terms of tolerance and the S3...I noticed my tolerance getting upped fairly quickly by using the XL a number of nights in a row. I also found that I started reaching more and more for my stronger strains (usually have at least 5 or more available).

I did not enjoy pushing to these higher tolerance limits. So what works perfectly for me, and maybe this will help you, on work nights, I only use a single dynavap. Once the weekend hits, I use the S3 with an XL bowl (at least). I find doing this, my tolerance waxes and wanes really in sync with how much I want to consume during the week and weekends. I also have different strains of varying potency. I use that also as a tool for balancing out my tolerance and making sure on the weekends I'm having a really nice experience and during the week I still get something, but def not too much. I prefer this better than quitting/starting etc.

Hope this gives another angle for you. Enjoy.


Big and Bouncy
@Shit Snacks
I just tested it and I got a good amount of vapor on the first puff without preheating. The issue was that I was packing it too tightly.
Good news. I find the best way to know if you've packed it too tightly is to try drawing through it before putting in in the oven. If it feels constricted, it's too tight and will just be worse when it's in the S3. You didn't mention whether you're using the stems with the glass screens that came with the S3 or not.

For even better airflow, I prefer to use 3rd party hi-flow metal screened stems instead of the ones with the glass holes since they get clogged really easily.
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