The Lotus Vaporizer


Well-Known Member
yeah i like the color … it works great with the lotus but the stirrer gets in the way … my og lotus doesn’t have the stirrer so i'm using it for now … i know you can remove the stirrer i just haven’t done it to any of my new lotus’s
That's a good point - I always forget about that little stir stick until I have the Lotus in my hands lol. Could use an adapter I guess? It's a shame, it's at a perfect height for torching in it's current position.

Harrier Du Bois

Revachol Citizens Militia
That's a good point - I always forget about that little stir stick until I have the Lotus in my hands lol. Could use an adapter I guess? It's a shame, it's at a perfect height for torching in it's current position.
You should be able to pull the stirring-stick out with pliers. It’s a non-destructive operation.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, hopefully someone has an answer for this. I've been searching for a no wood in the airpath butane device with the thinking that every other wood one I've tried I have a bad reaction to the wood. But as of last night I found out that the wood was never the culprit, it's the butane that's been causing the reaction. This was a massive crushing blow to using such awesome devices.

So now that I finally have it squared away what's been bothering me I'm wondering if I could use something like this? Is there anyone who's sensitive to butane that could answer this a little better than someone who isn't? I'll still take anyone's best guess answer though. You just heat the top plate, with absolutely no butane in the airpath, is this correct?


Well-Known Member
Accessory Maker
So now that I finally have it squared away what's been bothering me I'm wondering if I could use something like this? Is there anyone who's sensitive to butane that could answer this a little better than someone who isn't? I'll still take anyone's best guess answer though. You just heat the top plate, with absolutely no butane in the airpath, is this correct?
this is correct. The air intake holes on the Lotus are on the underside of the device, so they're not in contact with the butane coming over the top plate.


Well-Known Member
There are some recommended Butane brands that claim Zero Impurities. The list changes every few years, as brands become more careless.
Right now about the best is likely Newport
This is the one recommended by Iolite for use with their vapes. It is also the one top chefs use in their kitchens.
Thanks, I think this post was for me. Yeah I've only ever used ones that have zero impurities. I've used Newport, Vector and another one I think starts with a C. They make me want to vomit, just a nasty nasty ass taste that my body doesn't seem to like one bit.


Team Hash
Hey guys, hopefully someone has an answer for this. I've been searching for a no wood in the airpath butane device with the thinking that every other wood one I've tried I have a bad reaction to the wood. But as of last night I found out that the wood was never the culprit, it's the butane that's been causing the reaction. This was a massive crushing blow to using such awesome devices.

So now that I finally have it squared away what's been bothering me I'm wondering if I could use something like this? Is there anyone who's sensitive to butane that could answer this a little better than someone who isn't? I'll still take anyone's best guess answer though. You just heat the top plate, with absolutely no butane in the airpath, is this correct?
I never got to grips with my Sticky Brick, I’d regularly taste the butane despite the fact that most folks here don’t. I can only assume that it’s some kind of sensitivity, but it’s definitely there.

I steer away from direct draw butane vapes but never had such an issue with the Lotus. It’s a fantastic vape, go for it


Well-Known Member
I steer away from direct draw butane vapes but never had such an issue with the Lotus. It’s a fantastic vape, go for it
Wow, I never heard anyone else on here that also tastes it. The taste that I taste is just flat out disgusting. It's too bad, I really think Brick style vaping is my favorite, I just love the power YOU control over your hit, so this is a major loss for me. Loved your comment, thanks alot.


They make me want to vomit

Yeah that was my experience with direct draw butane vapes, like I was about to puke. I had designed and commissioned a really unique one too, essentially impossible to combust with and made from 100% glass so I could truly eliminate wood as a plausible irritant.

By far some of the best flavor I ever had in a vape though.
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Sour Dream

Blue Dream enthusiast
Nothing AFAIK, it's a shame as I love my lotus on the black stem. You might be able to pick one up second-hand though.

@Vitolo +1 on using Newport gas, definitely the best IMO.
Yeah I hope, they are still planning on making them. The glass is cool but I feel like the black stem is iconic.

I bought a wood pipe for this like 7 months ago but haven’t been to my house to pick it up


Well-Known Member
I also never got on with the taste of butane with direct draw devices.
Yeah that was my experience with direct draw butane vapes, like I was about to puke.
Damn, where have all you people been, lol. It's taken me a few years and ALOT of wasted money continuously thinking it was the wood.

This is going to sound disgusting to people.....especially invertedisdead because I know you like your stuff pure as can be............but I've spent the entire last year pulling resin from all my vapes and coating the entire inside of my O'Connell Bong Sook Shin. I bought 316 Stainless Steel pliable shim stock sheets and put that over the resin and now I'm on the last leg of putting a coating back over the steel. And by coating, I mean thick so you can't see anything whatsoever underneath. And then I bought some glass to go over that for the oven. This was by far away the worst butane device to do this project on because it has so many nooks and crannies, and shelves, and curves. But it hits like a dream. And I was 1,000 percent sure this would work and was so so so sooooooooo looking forward to having a direct draw back in my line up.

Whenever I finished it, I was never sure if I was gonna post pics of it or not. It's not a pretty picture, it looks like the Exxon Valdez oil spill, lol.

This is something I really love about the lotus too, it's very agile!
Funny, I never really considered the Lotus before because I didn't really think it could do that. I thought it was limited on the top end and was more of a flavor chaser so I never bought one. But now I have no choice, the decision has kindly been made for me, so I guess I'll have to see for myself what it can do and just be thankful I can use it at all.
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