Induction Heater MAD Heaters - Innovative Dynavap Accessories


Unknown member
i actually like disassembling and re-assembling the Revolve. The gen 1.5 even more.
Because it all fits so perfectly smooth it's kinda satisfying to hear/feel everything fall into place!

But maybe i'm just a sucker for things like that...


Take My Money Dammit!
i actually like disassembling and re-assembling the Revolve. The gen 1.5 even more.
Because it all fits so perfectly smooth it's kinda satisfying to hear/feel everything fall into place!

But maybe i'm just a sucker for things like that...
If you start timing yourself blindfolded assembling and disassembling them I'll start to worry. Not really, I too love the precision feel of everything coming together. The snap of the mouthpiece to condenser is money.


AKA Probeer
Hey ... Pssst, @Brenyo ...


Though while I impatiently wait those last few days, some more silly tiny questions, if you're not too busy and/or bothered;

- will the sense have a glass heating cup thingy thats open on both sides, or just one?
- got some more pics of the wood you can and want to share?
- how are the wood bodies finished? some resin? Wax?
- they have a titanium liner? Or SS?
- would you consider also making wooden mouthpieces?


AKA Probeer
If you start timing yourself blindfolded assembling and disassembling them I'll start to worry. Not really, I too love the precision feel of everything coming together. The snap of the mouthpiece to condenser is money.

"This is my Revolve! There are many Revolves, but this one is mine! My Revolve is my best friend! It is my life! I must master it as I must master my life! Without me my Revolve is useless. Without my Revolve, I am useless ..."


But yeah, I also really like that mp+tube clicks into the intercooler snap.


Well-Known Member
- will the sense have a glass heating cup thingy thats open on both sides, or just one?
- got some more pics of the wood you can and want to share?
- how are the wood bodies finished? some resin? Wax?
- they have a titanium liner? Or SS?
- would you consider also making wooden mouthpieces?

-I'm not 100% sure about glass yet and yes you'll likely be able to use it similarly to a wand with both sides open with a little modification.

-I should be getting pictures of the wood sleeves later today from the manufacturer.
-They're just waxed, unfinished.
-SS liner for now, Ti needed a huge order qty unfortunately.
-We made a few of them but they don't look great because of the extra thickness needed. It's possible to make them slimmer but it has to be built together with the airflow tube. So it's possible 🙂


AKA Probeer
-I'm not 100% sure about glass yet and yes you'll likely be able to use it similarly to a wand with both sides open with a little modification.
-I should be getting pictures of the wood sleeves later today from the manufacturer.
-They're just waxed, unfinished.

-SS liner for now, Ti needed a huge order qty unfortunately.
Totally understandable.

-We made a few of them but they don't look great because of the extra thickness needed. It's possible to make them slimmer but it has to be built together with the airflow tube. So it's possible 🙂
*makes mental note to order an extra airflow tube* Sounds like a nice Christmas holiday DIY project.
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Well-Known Member
Still planning a choice of carbon fiber insert instead of the glass?
No, CF is not an option anymore. I’m trying to think of a new approach 🙂

So it's Tuesday :) Will the pre-order start today? If no could you give a more realistic timeframe?
Not today. Still waiting for proper pictures :(
The wood parts were just finished, they still have to be selected out, waxed and adding the liners to the good ones.

Rainbow stems are also almost done, hopefully tomorrow and fingers crossed there are no issues.

Once I can post pictures of both we can start the pre-order and the stock should be on the way to me within a few days which will hopefully only take a week to arrive.
I’m a lot quicker with preparing the parcels now so they should be on the way fairly quickly. :D

Wood sleeves will be £39 £29 / ~28$ during pre-order
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Well-Known Member
The wood parts were just finished, they still have to be selected out, waxed and adding the liners to the good ones.

Once I can post pictures of both we can start the pre-order and the stock should be on the way to me within a few days which will hopefully only take a week to arrive.

Wood sleeves will be £39 £29 / ~28$ during pre-order
So stoked to try these with the Anvil stem adapter. Wooden stem + Revolve cooling is gonna be nuts.

Don Chjun

So anyone knows which finish pairs better with an anvil? Polished titanium or mirror polished? Will it help me to RTL natively?
Don Chjun,


Well-Known Member
So anyone knows which finish pairs better with an anvil? Polished titanium or mirror polished? Will it help me to RTL natively?
The mirror polished is like the MP of the Anvil, chrome looking finish. The bowl section has a finish that we don't use, I'd say it's probably closest to the normal polished.

Yes, you should be able to use it natively no problem. It gives a good kick for sure but the vapor is not too hot at all - however the stem will get hot so I'd recommend the glass or the wood sleeve. I use the Thermal Accumulator (by Phattpiggie) without SCU which is just as powerful.
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Well-Known Member
Some of the rainbow sleeves:

Unfortunately we had an issue with the rainbows last minute and have to make new airflow tubes for them.
I'll likely start the pre-order in a couple days anyway but the rainbows will ship ~ 2 weeks later.

Wood sleeves are now on the website.

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I'm getting an error from VivaWallet:

"OrdersOrderCodeNotFound: Order with code 0 was not found"

EDIT: An Incognito window fixed it. must be a cache issue from me checking the site every day lol. Order in! Got a brushed revolve gen 2, wood sleeve, a reload, and mini pot!
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Well-Known Member
Order placed, thank you!

GBP to CAD was a really rough exchange rate, happy that this is a Christmas gift to me from my brother :lol:


Well-Known Member
Ah missed the freeglass coupon :/ But there's one in the pre-order included right? Can't wait to try it out!


Finally the long wait is over, I just placed my order. Cant wait to get the revolve 2 in my hands and compare it to my gen 1 :D. I got a nice 7-fin tip which I will put on it. Thanks for the discount codes ;D

lol oh jeez I didn't even open the newsletter I just saw the subject on the email and went straight to the website.

Looks like you can't use the coupon codes on just the glass tube without a revolve also in the cart so I can't add it to my pre order. bummer.
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